
Chapter 852

At the critical moment, the Five Elements Flag opened the sky again, protecting everyone under the flag.

The fiery red sky blocked the heads of the crowd, releasing terrifying flames, trying to evaporate the blood of the falling demons.

The Five Elements Flag is also a top-level innate spirit treasure, so its power is naturally extraordinary.

In a short time, the blood of the Heavenly Demon was burned in all directions.

Looking at the remaining black blood that is extremely difficult to burn, Yuechen's heart moved, and he hurriedly said: "Don't burn it! It may be of great use to put away these demonic blood!"

Hearing this, as soon as Kong Yu's gesture changed, the sky turned green, and the flag rolled up, wrapping up the remaining demonic blood, and pulled it back.

Jialou, who was in the dark, had his arm cut off by Qingping's sword, so he had no choice but to show himself.

His body is more than ten feet tall, with a head like a human, a tail like a lizard, and his arms are thicker than his waist, covered with green scales.


As soon as He appeared, a brutal and domineering aura shot up into the sky, filling the entire battlefield outside the territory in an instant, flying sand and rolling stones, rolling up thousands of black clouds, and facing the boundary wall!

At this moment, the monks in the entire battlefield outside the territory felt that their hands and feet could not be controlled.

Some monks who were flying away even fell down with a plop.

"Heavenly Demon King!"

Countless monks gritted their teeth and roared silently as they looked at the piercing figure!

Despair spread among the monks.

At this moment, no matter where these monks were, they all turned their heads in unison, facing the direction of Boundary Wall Pass, showing the color of hope.


The soaring momentum rose again, breaking away the dark clouds that filled the sky.

An old Taoist dressed in a fairy robe and holding Buddha's dust in his hands, stepped on a light white cloud, leisurely went straight up, and faced the Garou Heavenly Demon King!

"Jialou, don't be arrogant, the old Taoist will come to meet you today."

The Jialou Heavenly Demon King stared at the direction of Jiebiguan with a ferocious expression, the bloodlust in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

"Taoist Yudai!"

Countless monks wept with joy, and the Daoist guarding the boundary gate did not disappoint them!

Yue Chen and the others also looked at the Daoist in amazement, all kinds of thoughts churning in their hearts.

We all know that there is a Taoist priest sitting in Jiebi Pass, and when they were on the verge of death, it is not that they did not imagine that the Taoist priest would come to rescue them.

However, until the Master Tongtian took action, the Daoist still remained silent.

This makes Yuechen and the others feel somewhat uncomfortable.

Perhaps seeing what Yuechen and the others were thinking, the Holy Son Yuanba said in a low voice: "Dao Zun is guarding the Boundary Gate, so you can't make a move easily, otherwise it will cause the Heavenly Demon to break through the barrier, and it will also give the Heavenly Demon King an excuse to make a move."

Hearing this, Yuechen and the others looked at each other, and had a little understanding of the status of the Qingwei Great World in the extraterritorial battlefield.

It seems that this is unreasonable, and we can only compromise.

Looking at Taoist Yu Dai who was coming up to him, the severed arm of the Demon King of Jialou squirmed and grew out again.

He looked at Taoist Yu Dai with a sinister look on his knife-sharpened face, and said coldly, "Since you are no longer a coward, leave it to the devil!"

After that, he raised his hand again, clenched his fist tightly, and was about to smash it down, but it didn't matter, he suddenly felt his blood was absorbed.

Jialou was furious immediately, these monks were really insidious, obviously with bad intentions.

At the realm of the Demon King, every drop of blood on his body is the essence, so there is no room for loss.

He didn't care about Taoist Yudai for a while, his eyes shot out a tyrannical light, straight at the Five Elements Flag!

The next moment, there was a roar of gods and demons in the five-element flag, and the flag was beating endlessly and hunting!

Seeing this, Kong Yu's complexion changed drastically!


He roared angrily, and poured all the remaining mana into the Five Elements Banner. With both arms, he pulled it back violently.

However, the Five Elements Flag didn't move at all, still tightly wrapped in the devil's blood to suppress it fiercely, and ignored him flawlessly.

Kong Yu's face turned black immediately, and he said bitterly: "This emperor doesn't believe that the duck in his hand can fly!"

After saying that, he swallowed a handful of pills, shook his body, and accelerated the refining of the medicinal power.

Soon, there was a bang in his body, like a tidal surge, like a mountain torrent, and the sound of mana flowing became louder and louder.

Yuechen couldn't help but look sideways, it seemed that this guy was going to do his best.

As good brothers, it's time to stand shoulder to shoulder.

Therefore, he waved his hand and shouted, "Smash it!"

Afterwards, the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations soared into the sky, then fell heavily, and smashed on the Five Elements Flag swiftly and violently!


Kong Yu hastily pinched the spell, and the Five Elements Banner let go of its resistance, allowing the Golden Cauldron of the God of Tribulations to beat the bull through the air, and smashed it on the demonic blood.


The Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations was wrapped in the energy of chaos and smashed down, smashing the demonic blood to pieces everywhere.

Fortunately, the Five Elements Flag has been wrapped tightly with the devil's blood, otherwise, under the blow, the devil's blood would be scattered everywhere again.

Seeing that Yuechen made great achievements, Jin Ling and others also took action one after another, resorting to their own means of suppressing the bottom of the box.

"He attaches so much importance to this demonic blood. It seems that it is undoubtedly his blood essence. If you lose it, you will lose it forever. Be careful, don't let him run away!"

The gourd baby yelled, and a red flame spewed out from the nine-turn Qiankun pot, and burned it towards the five-element flag.


Kong Yu was so angry that he was going to die, could this Tushita flame be burned by anything?

In case the Five Elements Flag is burned out, wouldn't he feel distressed to death!

But now it was hard to get off the tiger, so he had to command the Five Elements Flag to open a little gap carefully, so that Tushi Shenyan could enter it.

But his actions immediately let the devil blood take advantage of the loophole.

Now in the Five Elements Banner, the demonic blood that had been scattered by the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulation God gathered together again with great difficulty, trying to return to the body of the deity.

But it doesn't matter, a little gap suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and the demon blood was overjoyed immediately, and rushed out regardless of three seven twenty one!

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