
Chapter 913

However, I don't know if he was cursed and his luck was exhausted.

Wu Gan had just rushed to the border between Wilderness and Great Zhou, and a huge fist hit him head-on, which caught him off guard in an instant, almost losing all his face.

But he thought to himself that he had the cultivation base of the Taoist Lord in the later stage, and he didn't pay attention to the Mumba in the early stage of the Taoist Lord.

After all, although the giant race is strong, other barbarians are not vegetarians.

Unexpectedly, after several fights, he realized that the giant race in front of him was not only physically tyrannical, but also unparalleled in strength.

The most shocking thing is that he is good at using spells, and his spells are quite powerful.

For example, in the blow just now, if it were someone else, he would have been killed long ago, but after a flash of light flashed on Mumba's body, he actually cast a defensive spell to block it.

Wu Gan was inexplicably shocked, and looked at Mumba full of fear: "When did such a freak appear in the giant race?"

As we all know, the giant race has no power, but because the primordial spirit is too weak, it cannot cast powerful spells. Therefore, although it ranks high in the heavens and worlds, there are natural enemies, which are not to be feared.

But if their primordial spirits are as powerful as their physical bodies, there is no race in the heavens and myriad worlds that can compete with them.

This damn Da Zhou somehow hooked up with the giants!

Wu Gan's thoughts turned rapidly, and his heart was full of resentment.

But how did he know that the freak in front of him could have such a strange change, thanks to the two panacea that Yuechen gave him back then.

Therefore, the cause of the past and the result of today should be attributed to Ugan.

Yue Chen and the others saw Wu Gan's predicament, their eyes lit up immediately, and they were eager to try.

"Shoot with all your strength, and try to keep the barbarian king here before the barbarians react!"

A cold light appeared in Yuechen's eyes, and the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations came out of his hand, turning into a nine-colored streamer, which came thousands of miles away in an instant, and slammed down on Wugan!

Seeing that he made a move without saying a word, the rest of the people were not slow to react, and they all made their moves one after another.

Jin Ling's reaction was the fastest, and he soared into the sky in an instant, and his body and sword merged into one, turning into a bright golden light, tearing the sky, and slashing straight at Wugan!

Kong Yu flicked his wrist, and the five-element flag fluttered, turning into a multicolored divine light, traveling thousands of miles, and rushing towards Wugan.

When they got close, the five-element flag shook violently, turning into a canopy that covered the sky and the sun, covering the battlefield and isolating the atmosphere of the battle.

Seeing this, Ao Lin's mother and daughter looked at each other, and at the same time, their bodies swayed, turning into two giant dragons about a thousand feet long, circling upwards, shaking their heads and tails, and rushing towards Wugan.

"hold head high……"

The sound of the dragon's chant shook the world and spread throughout the eastern border.

However, because of the blocking of the five-element flag, the barbarians on the opposite side did not know that their barbarian king was being besieged by the people of Da Zhou at this time.

Accompanied by the sound of the dragon chant, there were two astonishing auras that soared into the sky, but it was Ao Lin and the two who displayed their innate spiritual treasures and greeted Wugan with a single mind.

The attacks of the rest of them were not inferior, and Ugan soon fell into the siege of magic weapons.


The sudden blow completely aroused the curse on Ugan's body. He couldn't control it, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

His originally firm and ruddy face was now black and black, and his flesh and blood had undergone a strange change, and it began to fall down.

At the same time, traces of black mist began to appear in his soul, but the curse finally invaded his soul and manifested.

However, Wu Gan during the battle didn't notice the changes in his soul, he just felt agitated, wishing to pierce the sky and level everything in front of him!

"Hey! This king is going to kill you!"

Wu Gan roared angrily, and his body swelled a few times in an instant, making him look even more terrifying than wild beasts.

He waved the bone spur in his hand, regardless of the opponent, he smashed anyone he saw!

At the same time, he swung his fist, and a huge fist shadow suddenly appeared, with a destructive aura, it charged towards Yuechen and the others!


Wherever the shadow of the fist passed, the void shattered, and the wind of the fist mixed the space fragments and splashed in all directions.

Before the fist arrives, the wind arrives first!

Seeing this, Yuechen and the others constricted their pupils, and hurriedly wanted to summon magic weapons to resist.

But no matter how powerful the innate spirit treasure is, it is no faster than the monk's own reaction.

Seeing that the fist wind was approaching, a ferocious aura had already locked on everyone, shaking people's minds.

At the very moment, the void in front of him suddenly split open, opening a big hole, and all the fist wind and space fragments were introduced into the empty space.

At the same time, Fist Shadow has arrived!


With a loud noise, the shadow of the fist hit the big hole in the void instantly!

"Crack, click..."

In an instant, the void shook, and large areas of space were smashed apart, turning into countless fragments, and shooting towards the surroundings again!

But at this time, everyone's magic weapon has come close, and each of them opened up their defenses to firmly protect themselves.

Only then did they have the strength to look forward.

At this time, where the shadow of the fist fell, the ground, water, fire and wind had already been churned into a paste, like chaos, which was extremely frightening.

And what amazed them even more was that in that chaotic land, Yue Yin walked out of his clothes fluttering without touching any corners!

Around him, there is a space cut off, even if the earth, water, fire and wind are raging, all disasters will not be able to hurt the slightest.

"Hiss! Senior Yue's way of space may have reached the ultimate level, and it's really scary to see the true meaning of the great way!"

Calabash Baby's eyes were wide open, staring at Yue Yin at the center of the battle, and said inconceivably.

The corner of Yuechen's mouth twitched, and he said with some pride: "Da Zhou's dark guards are all proficient in the way of space, and the more invisible they are as the leader of the dark guards, the better they are."

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