
Chapter 898 Disciple Shen Gongbao Kowtows to Master Uncle

After learning of Ao Qianmiao's identity, Shen Gongbao couldn't believe it.

He shook his head in denial, and looked at Ao Qianmiao vigilantly, trying to find a flaw.

However, Ao Qianmiao's expression was too magnanimous, especially those eyes full of evil spirit, which made him feel guilty.

I didn't think so at first, but now that I look closely, this look is indeed very similar to that of Senior Sister Guiling.

At this moment, Shen Gongbao felt a little hesitant in his heart, for fear that he would recognize the wrong person and be happy for nothing.

After hearing Ao Qianmiao's introduction, the ministers who were watching all around widened their eyes in shock and stared at Ao Qianmiao.

"The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit? Isn't that..."

"No wonder the princess considers herself a disciple of Jiejiao, unexpectedly, she is that disciple."

"I think back then, only one of the four major direct disciples of Jiejiao was left. If the eldest princess returned to Jiejiao, wouldn't it be..."

The ministers whispered, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

If what Shen Gongbao said just now made them a little suspicious, at this moment, they had already confirmed Ao Qianmiao's identity.

After all, who else could use the Sun and Moon Pearl except for the Da Luo Jinxian-level Turtle Spirit Madonna.

Moreover, if this Eldest Princess is really that disciple, then Da Zhou can be regarded as having an invisible backer, and even if they face the other two empires in the future, they will not be too weak.

In the Zhaoyuan Hall, after the courtiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty learned of Ao Qianmiao's identity, they imagined many wonderful futures in their hearts.

Especially when the Great Zhou Dynasty was promoted to an empire in the future, if there was no Daoist in charge, it would definitely be inferior to the other two empires.

But now, with the existence of this princess, are you afraid that she will not make a move?

Thinking of this, the eyes of many ministers looking at Ao Qianmiao gradually softened a lot.

Ao Qianmiao sensed the changes in the crowd and couldn't help but secretly cursed at the old fox.

She sneered coldly, and mocked: "I am the Holy Mother of Interceptors, so naturally there are all kinds of means to resurrect her. How can you, an abandoned disciple, know that?"

Hearing this, Shen Gongbao's expression twisted for a moment.

He said in a hoarse voice: "If you don't believe me, it's all fake. Back then, Senior Sister Gui Ling was so proud and jealous, how could it be, how could it be..."

He muttered to himself, his eyes suddenly fell behind Ao Qianmiao, but he couldn't continue.

At this moment, everyone present followed his gaze and looked back.

But, in that direction, there stood a big man in black with two horns on his head and a copper ring on his nose, staring at Shen Gongbao with eyes like copper bells!

"Niu Kui!"

Shen Gongbao's eyes were wide open, as if hit by a sap, he stepped back a few steps.

He was not mistaken, this was Niu Kui who had stayed outside the hall and didn't want to enter the hall.

It's just that Shen Gongbao is here, in order to save his senior sister from getting angry, he only showed up.


Niu Kui snorted coldly, and his voice was thunderous, "Why, what should senior sister do, even my master can't answer her beak, and you, Shen Gongbao, can't question it?"

He looked at Shen Gongbao coldly, and when he said this, he deliberately revealed the Qingping sword on his back.

Sure enough, Shen Gongbao spotted the Qingping Sword with keen eyes, and suddenly his whole body was shaken. He couldn't care about anything else, and with a "plop", he fell to his knees!

"Disciple Shen Gongbao, kowtow to my uncle!"

Shen Gongbao knelt down on the ground and said with tears in his eyes: "Uncle, this disciple is guilty and shameless to see uncle. What happened to all senior brothers, this disciple is very heartbroken!"

His words are not false.

After the conferment of the gods, for several yuanhuis, every time he looked at the heavenly palace and fairy tower from Beihai Haiyan, he would beat his chest and stamp his feet, regretting his mistakes.

Back then, if he hadn't wanted to compete with Jiang Ziya, how could he have called friends everywhere, and dragged the brothers who were originally shut up and chanted Huang Ting into a catastrophe, provoking Wuming for no reason, and getting himself killed. Suffering from the aura of calamity, they all died tragically in the end, and they were on the list of gods.

There are tens of thousands of Jiejiao disciples, and the most important ones are the four major direct disciples.

Among them, Senior Brother Duobao was captured by the Master Uncle, turned into a Buddha, went west to Hangu Pass, and established Theravada Buddhism, "building the big with the small", competing for the luck of the Western religion, and now he has become one of the many Buddha masters in the mother-in-law world Duobao Tathagata.

And Senior Sister Jin Ling, in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, was attacked and killed by Daoist Dieng Deng using the Dinghai God Bead, and was listed on the list of gods after her death.

Now this senior sister is the righteous god of Doubu Kangong Doumu, who is in charge of the golden palace, sits in Doufu, and has [-] evil stars under her command, which can be described as a high position.

But the Holy Mother of the Guiling had a strong temperament. In the formation of ten thousand immortals, she faced the Taoist who led her directly, was caught by him, and died tragically in the mouth of the six-winged black mosquito. .

In the end, there was only the Holy Mother of Wu Dang left, who has been with Uncle Tongtian and is in charge of the present Jiejiao.

Not to mention Zhao Gongming who was killed by Taoist Lu Ya earlier, and the two empresses Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao who died tragically in the Jiuqu Yellow River formation.

Thinking about it until now, Shen Gongbao still feels a great pain in his heart.

He lay prone on the ground, sobbing hard to speak.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding officials all sighed.

Time has passed, and the original right and wrong, besides, is meaningless. It is impossible for Shen Gongbao to not know such a simple truth.

However, looking at his current appearance, it is clear that he is still obsessed with the past and cannot let go of it.

Perhaps, in response to the old saying, one thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought becomes a demon. This is the truth.

Above the main hall, only Shen Gongbao's weeping voice resounded in everyone's ears.

Even Ao Qianmiao, who had made trouble before, stood there with reddish eyes, looking at Shen Gongbao with extremely complicated eyes.

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