
Chapter 886

All of a sudden, there was a strong wind, and the sea of ​​blood rolled back!

"Ah ah ah..."

Yue Heng suddenly yelled uncontrollably.

The huge suction dragged him towards the sea of ​​blood, his mana was sealed, and his face was pale with fright.

Zishuang Tiannv was in a hurry on the shore, but unfortunately her magic power was also banned, she had more energy than energy, so she had to watch Yueheng fall into the sea of ​​blood.

At this time, she couldn't help regretting in her heart.

If I had known it earlier, I would have resisted to death, seeing that old monster really dared to eat the two of them!

Yue Heng fell towards the black sea rapidly. Originally, he thought that he would fall directly into the sea, or fall into the hands of the ancestor of the dragon loach, and become its belly meal.

But he didn't want to, when he got close, the ancestor Molongloach spit out a black cloud, and held him firmly.

" scared me to death!"

Yue Heng wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with lingering fear.

"Stinky boy, the ink is stained with ink, be careful that the ancestor will really eat you!"

The ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach opened his bloody mouth wide, deliberately threatening.

The huge mouth is close in front of the eyes, and the serrated teeth that are more than ten feet long exude a cold light.

Although Yue Heng couldn't see it, he could feel a chill suddenly hit his skin, and he couldn't help shivering.

"Boy, aren't you quite courageous? Are you afraid? Haha..."

Seeing that Yue Heng knew he was afraid, the ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach laughed triumphantly, and the golden dragon beard danced non-stop, becoming the only light in the black sea of ​​blood.

"Old Ancestor, you are extremely majestic, isn't it normal for juniors to be afraid?"

Knowing that his life is not in danger, Yue Heng felt relieved and said calmly.

"Hey, the ancestor likes you more and more, boy, do you have a master? How about worshiping the ancestor as a teacher?"

The ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach uttered a thunderbolt, chopped Yue Heng into pieces, and froze on the spot.

"What did you say?"

After a while, Yue Hengfang came to his senses and asked in surprise, "You want to take me in as an apprentice?"

The Ancestor Molongloach nodded: "Yes, how about it, the Ancestor accepts you as an apprentice, and there are many benefits."

Yue Heng was both surprised and delighted, at first he thought it was something difficult, but it turned out that he was going to be accepted as an apprentice.

However, when he thought of how unreliable this Daoist was, he was a little hesitant.

"Old Ancestor, look..."

Yue Heng said tentatively, he wanted to ask clearly first, it would be good if he could really worship this ancestor as his teacher.

The ancestor Molongloach seemed to know Yue Heng's concerns, and immediately scolded angrily: "You bastard, do you look down on the ancestor?"

"The younger generation has no such intentions."

Yue Heng immediately waved his hand to explain.

In the distance, the goddess Zishuang stomped her feet anxiously, wishing she could knock Yue Heng to the ground and kowtow to the ground first.

You know, that's Daoist Good Fortune!

If the Great Zhou Dynasty had Daoist Good Fortune sitting in command, it would not have been entangled with the Great Cang Empire for thousands of years, and the winner has not yet been completely determined.

Although this Dao Zun looks a bit abnormal, but with its name, it can also deter others, isn't it?

Knowing this, Yue Heng became hesitant.

If the ancestor of the Demon Dragon Loach was a reliable existence, he would have kowtowed to worship his teacher a long time ago, so he still hesitated.

Be afraid, it will go crazy from time to time.

Dao Zun went crazy, who can suppress it?

Thinking about it makes me sad.

"Then what do you mean?"

The ancestor of the Demon Dragon Loach said angrily, blowing the dragon's beard and staring.

"Let's go! If it's God's will, this prince should make this move."

Yue Heng sighed inwardly.

Afterwards, he pushed the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillar, and with a bang, he knelt down on top of the black cloud.

"Master is on top, please accept the disciples!"

Yue Heng prostrated himself in front of the ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach.

From now on, they will succeed each other as masters and apprentices, one will prosper and the other will lose, and their luck is inseparable.

"Good good!"

Seeing that Yue Heng was willing to worship him as his teacher, the ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. A pair of dragon eyes shone with a dazzling red light, and he was extremely excited.

From now on, it also has disciples!

"Hahaha...My dear disciple, come here, and I will treat your eyes first as a teacher!"

The ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach laughed.

Yue Heng walked forward as he said.

Afterwards, he only felt a ray of light full of evil spirits enveloped him, and his whole body trembled unconsciously.

A moment later, a strong evil spirit suddenly poured into his body.


He couldn't help but snorted, closed his eyes tightly, and showed pain on his face.

Afterwards, he felt something was slowly pulled away from his eyes, and he felt much more comfortable all over.

Gradually, the pain disappeared, replaced by bursts of warm comfort, which made people intoxicated.

After a while, Yue Heng slowly opened his eyes, and his pupils turned a strange scarlet color, which looked quite frightening.


Aware of Yue Heng's strange behavior, the ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach began to blow his beard and stare again.

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

With a low snort, it leaped forward fiercely, with the tip of its tail touching Yue Heng's neck.


Yue Heng took a deep breath and felt a burning pain in his neck as if he had been pricked by a needle.

"What's going on here? How did my eyes become like this?"

He reached out and touched the eyeballs, and the tentacles were hot, as if there were flames hidden in the eyes.

"This...what's the matter?"

Yue Heng became anxious and looked up at his master.

Seeing this, he was stunned.

In front of him, this giant Demon Dragon Loach, which is more than a hundred feet tall, completely black, with only two golden dragon beards, is his master, the ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach?

This is a bit different from what he imagined.

The ancestor Molongloach didn't know what it was thinking in his mind, so he just flicked the tip of his tail and thought to himself.

After a while, it opened its mouth and said: "Your eyes have been corroded by the demon's blood for a long time. Although you have seen the sun again, you will definitely feel burning pain and anxiety in the future."

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