
Chapter 920 They are too much!

After a lot of encouragement and brainwashing, bah, after mobilization, the Shence Army set off again to the battlefield with an uncertain future.

Going deep into the interior of the wilderness, it is said to be a surprise attack, but it is actually no different from sending one to death.

Although Zhang Wenyuan was a little uncertain, the emperor's order cannot be violated, so he had to hold his nose and accept the order.

Fortunately, the First Prince was not that unkind, and sent a helper to accompany him.

Thinking of Niu Kui and the other three in the team, especially with Ao Qianmiao, the eldest princess of Fengyang, he felt much more at ease.

Zhang Wenyuan led the Shence Army on the front foot and set off, heading straight to the hinterland of the wilderness. On the back foot, Duke Zhen arrived with the left and right armies.

Like Zhang Wenyuan, Lord Zhen Guo also did not dare to neglect Yue Chen, and immediately dismounted to salute.

"Minister Li Qingcang, pay homage to His Royal Highness the First Prince!"

Duke Zhen didn't dare to rely on the old to sell the old, and he was very angry when he spoke.

With a flash, Yuechen went down the tower and landed in front of the army.

He supported Duke Zhen with both hands, and said with a smile: "You don't need to be too polite, and let the army be stationed first, and the war should be discussed in the long run."

Lord Zhen Guo nodded, and then ordered the left and right sides to set up camp, and he followed Yuechen into Dingjiang City.

When he glanced up the city tower just now, he had already seen his family's stinky boy, so he should ask questions when he enters the city this time.

After all, no one wants to know how the barbarian king died.

Thinking that Li Mingyu also participated in it, Duke Zhen couldn't help walking a little faster.

Li Mingyu was naturally the happiest when Duke Zhen arrived.

God knows that with them, he is the poor little one at the bottom, with invisible pressure on top of his head every day, Li Mingyu's mind is tense all the time, for fear that he will not be able to keep up with everyone's footsteps.

It wasn't until the moment when Lord Zhen Guo arrived that he realized how important it is to have a strong backer.

This point, when he was the number one dandy in the imperial city, he didn't feel much.

Therefore, after all the people took the dust off for Lord Zhen, and discussed the war by the way, when faced with Duke Zhen's inquiry, he was as natural as a bean in a bamboo tube, and he did not hide anything.

"Father, you don't know, that barbarian king is very cruel, like an unbeatable Chaos Demon God, it's too difficult to deal with, he deserves to be a man who suppressed an era!"

Thinking of the battle situation that day, Li Mingyu said with lingering fear.

At that time, he seldom made a move, and the aftermath of the war was so violent that he, a monk in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, didn't even have a shot.

Thinking of this, bright flames gradually ignited in his eyes, and he said excitedly: "Father, the eldest prince and others are too terrifying, they are even more cruel than barbarian kings, they beat him up, my son is stunned!"

"Then did you make a move? How is the First Prince's combat power?"

After listening, Duke Zhen asked with serious eyes.

"Well, they are too much, everyone is holding a top spirit treasure, son, son, only a few swords, the barbarian king fell!"

Li Mingyu scratched her head and said with averted eyes.

Zhen Guogong sighed in his heart, looked at his son who was not at ease, and thought to himself, he was the only son, and the ability to transform from a dandy to such an appearance was already a manifestation of the ancestors, and he could not force it

Thinking of Li Mingchang's mother and son who were relegated to the foreign battlefield, Lord Zhen sighed again.

A tide of heavenly demons, except for those who did not go out in the boundary wall, all the low-level monks in the outer battlefield died!

The mother and son also died in the demonic tide.

These are all the news that Lord Zhen sent people to find out, he didn't tell Li Mingyu, and he doesn't plan to say anything in the future, so let's just pretend that those two people never existed!

Lord Zhen sighed again, and said: "Go down and rest first, and follow me to the battlefield tomorrow. Swords have no eyes, so don't be reckless!"

He scolded softly, and the words of his instructions were awkward, which made Li Mingyu roll his eyes.

Li Mingyu said yes, but he hummed in his heart: Your son, I am no longer a dude. As a Daluo Jinxian, if I punch down, the stars will collapse, how can I be afraid that the sword has no eyes?

But he didn't dare to say it, he just replied respectfully: "Yes, Dad, don't worry, I will definitely not embarrass you!"

"Well, back off."

After Li Mingyu left, Duke Zhen looked into the distance and fell into deep thought for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking

In the early morning of the next day, 20 cavalry gathered outside the city gate, all wearing silver armor, mighty and domineering.

The rest of the infantry also wore armor and stood outside Dingjiang with their heads held high!

And in front of the army, a young man stood with his hands behind his back, with a heroic posture and determination in his eyes!

This person is Li Mingyu!

Beside Li Mingyu, followed by a thousand cavalry.

These thousand cavalry are all masters of the perfect level of true immortals, selected by Lord Zhen Guo himself, and left for Li Mingyu to use.

Li Mingyu asked Lord Zhen Guo for orders, willing to be the vanguard and lead the battle.

While Duke Zhen was relieved, he couldn't help worrying about his son's safety, so he allocated a thousand cavalry to him, also to protect his safety.

On the city tower, Yuechen looked at the army ready to go, and raised his voice solemnly: "You are all good friends of my Great Zhou. In this war, if we can capture all the tribes of the wilderness and bring the wilderness into my great Zhou's Territory, you are all heroes of the Great Zhou Dynasty, this prince will definitely ask his father for orders to add officials and ranks for you, and enjoy my Great Zhou Guozuo's luck forever!"

"Swear allegiance to my emperor, allegiance to Da Zhou!" All the soldiers raised their arms and shouted.

Standing at the front of the line, Li Mingyu heard the shocking shouts in his ears, a smile flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to seriousness.

Yuechen nodded, the military spirit is available!

Then, with a sharp look on his face, he shouted again: "But this prince also said the ugly words first, if you are slack in your hearts, or flee without fighting, don't blame this prince for being merciless!"

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