
Chapter 885 Blood Jade God Eyes

The ancestor Molongloach fell into his own imagination, and looked at Yueheng and Yueheng with even more strange eyes.

The two felt their scalps tingling from being stared at by it, and they couldn't help but look at each other, thinking it's better to find a way to get out quickly.

But they didn't know that in the eyes of the ancestor Molongxiu, the two of them behaved like this, they were in love with each other, and they were speechless as they stared at each other.

Of course, it didn't have such romantic thoughts in its heart, it just strengthened its mind to be a matchmaker.

So, it lowered its huge head, grinned, tried to show a friendly look, looked at Yueheng and said: "Boy, I think you are pleasing to the ancestor, and I am going to give you a huge benefit. Do you dare to take it or not?" Do you dare?"

"Huh? Is there any benefit?"

Yue Heng was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at Patriarch Molongloach with dull eyes, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart.

Could it be, this conscience finds, ready to send some favors to make up for the fright they have received?

Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, the ancestor Molongloach gradually became impatient.

It didn't have a good temper in the first place, and when it was looked at by Yue Heng's empty eyes, it suddenly felt a wave of irritability rushing straight into his heart for no reason.

Why do you wonder why the ancestor of the demon dragon loach is so easy to go crazy, and often wants to eat some human flesh for a change?

However, it was thrown into this black water lake when it was young, and only the blood of the demon in the lake was sucked and swallowed.

Over time, its bloodline has mutated, and it will not eat anything other than the blood of the demons, and it has become the nemesis of the demon clan.

Of course, if you succeed, you will have the blood of the demon, and if you lose, you will have the blood of the demon.

This day, the devil's blood is highly poisonous. Although it is not afraid, it is also affected by the devil's blood, and it will go crazy from time to time.

So much so that its descendants were affected, the demon dragon loaches in the black water lake were affected by the blood, and all of them were not very clever.

In order to prevent himself from doing some irreversible things when he was insane, the ancestor Molongxiu opened up this blood sea when he was awake, and put restrictions on it, and put himself together with the blood sea. , banned within this prohibition.

Therefore, after countless years passed, no one except some ancient gods knew that there was actually a sea of ​​blood under the Black Water Lake.

Although Yue Heng and the others didn't know the reason, they could feel the anxiety that gradually rose from the Molongloach ancestor.

Especially Zishuang Tiannv, seeing the ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach flicking his tail non-stop, and his two golden dragon beards baring his teeth and claws, couldn't help feeling tense, for fear that this unreliable Taoist would start to go crazy again.

"You respond to it quickly, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable!"

She urged in a low voice.

Hearing this, Yue Heng also trembled in his heart, not daring to delay any longer.

After all, they are not out of danger. If the Daoist can't think about it alone and swallows them both, even if the Tianzun comes, it won't help.

Then they died in vain!

Therefore, Yue Heng finally nodded when the ancestor Molongloach got impatient.

Fearing that the Daoist would lose his sanity, he immediately waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Heavenly Venerable, why don't you dare to ask for it? I want it!"

God knows how disturbed he was when he said this.

This Daoist doesn't look quite normal, if it says some embarrassing benefits, will he want it or not?

But I didn't want to, the ancestor Molongloach looked at his eyes for a while with lantern-sized eyes, and said suddenly: "Boy, your eyes are dull, I am very upset to see the ancestor, you just take a step forward , Patriarch will show you a possible cure?"

Hearing this, Yue Heng was overjoyed at first, but then he couldn't help hesitating when he thought of this unreliable look.

If the eye is not healed, but is poked blind by it instead, and there is no chance of recovery in the future, wouldn't it be an unwarranted disaster?

He hesitated in his heart, not knowing whether he should go forward or not.

Zishuang Tiannv saw his hesitation, pushed him, and said: "After all, the ancestor is a Daoist, you can rest assured, in case of anything, it will be a big deal to find a way to change your eyes later."

Yue Heng raised his head suddenly, Jun's face showed undisguised horror.

He pursed his lips, no matter how good the replacement eyes are, they are not as good as the original ones.

Zishuang Tiannu looked at him sympathetically, thought for a while, and whispered: "I know that there is a place where there is a blood jade god eye. If it is true... I will find it for you and put it on!"

The expression on Yue Heng's face suddenly brightened.

If there is really blood jade god eye, it is not impossible.

It's no wonder that he was a little moved, it's really that the Blood Jade God Eye is an extremely rare innate spiritual creature, it can see all kinds of forbidden disguises, and it can spy on the Nine Nethers, its functions are extremely powerful.

Furthermore, this thing is a treasure of nature, material and earth, and it will not produce any bad consequences when used.

Therefore, if the Blood Jade God Eyes were obtained by others, they would immediately merge into their own eyes, and no one would be foolish enough to take them out.

The blood jade eyes are so good, it's no wonder that Yue Heng is a little moved.

"Why didn't you find yourself using it?"

Yue Heng asked suspiciously.

"When I found it, its realm was still low, and it couldn't beat the monsters around it, and it hadn't grown up yet, so if I got it rashly, it was just a useless dead thing."

Knowing that he had doubts, the goddess Zishuang was not angry, and explained lightly.

"Besides, if I didn't want to owe you favors, do you think I would tell you the news?"

She snorted softly, her face turned slightly cold.

Seeing this, Yue Heng dispelled the doubts in his heart.

"Okay, I'll try it!"

He finally stopped struggling, took a deep breath, and mustered up the courage to take a step forward.

The Ancestor Molongloach had been waiting impatiently for a long time. Seeing that he finally moved, he immediately opened his mouth wide and sucked in violently!

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