
Chapter 889 You guys, it's time for the bridal chamber

Seeing Yueheng avoiding her gaze, Zishuang Tiannu's heart softened, and she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself, and she felt so complicated and unspeakable.

But she quickly adjusted and nodded towards Yue Heng indifferently.

"Heavenly girl." Yue Heng lowered his head, his voice was so weak that it was almost inaudible.


"If so, if things cannot be violated, you..."

Yue Heng swallowed his saliva, firmed his tone, and said: "You accept it for now, I will not let you down!"

Seeing Yue Heng's tense and serious appearance, Celestial Girl Zishuang suddenly laughed.

That smile is so beautiful, like an iceberg melting snow water, the cold dissipates, leaving only the clear and warm spring breeze blowing, which makes people feel refreshed.

But this smile only lasted for a moment and then quickly faded away, returning to the glamorous and noble past.


She laughed at herself, and was about to speak, but was startled by the scene in the magic mirror.

The huge pillar of thunder piercing the sky, as if it was about to destroy the world, hit the ground fiercely, splitting the earth and forming a huge chasm.

"Who is crossing the catastrophe?"

She exclaimed, her beautiful eyes widened slightly in shock.

No one answered her.

Just because the thunder calamity was too frightening, it seemed that someone was not going through the calamity at all, but someone had offended God and was going to be punished by heaven, which made people feel terrified.

"Whose Thunder Tribulation is this?"

Zishuang Tiannv frowned deeply.

Although Lei Jie is dangerous, it has not transcended the cycle of life and death. As long as it is still alive, it still exists in the world.


The thunder continued, and the person who crossed the catastrophe was still alive.

"This person is really powerful, and I don't know who he is. It's really shocking."

She muttered to herself, glanced at Yue Heng unconsciously, and was stunned.

He opened his mouth wide, looked at the magic mirror with horror and anxiety, and clenched his fists.

That expression seemed to wish to rush out immediately to rescue the person who survived the tribulation.


Just as Zishuang Tiannv was about to ask him, she suddenly heard him whispering.

"elder brother……"

At this moment, her whole body was stiff, as if she had been struck by lightning.

The emotions that had been tidied up suddenly became chaotic.

She even forgot where she was now, and just stared blankly at the huge lightning beam in the distance.

It's all so absurd.

Yue Heng's own brother is actually crossing the catastrophe, how is this possible!

But Yue Heng's worried and anxious expression couldn't be faked.

The person who crossed the catastrophe was indeed his elder brother.

The long-lost eldest prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty!

Zishuang Tiannv couldn't believe this scene, her heart was pounding.

"He is your brother? Then... besides your father, queen and queen, who else is there in the Great Zhou Dynasty?" Zishuang Tiannu asked with a trembling voice.

She involuntarily grabbed Yue Heng's arm.

Yue Heng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "My nephew is still here, don't be afraid!"

He understood what Zishuang Tiannu meant. If both of their brothers had an accident, the Great Zhou Dynasty would inevitably be turbulent, and the calamity would change again.

At that time, the Heavenly Demon Clan might not be able to make a comeback.

And at that time, they might not have retreated from the battlefield outside the territory early like this time, and the Qingwei Great World will inevitably welcome the attack of several demon kings.

This is the result no one wants to see.

Of course, as an enemy, the Great Cang Empire is probably the happiest.

Thinking of this, Yue Heng couldn't help but panic.

Now he can't care about his own situation anymore, he only hopes that his brother can survive the thunder disaster safely.

The thunder continued to rumble, and as the thunder pillars fell one after another, the faces of Yue Heng and the others became paler and paler.

Even the ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach couldn't help admiring: "The boy who crossed the catastrophe is so fateful. The little golden fairy can survive the thunder of Zixiao God. If he can survive the thunder catastrophe, he will have great fortune in the future." .”

Zixiao Divine Thunder!

The two of Yue Heng were shocked, and their faces became even paler.

All the heavens and worlds, all the thunder disasters that monks can overcome, except for the Chaos God Thunder, are the Purple Cloud God Thunder.

Ordinary Daoist Lords of Da Luo couldn't get through it, let alone a mere Da Luo Jinxian.

"Master, do you think my brother can survive the thunder disaster?"

Yue Heng looked eagerly at Patriarch Demon Dragon Loach, hoping to gain some confidence from him.

"Hey... how does this ancestor know, but that guy is not in a hurry, so he must still have a chance."

The Ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach let out a strange laugh, and pointed the tip of his tail towards a position on the aura mirror.

The two of Yue Heng looked intently, but found that there was nothing there except a cloud of spiritual light.

Both of them trembled in their hearts, and quickly shifted their eyes, not daring to look any further.

Spells cannot show its shape, and spiritual light can't show its image, it can only show that there is a supreme being there.

Combined with the tone of the ancestor Molongloach, that person is very likely to be the master of Qingping Sword, Lingbao Tianzun, also known as the leader of Tongtian Sect!

Yueheng and Zishuang Tiannu secretly heaved a sigh of relief at the same time.

With Tianzun sitting in the town, my brother will surely survive the tribulation safely!

Just like that, the two of them watched the thunder calamity dissipate and all the cultivators waiting in seclusion until the end, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.


The golden aura flashed again, and the aura mirror disappeared.

The ancestor Molongloach looked at the two with bright eyes, grinned and said with a big smile: "The excitement is over, you guys, it's time for the bridal chamber!"


Yue Heng only felt a rush of hot air rushing towards Tian Ling Gai, standing beside Zishuang Tiannv, he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

The Zishuang celestial girl bit her lip tightly, all the blood on her face was gone.

It is such a shame and humiliation for a heavenly daughter of the Holy Sect to be forced into a bridal chamber.

I am afraid that the goddesses of all ages have never experienced such outrageous things. How does this tell her to behave in the future?

Zishuang Celestial Girl felt bitterness in her heart, and she unconsciously showed it on her face, she was no longer as cold as before.

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