
Chapter 915 Fighting the Barbarian King

Facing the siege of the three Dao Lords of Da Luo and many Da Luo Jinxians, Wu Gan, the barbarian king, could no longer suppress the curse and almost died.

However, he has dominated the wild for many years, and his cultivation base is tyrannical, which is not comparable to ordinary Taoist monarchs.

Even though he was seriously injured and dying, he still resisted tenaciously, and threatened: "After I reshape my body, I will definitely send troops to slaughter you all!"

As he said that, his pupils turned completely blood red, his body began to swell, and bursts of strong evil spirit rushed out of his body, making people shudder.


Wu Gan looked up to the sky and laughed, a terrifying breath permeated the air.

As soon as this terrifying breath appeared, the spiritual energy in the world boiled up, and countless innate spiritual energy rushed in, all of which were swallowed by Wu Gan.

And his body, flesh and blood recovered little by little, and he looked like a human again.

Seeing this strange scene, everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they sacrificed magic weapons again, and bombarded towards Wugan.

"Haha... This king is a barbarian king, how can you and other ants be able to compete!"

Wu Gan raised his head to the sky and screamed, grabbed the flying magic weapon, and fell to the ground fiercely, smashing out several deep pits.

"Boom boom boom..."

The magic weapons fell on him one after another, but they still couldn't do anything to him. This made everyone shocked and angry, and they didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that Wu Gan would escape.

"No, the barbarian king's physical body is slowly recovering. If we let him recover his strength, I'm afraid we will suffer!"

Yue Chen frowned and said.

Everyone knew that the situation was not good, and they couldn't help frowning.

If he restores his physical body, then everything will fall short.

"How can this be good?"

Li Mingyu panicked and asked hastily.

"This barbarian king is indeed the darling of the heavens. He is too tyrannical. He has become like this, and he can still stand up."

Kong Yu sighed, but he tightly grasped the formula in his hand, firmly controlling the Five Elements Flag to prevent the barbarian king from running away.

"I'm afraid of an egg! There are so many of us, how can we tell him to run away!"

While talking, Niu Kui made another move, raised the iron rod high, turned into shadows of sticks all over the sky, and slammed down on Wu Gan.

The mixed iron rods fell like a mountain, interrupting the recovery process of Ugan.

"Ah! Let me die!"

Wu Gan, who had recovered most of it, was furious, and his blood light shot up into the sky, like a blood sun rising, illuminating the entire void.

He stretched out his giant palm and slapped Niu Kui, a destructive force impacted in all directions, and the void was faintly about to collapse.

This power shakes the heavens and the earth, and it contains the ultimate power of Daoist Wugan in the later period, which is enough to shatter the stars and possesses boundless power.

He was already insane at this time, and there was only one belief left in his heart, which was to kill these damned ants.

But Niu Kui was not to be outdone. Although he lost to Wu Gan, as the incarnation of a monster, his physical body was equally powerful.


Niu Kui blocked Wu Gan's slap by waving the mixed iron rod. The two hit each other, and a monstrous air wave broke out, breaking the rocks and causing the sky to collapse.

Everyone was so shaken that their eardrums hurt, and they hurriedly backed away.

After all, Wu Gan was a strong man in the late stage of the Daoist Lord. After most of his recovery, Niu Kui was still no match for him.

"Heh! Ants are just ants, so what if there are so many alchemy treasures, how can you stand up to me?"

Wu Gan said sarcastically, his eyes were filled with bright red bloodshot eyes, like a ferocious beast in the wild, wanting to choose people and devour them.

He rushed forward again, and punched out, like a meteor falling to the ground, causing a howling wind.

Niu Kui's face was serious, and he swung his stick to meet him, but he couldn't stop Wu Gan's mountain-like punch, and was instantly sent flying horizontally.


Niu Kui fell to the ground, his whole body was in severe pain, he opened his mouth and spurted out a big mouthful of blood, his breastbone was shattered, and the mixed iron rod also came out of his hand, with a bang, it was stuck on the rocks in the distance.


He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his chest squirmed, his bones reorganized, and he stood up again.

At the same time, Mumba also stepped forward and rushed up with a fist, a fist the size of a mountain peak, and covered Wugan to the ground with one punch!


There was a dull collision, the ground trembled, cracked like a spider web, dust filled the sky, and a huge pothole appeared on the ground.

Not long after, Ugan was blasted deep underground by Mumba again!


After a while, Wu Gan rushed out of the pit, showing his sharp white teeth to everyone.

"This king will eat you alive!"

He roared angrily, gathered all the energy and blood in his body, and his whole body was full of blood, exuding an extremely ferocious aura.

At this moment, he was the most powerful god of war among the barbarians, with an imposing manner.

Wu Gan's skin was glowing with a dark golden luster, and his tendons were twisted, like thick boa constrictors perched on his body.

Then, he jumped up suddenly, his huge body was like a demon god alive, and he rushed towards the crowd!


Suddenly, there was a clear and clear sword cry between the sky and the earth, a dazzling golden light streaked across the sky, and a sword came to the east, and the murderous sword energy crossed the sky and the earth, and the sharp sword light cut Wu Gan's neck!

Jin Ling's sword crossed the sky, breaking through ten thousand spells with one sword, cutting through the void, and it was extremely sharp.

The Jinghong sword slashed at Wu Gan's neck with lightning speed, and only cut a crack!


Wu Gan raised his hand and waved away the golden cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations that was thrown at him, and his fierce eyes fell on Jin Ling.

"Little Da Luo Jinxian dares to attack this king, he really doesn't know how to live or die!"

He parted the corners of his mouth into a cruel, bloodthirsty smile.

Seeing this, Yuechen said in a hurry, and smashed out the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations again, using the material of the magic weapon itself to resist Mumba's magical fist!

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