
Chapter 853 The Heartbroken Jialou Demon King

The Heavenly Demon Blood had a chance, so he rushed out of the Five Elements Flag sullenly.

Seeing that he had passed through the gap and was about to escape, the Demon Blood couldn't help feeling elated.

Even if these human cubs have many spirit treasures, what will happen to this king, and when this king returns to his body, he will lead an army and coerce the boundary wall pass!

The devil's blood seemed to see the moment when the deity was showing off his power, and it became darker and brighter.


It had already seen the world outside the five-element flag, and immediately rushed out with all its energy.

However, just as it got its head up, a mass of scorching breath rushed towards its face, enveloping it in one end!

In an instant, the blood sizzled and evaporated rapidly!

Kong Yu quickly rolled up the five-element flag, wrapped the demonic blood and Tushi Shenyan in it again, and waited for the two to decide the winner.

Yue Chen and the others swallowed, and for the first time truly experienced the horror of Tushita Shenyan.

This is the blood of the Heavenly Demon King, and even the Five Elements Flag can't easily wipe out its power. Now, whenever it encounters the Tusita God Flame, it will immediately stop cooking.

At this time, Yuechen didn't say that he kept the devil's blood, which would be useful in the future.

This demonic blood is restless, and if one of them escapes, it will cause chaos for the people, and it is better to wipe it out.

On the other hand, Cucurbit Baby was anxious to get orders from her master, and ordered Tushi Shenyan to burn the demon blood.

He didn't stop until there was a shrill roar from the devil's blood, and two-thirds of the whole ball of devil's blood was burned, turning into a pitch-black ball without any luster.

"Let go of the Five Elements Flag, I'm coming out!"

Calabash Baby shouted at Kong Yu.

Hearing this, Kong Yu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and opened the Five Elements Flag without hesitation.

This guy's flame is too terrifying, he has always been worried, for fear that the gourd baby will burn a hole in the Five Elements Flag if he doesn't pay attention

Tushi Shenyan wrapped the remaining demonic blood, and he was careful to guard against it, regardless of whether there was any remaining divinity in this mass of demonic blood, he would strangle any possibility of it escaping!


A fireball from Tushi Shenyan Tuancheng rushed out of the Five Elements Banner, and quickly threw it into the Nine-turn Qiankun Pot.

Afterwards, the gourd baby alone opened up a space in the Nine Turns Qiankun Pot, and separated out a wisp of Tushita divine flame, which scorched the ball of demonic blood day and night.

After doing all this, he proudly said to everyone: "Don't worry, I have burned the divinity in the devil's blood, it can't turn the tide!"

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then became a little worried: "No one knows what else the Heavenly Demon King can do, so they can just burn it clean."


Gourd Baby smiled badly and said: "Don't worry, don't worry! Just in case, I shared a wisp of Tushi Shenyan, and roasted the devil's blood day and night, roasting it for thousands of years, so that it can't survive or die, so that it can't die. Repay us for our escape!"

Yuechen and the others could not help but shudder.

Although they didn't know how the Demon King felt, they shuddered.

Imagining that they were trapped by the Tusita God Flame, life and death were involuntary, and they were panicking day and night, afraid that that guy would attack him sometime.

Feeling like this, I'm afraid they will be physically and mentally exhausted in less than a thousand years.

Yuechen patted his disciple's shoulder without saying a word, and said: "In this case, you should be careful, don't let it run away."

Cucurbit Baby's chest slapped loudly: "Master, don't worry, just swallowed a big ball of demonic blood, and the power of Tushi Shenyan has increased again!"

Yue Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, pretending that he didn't say anything.

The devil's blood was burned, so Jialou could naturally feel it.

He was mad with anger, and also mad with heartache.

Qingping sword, as the tool of enlightenment of the leader of the Tongtian sect, naturally has incredible power. With one sword, it cut off one tenth of the original blood of the demon king of Jialou.

Don't think that this one-tenth is very small. Without the original blood, the strength of the Garuda Heavenly Demon King will drop by at least two points.

In the past, if he went back to the Heavenly Demon Pool to sleep for a while, he might be able to make up for it.

But now, Taoist Yudai was confronting each other head-on, and Qingping Sword was watching from the side, Jialou Heavenly Demon King couldn't help but want to retreat.

He glared at the gourd baby fiercely, it was this ant who ruined his own affairs!

But now, even if he wanted to crush the gourd baby into powder, he didn't dare to be careless in front of the two Taoist priests.

Especially when the Qingping sword had already been struck.


War is imminent!

Master Tongtian is a militant, and he couldn't hold back for a long time, and wanted to give Jialou Heavenly Demon King a good look.

At this time, a great battle broke out, and Qingping Sword immediately shook slightly, from bottom to top, slashed out the ten thousand zhang sword light, almost unloading the right leg of Jialou Tianmo King.

Jialou Tianmo King's complexion changed drastically, he no longer cared about finding calabash baby to settle accounts with, and immediately drew back.

However, the Qingping sword is controlled by the leader of the Tongtian sect, and every time the sword is cut, it seems to carry the supreme truth, making it impossible for the demon king of Jialou to avoid and escape.

In the end, he had no choice but to call out his own weapon, a mountain-like sledgehammer, and slammed it hard at Qingping Sword!

Yue Chen and the others looked at it with their hearts raised in their throats.

The size difference between the two is too big, they are afraid that Qingping Sword will suffer a disadvantage.

Niu Kui is an old god, and he doesn't worry about his master at all.

Back then, my master was a fierce man with one against four, although he was defeated in the end, it was the fault of others, not my master!

Of course, this is also the reason why Niu Kui beautified the Lord Tongtian several times.

Having said that, in the face of a mere demon king in the sky, Master Tongtian really didn't pay much attention to him.

Facing the attacking sledgehammer, Qingpingjian only swung obliquely!

In an instant, immeasurable killing aura shot up from Qingping Sword!

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