
Chapter 921 Ants Can Shake the Sky!

Facing Yuechen's pre-war admonition, all the soldiers responded in unison: "Swear allegiance to my emperor to the death!"

At this moment, all the soldiers were excited and excited.

At this moment, a dark horse with wings on its back galloped from a distance.


When they got close, the soldiers immediately got off their horses and knelt down towards the tower.

Yuechen frowned, and shouted: "Quickly say it!"

"Reporting to the eldest prince, there has been a change in the barbarians, and the tribes are dispatching troops and generals to the border!"


Yuechen snorted coldly and was about to speak.

Li Mingyu's voice suddenly came from below: "Prince, the last general is begging for orders, and is willing to lead troops to rush to surprise the barbarian vanguard!"

Yuechen took a deep look at him, and then at the calm and composed Duke Zhen, with a slight twitch of his mouth: "Sure!"

"The commander's decree!"

Li Mingyu took the token and immediately retreated to gather the troops.

For this expedition, since the barbarians already knew that they would send troops, they had already prepared for it.

So this battle is by no means easy!


None of this matters!

He just needs to grasp the opportunity in front of him, that's enough!


There were bursts of iron hoofs, and smoke and dust billowed.

Li Mingyu rode his horse and swung his whip, and galloped all the way forward.

He looked back at the thousands of cavalry rushing out like a tide behind him, and his heart was full of pride.

"Boys! Follow me to kill the enemy!"

"As ordered!"


The deafening roar resounded through the sky, and more than a thousand knights roared away like a torrent, and disappeared at the end of the boundless wilderness in an instant.

At the same time, there are cadres falling.

Yougan patriarch stood on the high platform, looking down at the densely packed crowd at his feet.

On his left and right sides, stood a dozen or so burly men.

They were all wearing silver armor, with a ferocious wolf head pattern drawn on their chests.

In their hands, they also carried heavy shields and sharp axes, exuding a cold and murderous aura.

The head of the Yougan clan looked at the densely packed crowd below, and said with a sad and heavy expression: "According to the joint investigation of several major tribes, our king has fallen, and some of my cadres have fallen, and we will usher in an unprecedented crisis!"


"Revenge for my king!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

The barbarians of some cadre tribes were so angry that they raised their heads and roared.


Patriarch Yougan put his hands down, and said: "This time calling you here is a joint decision of all the major tribes. Every tribe must choose a son to go to the war. Please, for our wives, children and children, we must win this battle! "

"For the sake of cadres and our people, let's go!"

Following the patriarch's order, more than [-] cavalry quickly lined up, and then flew out.

Their goal is Dingjiang City!

The head of the Qian clan led the army to attack Dingjiang City, and the other tribes also made movements one after another.

For a time, all the barbarians raised their troops and completely stood on the opposite side of Da Zhou.

The one who is most happy about these changes is naturally the Hehuan Sect.


Empress Yumei, the suzerain of the Hehuan Sect, laughed loudly. She stretched out her slender index finger covered with red Kodan, and gently stroked the string of crystal clear green spirit beads on her snow-white neck.

"Sure enough, Heaven helped me!"

Empress Yumei raised her head and laughed loudly: "It's time for Great Zhou to perish!"

A pretty female disciple stood beside her and asked, "Your Majesty, when shall we do it?"

Empress Yumei slowly restrained her smile: "Naturally, the troops are dispatched at this time, and there is no delay! I want to see how Da Zhou will deal with the attack from both sides!"

After a pause, Empress Yumei continued to order: "Send a few good men to keep an eye on the movements of those barbarians, remember, don't hurt your life!"

"Subordinates obey!"

Empress Yumei nodded, then licked her red lips again, showing a fascinated look: "I really can't wait."

Great Zhou Palace.


Yue Yin's real body suddenly appeared, and he raised his voice and said: "I tell my emperor, the barbarians have sent troops, and all the tribes have participated in the battle. As the vanguard officer, the son of Zhen Guogong has already gone to meet the enemy."

"How is the movement of the Shence Army?"

Zhou Huang asked without raising his head, and his subordinates did not stop reviewing the memorial.

"The eldest prince ordered the Shence Army to go deep into the interior of the wilderness, raid the major tribes, and go straight to their lairs!"

The more hidden back.

"Well, that's a good idea!"

There was a smile on the corner of Emperor Zhou's mouth. Seeing that Yue Yin hadn't left yet, he couldn't help raising his eyes and said, "What else is there?"

"According to the report from the spies, the Hehuan Sect has gathered people and intends to start a full-scale war with us!"

The more hidden and unhurried way.

"Acacia sect!"

Emperor Zhou's expression turned cold, and he sneered: "Could it be that bitch Yumei, who wants to be the founding emperor of the country, can't the rooster sit in the morning?"

After that, he gritted his teeth and snorted: "With my emperor here, don't even think about it!"

Immediately, he sent an order: "Call the national teacher to come see me!"

Not long after, Shen Gongbao appeared in the Zhaoyuan Hall, and bowed his head: "Infinite Heavenly Venerable, I don't know why the emperor preached the poor way, so why?"

Zhou Huang squinted his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "The national teacher is well informed, and he must have known about the movements of the Hehuan Sect. I don't know what countermeasures to take?"

"Pindao is indeed aware of the situation."

Shen Gongbao didn't hide anything, and said with a smile: "Most of the Hehuan Sect's troops are members of the cultivation world. Although they are all cultivated, they are stragglers. They have not been trained, so it is not difficult to defeat!"


Emperor Zhou became interested, dropped the imperial brush in his hand, and said, "I would like to hear the details!"

Shen Gongbao twirled his beard slightly, he couldn't help feeling a little proud.

He received great courtesy in this Great Zhou Dynasty, not to mention how comfortable he was.

With the face of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, at this time, she also wanted to really do something for Da Zhou.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, have you ever heard the saying that ants can shake the sky?"

Shen Gongbao had a strange look in his eyes, and he said this sentence.

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