
Chapter 899


After a long time, a desolate sigh that seemed to come from the prehistoric world suddenly resounded throughout the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Immediately afterwards, the purple air came [-] miles from the east, and it was mighty and mighty, illuminating the entire sky.

Above the sky, clouds are blooming, auspiciousness is everywhere, and dazzling brilliance is sprinkled down.

A majestic coercion descended, as if the sky was collapsing, and everyone couldn't help but feel fear.

Under this kind of coercion, even Shen Gongbao's crying stopped abruptly, and he looked up at the sky blankly.

At this moment, only one thought appeared in everyone's mind.

Daoist, this is a trip with good fortune!

Thinking of the sigh before, everyone couldn't help thinking of Qingping Sword.

At this time, under the gaze of everyone, a huge phantom slowly condensed above the sky.

I saw him stepping on five-color auspicious clouds, wearing a simple Taoist uniform with wide robes and wide sleeves, a fishing drum hanging around his waist, long hair hanging behind him, and his handsome face was born with a bit of evil spirit, looking like a carefree Taoist cultivator .

This is……

The pupils of the crowd shrank suddenly, and each of them had deep awe on their faces. They couldn't help but bend their knees, and respectfully saluted the man in midair.

Even Emperor Zhou, who was sitting on the dragon chair, lost his indifference at this moment, stood up suddenly from the dragon chair, and saluted the phantom in the air.

The majesty of a saint cannot be desecrated!

"Welcome Daoist Good Fortune, Master Tongtian!"

In the eyes of these monks, Tongtian at this moment is like a towering and majestic mountain that blocks the entire world.

Although he was only an illusory shadow, everyone present had a feeling of being insignificant in the face of heaven, and couldn't help bowing their heads to show their sincerity and fear.

Especially those newly promoted officials of the Great Zhou court were so frightened that their calves trembled and almost fell to the ground.

This Daoist sage actually came in person?

It was just a small dispute, but it actually alarmed Daoist Good Fortune, this is simply unbelievable!

Under the astonished eyes of these people, the phantom of Master Tongtian gradually became clear, and between the opening and closing of a pair of eyes, there was a faint trace of sword light emerging.

He raised his foot, and in the blink of an eye, the stars moved, and he came to the Great Zhou Palace.

At this moment, countless eyes focused on the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Emperor Zhou led the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to greet him out of Zhaoyuan Hall, and Yuechen and others hurried forward to meet Tianzun.

Shengzhen Yaojun, who originally came to the Great Zhou Dynasty with Shen Gongbao, was drinking and having fun in the imperial city at this time, and was very happy, but after seeing the saint approaching, his complexion also changed drastically, and he rushed to the Great Zhou Palace.

Not only that, the Empress Empress, who was in the Qianqiu Palace, also hurried over with Princess Jinyang to meet Tianzun together.

The leader of Tongtian religion flicked his sleeve robe, motioning for everyone to excuse themselves.

Afterwards, his eyes fell on Shen Gongbao, and his brows were slightly frowned.

"Shen Gongbao? What are you doing here?"

The voice of the Master Tongtian was calm, as if there were no waves, but everyone present felt a roar in their ears, and a huge oppressive force suddenly hit the whole body.

Under such a powerful coercion, they could hardly breathe. Even the existence of the peak of Da Luo Jinxian was trembling at this moment, unable to bear this power at all.

On the other hand, Shen Gongbao breathed a sigh of relief.

He wiped his face, walked forward, and bowed to Master Tongtian: "I don't know that Senior Sister Guiling is reincarnated here, so I offended you so much, please forgive me!"

Master Tongtian raised his eyes slightly, and there seemed to be a sword light flowing in his eyes. Then, he sighed softly and said, "Since you don't know, why blame yourself? Besides, I didn't know that you were not being used in the past, and the poor Taoist never blamed you."

Hearing this, Shen Gongbao was shocked suddenly.

For countless years, he has not thought about this problem.

However, for him, Yuanshi Tianzun is always his mentor, and he doesn't want to think about it at a deeper level.

Today, these floating veils on the surface were exposed by the leader of Tongtian, and Shen Gongbao suddenly turned pale as if struck by lightning.Almost unsteady.

After a long time, he gave a wry smile and sighed: "Thank you for your understanding, uncle. I know that the crime is serious. I only hope that the brothers can be freed as soon as possible, so that there will be no regrets in this life!"

Master Tongtian nodded and shook his head again.

Seeing the expression of Master Tongtian, Shen Gongbao was very puzzled, "Uncle, what is the meaning of this?"

Master Tongtian glanced at him lightly, and after pondering for a moment, slowly spit out four words: "Fate is hard to break!"

Shen Gongbao was stunned: "What? My disciple is dull..."

Before he finished speaking, Master Tongtian cut him off with his hand, and continued, "Have you heard of the difference between Da Luo Jinxian and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian?"

"Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian?" Shen Gongbao recalled with a frown.

"That's right, Da Luo Jinxian is the first to prove the Dao, while Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is detached from the Dao, and he is a saint. The two are not the same at all."

Master Tongtian explained patiently.

When Shen Gongbao heard the words, he suddenly realized: "No wonder! No wonder I have been practicing for hundreds of millions of years, and it is difficult to see the slightest hope of breakthrough. It turned out to be the case."

Master Tongtian nodded slightly, and said: "Actually, even if Da Luo Jinxian has proved the Tao, he still cannot escape the shackles of fate. Only Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian can truly surpass fate and escape reincarnation!"

Hearing this, Shen Gongbao was stunned again.

"But, hasn't Da Luo Jinxian jumped out of the Five Elements and is not suffering from reincarnation?"


Master Tongtian smiled lightly, pointed at Ao Qianmiao and said, "Didn't your Senior Sister Guiling just suffer from reincarnation once?"

Hearing these words, everyone present felt that their minds had been hit like never before.

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