
Chapter 925


Niu Kui was very tired, and complained repeatedly: "You are too heavy, you can't blame me for not working hard!"

"You bastard!"

Ao Qianmiao raised her brows upside down, and slapped the big black cow on the back with her jade hands, instantly hitting Niu Kui staggering, almost falling off the cloud.


Niu Kui was so angry that his eyes widened, but he didn't dare to speak back, for fear that Ao Qianmiao would give him another blow.

In the rear, Zhang Wenyuan led the Shence Army and rushed all the way without stopping for half a step, but they couldn't even see the shadows of those three.

The deputy general caught up and said worriedly: "Commander, those three are acting perversely, aren't they?"

Some unreliable?

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Wenyuan glanced at him and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, I will trust Your Highness!"

The lieutenant pouted.

He didn't say that he didn't trust the eldest prince, but the reputation of the eldest princess of Fengyang is really hard to describe, and I still have lingering fears!

However, he looked at Commander Shun's expression, and finally dared not speak again.

"Put away your thoughts!"

Zhang Wenyuan scolded: "Not far ahead is the Manchu tribe. This tribe is so powerful that even women, old and young can't be treated with common sense. It must not be underestimated!"

The lieutenant general's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly responded loudly: "Yes, this subordinate obeys orders!"

The Chiman tribe is one of the five great tribes in the wilderness. They use the bloody fangs of wild beasts as their totems, and the entire tribe is extremely powerful.

If it wasn't for their lack of power and the lack of patterns, they might have become the largest tribe in the wilderness, and they would dominate the wilderness.

Moreover, although their ranking among the five major tribes is relatively low, their combat power must not be underestimated.

Moreover, this ethnic group has a violent temperament and is extremely aggressive. Once they are entangled, it is impossible to get out, let alone kill them.

Fortunately, all the warriors of the barbaric tribe have come out, leaving only the old and the weak, otherwise, a dust battle will be inevitable!

However, even so, no one knows if there are any old monsters alive in this tribe.

After all, it is one of the five great tribes in the wild, so it cannot be taken lightly.

Zhang Wenyuan pondered for a moment, and then warned: "Remember, once you find something unusual, evacuate immediately, don't want to fight!"


All the generals agree.

As they got closer and closer to the barbarian tribe, everyone gradually slowed down and remained vigilant at all times.

Finally, a huge ravine appeared ahead, stretching thousands of feet.

The interior of the ravine is full of stone pillars, shaped like giant stone pillars, faintly revealing a simple and boundless charm.

And here is the famous natural barrier - wild valley!

"Stop advancing, camp where you are!"

Zhang Wenyuan shouted loudly: "Send a scout, first check the truth!"


Soon, the sentries dispersed, and groups of soldiers jumped off their mounts and lined up to stand by.

"Pass down the order, everyone is on alert!"

Zhang Wenyuan just gave an order to prepare to set up camp.

Unexpectedly, an astonishing loud noise suddenly came from ahead!

"Boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by earth-shattering explosions, the ground trembled violently.

Zhang Wenyuan and others hurriedly looked over, only to see dust flying in the distance, smoke soaring into the sky, and stone pillars as high as [-] meters collapsed and shattered, dancing all over the sky.

"No, there are changes ahead!" Zhang Wenyuan's expression changed dramatically.

The wild wild valley is a natural moat, blocking the way of the wild tribes to the outer domain, and at the same time it is also a fortification, which is unmatched.

There are a hundred of these stone pillars, each of which is a hundred feet long and more than ten feet in diameter, and is made of the hardest blue rock.

Slashing with an ordinary sword will not leave any traces except for splashing sparks, which can be called invulnerable.

At this time, the hundred giant stone pillars broke and collapsed.

For a moment, the landslides and the ground cracked, and the smoke and dust billowed, as if the doomsday had come!

"Go, go ahead and have a look!"

Without hesitation, Zhang Wenyuan led the Shence Army to the front.

In the depths of the barren ravine, there is already a mess.

A large number of people of the barbarian tribe were involved in the battlefield and fled around.

Those who bear the brunt are those old, weak, sick and disabled!

These barbaric people are ordinary civilians or slaves who were abandoned in the mountains and forests. They lack weapons and low combat power, so they are vulnerable to a single blow.

At this time, large groups of barbarian people fled frantically, with panicked expressions.

Zhang Wenyuan was puzzled, and hurriedly gathered his mana in his eyes, looking far away.

But behind these savage people fleeing in panic, a huge black bull is galloping towards them!

From far away, I heard the wanton laughter of the big black cow: "Hahaha, don't run faster, be careful that the old cow eats you!"

It stands to reason that there is nothing terrible about a cow, the people of the barbarian tribe, which one is not a heroic warrior!

However, if this cow not only soars through the clouds and rides the fog, but also breathes fire from its mouth, the most important thing is that it is over a hundred feet tall, and every time it steps down with a hoof, a stone pillar will break.

This is a bit too scary!

What's more, its hair is black and shiny, its skin is rough and its flesh is thick. When a sword is cut on its body, it doesn't even leave a trace of white marks. It's like copper skin and iron bones!

You must know that these swords are not ordinary weapons, each one is the spiritual material for forging magic weapons, and is given the power of patterns by wizards, which is not far from the magic weapons of ordinary monks.

In some ways, even better!

However, for Juniu, it has nothing to do with tickling.

At this time, the huge black bull was galloping wildly, trampling towards the people of the Chiman tribe.

Wherever it passed, the ground was cracked inch by inch, and gravel flew, forming large pits one after another.


The giant black bull let out an extremely excited roar, appearing carefree.

Around it, there are hordes of barbarian people fleeing frantically.

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