
Chapter 916 Mistress Helps Me!

At the same time, Calabash Baby finally saw the gap and shouted: "Master, help me!"

The silver dragon, which was hovering in the void, suddenly turned into the appearance of Ao Lin.


The Ice Soul Divine Light Sword came out of its sheath, turned into a crystal clear divine light, and slashed at Wu Gan soundlessly!

Wherever the Bingpo divine light passed, the ground was covered with frost and white, and the extreme cold chilled people's hearts.

Of course, the laws of the Great Thousand World are more profound, Ao Lin's Ice Soul Divine Light has not been cultivated to the extreme, and the Ice Soul Divine Light Sword is only an intermediate-level Houtian Lingbao. The power to annihilate all things.

But, even so, when the ice soul divine light passed over Wu Gan, it still froze him for a breath.

The frozen Ugan's pupils shrank sharply, struggling with a ferocious expression, trying to break through the ice.

However, within this breath, Tushi Shenyan followed closely behind, sweeping towards his head!

The flames in the sky instantly enveloped Wu Gan!


Ugan screamed and went mad.

The Tushii divine flame burned his skull and drilled into his bone marrow, as if it was going to set his whole body on fire!


Everything in the Tusita Divine Flame is incinerated, even if Ugan has a late Taoist state, he will be burnt beyond recognition as soon as he meets him!


Wu Gan screamed in extreme pain, his whole body was bathed in the firelight, shrill and terrifying.

But, at this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly shot out from Wu Gan's body surface, directly dissipating the Tushita divine flame, and protecting his whole body!

The golden light flashed, and Wu Gan recovered his form. Although his scalp was completely lost, his flesh and blood were mutilated, and he was in a state of embarrassment, he still retained the tyrannical strength of the Taoist realm!


Wu Gan shattered the void with a wave of his hand, causing layers of ripples, and punched Ao Lin with his fist.


Ao Lin couldn't dodge in time, she was punched by Wu Gan abruptly, her chest was sunken immediately, blood spattered, and flew upside down more than a hundred zhang away.

She barely stabilized her body, with blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, looking at Wu Gan's resentful but fearful expression, slightly frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "What was that just now?"

Wu Gan sneered, and said arrogantly: "Hey, it is naturally the king's magic weapon for protection. Do you think that only you Dharma practitioners can use the magic weapon, hahaha"

There were still scorched marks on his arms from the scorching of Tushii's divine flame, but he was not afraid at all, and instead became more courageous as he fought.

Ao Lin secretly sighed that it was a pity, raised her head and screamed, and at the same time went up to meet her!

She clenched her fists tightly, exuding a brilliant brilliance, like two rounds of golden sun, she jumped up and smashed towards Wu Gan's head!

Wu Gan raised his right foot and kicked towards her!


Ao Lin snorted, coughed up blood again, and flew away backwards!

"If you dare to beat my mother, you will die!"

The silver-gray dragon let out an angry roar, and angry flames spewed out from the huge dragon's eyes, the dragon circled around, and its tail violently pulled towards Wugan.

The Zidian Qingshuang Sword came after him, and it slashed down at Wugan in a disorderly manner, vowing to tear his corpse into thousands of pieces!

On the other side, Yuechen rushed to Ao Lin, quickly caught her, took out the pill and stuffed it into her mouth.

"You adjust your breath, and I will avenge you!"

After finishing speaking, he put Ao Lin on the spot, flew up, Tai'a sword drew a sharp sword light, and with a mighty force, he slashed down towards Wu Gan without hesitation!

When two top-level innate spirit treasures struck, Wu Gan's complexion changed drastically!

While withdrawing to resist, he roared with a ferocious expression: "Who are you? Why are you trying to make trouble with this king!"

On Yuechen's resolute and handsome face, his expression was indifferent, and he didn't talk nonsense with him.

The Tai'a sword flew towards Wu Gan's arms, making a clanking sound like metal and iron, and sparks flew everywhere.


The Tai'a sword flew backwards, and above Wu Gan's fists, there was a burst of light golden streamer, offsetting most of the power of the Tai'a sword's attack.

"What a strong defense!"

Wu Gan's toughness was beyond expectations, even Yue Chen couldn't help being surprised.

Wu Gan sneered, and said sarcastically: "Hehe, a mere Da Luo Jinxian actually tried to hurt this king in vain!"

After finishing the words, he raised his big feet like mountain pillars, and stepped on Yuechen!

This step is more than ten feet wide, like covering the sky and covering the sun, it seems to be able to crush the sky!

Yuechen's expression changed, and a gleam of light appeared under his feet, and he hurriedly avoided it.


Wu Gan's soles fell heavily on the ground, leveling all the mountains and forests within hundreds of meters, and a huge deep pit appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Hahaha, a group of ants dare to come to the wilderness to trouble the king, so I will give it to the king."

He looked crazy, looked up and laughed.

However, before he finished speaking, the space he was in was suddenly dislocated, empty like paper, folded and criss-crossed, breaking Wu Gan's body in two!

His figure exploded, and the two truncated bodies began to glow, and they closed together, trying to restore their original appearance.

However, how could Yuechen and the others make him fulfill his wish, each brandishing their magic weapons and rushing forward, wanting to take this opportunity to kill him.

Immediately afterwards, this area was plunged into a sea of ​​magical aura.

Wu Gan was severely injured. Although he had the cultivation base of the Taoist Lord in the later stage, under the siege of a group of people, he was only able to parry and had no power to fight back.

He howled crazily, like a madman.

"You group of ants, this king is the darling of the heavens, and your luck is against the sky, how could it be you?"

His voice stopped abruptly.

A ray of purple and green sword light passed through many obstacles and stabbed fiercely into his forehead.

Wu Gan suddenly widened his eyes, looked at the girl in front of him in disbelief, and murmured: "Who are you?"

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