
Chapter 912 The Power of Spells

When the ancient emperor's world was opened, the congenital membrane occupied by the gourd baby happened to have spatial supernatural powers.

Therefore, as soon as he was born, he had the innate way of space.

But the gourd baby is such a simple baby. When she grows up to such a big age, except for being stingy about certain things, she never thinks of using her natural talent to steal some treasures back.

At this time, after hearing Kong Yu's words, he was proud and gave him a contemptuous look.

This guy never thinks of good things all day long, and he doesn't know where he got his face from, and he still speaks ill of Master.

Cucurbit Baby just slandered a few words, suddenly her eyes narrowed, and she looked towards the void in front of her.

I saw that the void was torn apart from the middle like a curtain, and Yue Yin got out of it.


Yuechen asked lightly with his hands behind his back.

Yue Yin said with a strange expression on his face: "The Luqiao Taoist cast a spell on the barbarian king, which was a bit vicious, and the barbarian king's strength dropped a lot."

Hearing this, everyone opened their mouths wide in surprise, and looked in the direction of the altar in disbelief.

You know, everyone has already discovered before that the barbarian king is in the later stage of the Taoist monarch, so tyrannical.

It can be said that no one in this world can do anything to him except Dao Zun, not even a Daoist Dzogchen monk.

And the Luqiao Taoist is just a Daluo Jinxian, he didn't even touch the threshold of the Daojun, and he succeeded in casting a curse on the barbarian king in the later stage of the Daojun!

Yuechen raised his eyebrows, and asked curiously, "Did he say what kind of spell he cast?"

"Bone Erosion Soul Seizing Curse!"

Yue Yin said with a dignified expression.

"Hiss... this spell is not simple just by hearing its name."

"Let's be more careful, don't take hair and blood seriously, this guy can even curse Daojun, it's too scary!"

Calabash Baby and the others checked themselves hastily, and were relieved when they saw that no strands of hair had fallen off.

In fact, their worries are superfluous.

At the level of Daluo, the monks are already golden, and every strand of hair has its own magic, so how can it fall off at will.

"It scares you all, this emperor has a noble bloodline, so how can a little magic spell do nothing to get it!"

Kong Yu held his head high, stood proudly, and said disdainfully.

But Ao Qianmiao glanced at him, and said with heavy eyes: "I don't know which one is more powerful, the Bone Erosion Curse or the Book of Seven Arrows?"

Yuechen and the others looked at each other and shook their heads.

None of them have ever seen the Book of Seven Arrows, so they don't know how powerful it is.

I only know that when the Great Desolate World conferred the gods back then, Taoist Lu Ya used this treasure to follow Jiang Ziya to open the altar, and worshiped Zhao Gongming, who was in the realm of the Taoist monarch, to death.

It's just that this method is too insidious and harmful to morality. Taoist Lu Ya is very insidious, so he didn't do it himself, but handed it over to Jiang Ziya.

But Jiang Ziya, as the protagonist of the calamity at that time, only dared to use the nail-headed seven-arrow book once. It can be seen that it takes a lot of effort to cast these spells.

I just don't know, what is the situation of casting this Bone Erosion and Soul Seizing Curse, and what level of effort is required?

Everyone wanted to know this question, and they all looked at Yueyin with their eyes.

He didn't ask anyone to urge him, and said directly: "This method uses the monk's essence, blood, hair and other things as a guide. Once it is used on the monk, it will be the result of melting the flesh and blood, dissipating the soul, and leaving the true spirit."

"However, Taoist Lu Qiao said that his level is not high, and the spells have not exerted the greatest effect, so that the barbarian king did not lose his soul immediately, but suppressed his injuries, and his breath is not as good as before."

Yue Yin paused for a moment and then said: "As far as Daiji is concerned, Taoist Lu Qiao has been unable to move on the altar for several days now. He is very weak, and this Daiji is not small."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that the spell was terrifyingly powerful, not much worse than the Book of Seven Arrows on Nailheads.

After all, the Book of Seven Arrows with Nailheads is slow to take effect and damages the Yin virtues, while the Bone Ecstasy Curse works instantly, and only the physical mana is damaged.

You must know that mana is easy to raise, but yin and virtue are hard to cultivate.

Comparing the two compartments, everyone suddenly became active.

This is a talent!

If he can be abducted, or if he can get this spell from his hand, it will be a great help.

Seeing that everyone had thoughts about Taoist Luqiao, Li Mingyu couldn't help looking at Yuechen anxiously.


Yuechen coughed lightly, interrupting everyone's imagination.

At any rate, he has already entered the Great Zhou Dynasty as an official. As the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, how can he guard himself and steal? Cough, he turned his elbow outward. Bah, that's not right. Anyway, he is one of his own people. It doesn't matter if he borrows it in the future!

Yuechen's abacus was crackling, and when his eyes touched the earth-shattering battle in the distance, his eyes suddenly lit up.

If he read it correctly, the aura of the barbarian king was slowly descending. Presumably, it was the battle that triggered his injury, and he could no longer suppress it.

If they could take advantage of this opportunity to completely kill the barbarian king, the barbarian clan would have no leader and would fall into chaos.

At that time, if the Great Zhou wants to subdue the barbarians again, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Thinking of this, Yuechen became excited all over, and he threw out the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations, and he was about to do a big job!

How did he know that Wu Gan's intestines were also regretful at this time.

It turned out that he fell into a coma after being cursed and slept for several days before waking up.

But after waking up, he only hastily suppressed the curse, ignored the persuasion of his subordinates, rushed out of the wild holy mountain, and went to the Grand Canyon in person, intending to catch the caster and break the curse for himself.

Thinking that Ugan was favored by the heavens and had great luck, someone dared to break ground on his head, he didn't know how to live or die.

On the way here, Wu Gan had already thought about the fate of Taoist Luqiao, and he didn't worry about his own safety at all.

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