
Chapter 888 Throbbing

The two of Yue Heng were stunned by the magical writing of the ancestor Molongxiu.

Originally, Yue Heng was still a little shy in his heart, after all, it was a lifelong event, how could he be so hasty.

But seeing Master persecuting Zishuang Tiannv, he began to feel restless again.

Master's temperament is cloudy and uncertain, if he seriously offends it, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, he nodded apologetically to Zishuang Tiannv, and said cautiously to Patriarch Molongxiu: "Master, I have known Tiannv not long ago, it would be too hasty to become a Taoist couple, why don't we talk about it later? "

Hearing this, Zishuang Tiannv's brows moved slightly, and her icy eyes loosened for an instant.

Forget it, this guy was also forced, so why bother with him.

Her heart calmed down a little bit, but she didn't expect that the ancestor Molongxiu nodded again and again, and said happily: "Since you both don't like it and don't want to be a Taoist companion, then I will eat her for the ancestor, and you will be gone in the future." Daughter-in-law, don't rely on me!"

Yue Heng was dumbfounded, why can't these three or two sentences be separated from cannibalism?

"Master...Master, can we discuss this matter slowly?"

Yue Heng tentatively asked, "Can you let the heavenly girl go first? As the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, my disciple needs three matchmakers and six recruits to marry a wife, so that he can welcome the prince and concubine into the door."


Ancestor Molongloach squinted at him, humming: "Why, I can't speak well, Ancestor?"

It turned its huge head, looked at Zishuang Tiannv, and said with serious eyes: "Old Ancestor, let me ask you again, are you willing to achieve good things with my apprentice?"

Zishuang celestial girl clenched her silver teeth and clenched her fists, feeling a sense of powerlessness all over her body.

This is a dilemma she has never encountered in her practice.

Now she has no ability to resist at all, just like meat on a chopping board, let the ancestor of the dragon and loach slaughter it!

The expression of the ancestor Molongloach gradually became impatient, and it seemed that he was showing signs of going crazy again.

Yue Heng's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said, "Master, wait for me to persuade her, okay?"

The ancestor Molongloach looked at Yueheng, then at Zishuang Tiannv in the distance, and grinned.

Secretly thought, Patriarch, I knew that this kid must like him, but he just couldn't save face.

Hey, who said that the ancestor is a good master, so I can only spend more time and help my disciples.

How did Yue Heng know that the more he helped Zishuang Tiannv talk, the more the ancestor Molongloach believed that they were interested in each other.

No, after hearing Yue Heng's words, it slammed its mouth loudly, and a gust of wind suddenly picked up, blowing the black cloud supporting Yue Heng, and floated to the side of Zishuang Tiannv.

Yue Heng frowned, this is already a teacher, why hasn't the master lifted his ban?

Could it be that it still wants to keep him here?

However, it is better to solve the immediate troubles first.

He raised his eyes slightly, looked fixedly at Zishuang Celestial Girl, twitched the corners of his lips, and said helplessly, "Goddess, I've offended you."

Zishuang Celestial Girl looked at him quietly with her cold eyes.

Her bright eyes were dark at the moment, and there were some complicated emotions in them, which Yue Heng couldn't describe.

Silence spread, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

The master was staring at him from the sidelines, and there was nothing to hide in front of Dao Zun. Even if they winked in secret, it might be noticed by him.


Yue Heng coughed lightly, breaking the silence between the two.



The sudden sound of thunder interrupted Yue Heng's unfinished words.

The two quickly looked around, but they saw that the sea of ​​blood was calm and calm, and there was no thunder falling. So where did the thunder come from?

The two looked at each other again, and both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

Could it be that the thunder came from outside?

Zishuang Celestial Girl's eyes widened suddenly. If this is the case, then can she send a message and hope that someone will come to save her?

But after thinking about it, there was no Daoist in the sect, and she felt powerless for a while.

Even if the news can be passed on, so what, can she still count on the Zongmen to make great efforts to invite a Daoist to save her?

The Zishuang celestial girl was in despair, she lowered her head slightly, showing a miserable smile.

That's all, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. Yue Heng is also a prince after all, so it doesn't count as humiliating her.

She closed her eyes and was about to speak, but unexpectedly, a brilliant aura flashed across, and above the black sea of ​​blood, a huge aura mirror suddenly stood up.

The ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach laughed and said: "Don't be in a hurry, let's watch the excitement first, and then you two go to the bridal chamber."

Even though Zishuang Tiannv was mentally prepared, she was so angry that she turned pale and almost shed tears.

Her palms tightly grasped the sleeves, and her fingertips were embedded in her palms. The tingling sensation gradually brought her back to her senses.

No, she can't be impulsive!

She took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the surging resentment, slowly opened her eyes, and looked forward.

In an instant, Zishuang Tiannv's pupils shrank fiercely, and her whole heart seemed to stop beating.

The scene that caught her eyes made her stunned for a while.

Immediately, she suddenly raised her red lips, revealing a bright smile.

The face that was originally beautiful and alluring suddenly became like a thousand flowers blooming, beautiful and breathtaking.

Yue Heng was stunned, he couldn't help but stare in a daze, and fixed his eyes on Zishuang Tiannv.

He was shocked in his heart, he never thought that the smile of the celestial girl was even more touching than he imagined, which made him feel a strange throbbing in his heart.

"Look at what!"

Sensing Yue Heng's scorching gaze, the goddess Zishuang put away the smile on her face, and let out a low cold snort.

Yue Heng was startled for a moment, but immediately came to his senses.

His cheeks were hot, and he quickly looked away, not daring to look at Zishuang's pretty face any longer.

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