
Chapter 824 Queen Mother, Here Comes My Son!

Really say who will come.

Just as the ministers were slandering, the guard's voice sounded outside the palace: "The empress is here!"

As soon as the words fell, the empress in ordinary clothes rushed into the Zhaoyuan Hall.

Her hairpin was slightly tilted, and her skirt was a little disheveled. It could be seen that she was in a hurry, and rushed here without even tidying up her clothes.

At present, in the hearts of all the ministers, they have a little trust in the identity of the eldest prince.

"My son..."

The Empress only yelled out one sentence, but she couldn't stop crying, choked up and couldn't speak.

Although I met Yuehui before, it relieved a little bit of the pain of thinking about my son.

But after all, Yuehui is the incarnation of divine thoughts, so how can he be the same as his real body.

Now that she finally saw the eldest son whom she had been thinking about day and night, the Empress only shed a few tears, which was already the result of her restraint.


The mother wept, feeling the pain in the son's heart, Yuechen hurriedly threw himself in front of the queen, and knelt down with a plop.

"The son is back, the queen mother should be happy, don't cry."

Yuechen looked up at his mother in the previous life, with mixed feelings in his heart, and finally only this words of comfort remained.

The monk pays attention to the past and the present, as long as the true spirit is still there, even after thousands of lives, there will always be a day of return.

Therefore, even if the bloodline does not exist, as long as the true spirit remains unchanged, Yuechen is their son.

But in Yuechen's heart, even though he left his mother early in his last life, he still remembers the scene where she swore to protect him to the death.

After this first consonant, he called out with sincerity, and was not at all unwilling.

After all, the empress is a decisive person to kill and kill. At this time, after some comfort from her son, she also put away her sadness, and burst into tears in a blink of an eye.

With this smile, everyone in the hall breathed a sigh of relief.

The Empress not only stays in the harem, she often goes out to battle with her, she is so powerful that some low-level courtiers can't even speak well when they see her.

After that, Ao Lin brought Prince Qianluo to visit her mother-in-law.

Facing her daughter-in-law and grandson, the empress was more enthusiastic than Emperor Zhou.

Needless to say, the daughter-in-law is the real dragon princess, and the real dragon clan stands behind her, so she should not be underestimated.

And Prince Qianluo is the only grandson of Emperor Zhou, the eldest son and direct grandson. In ordinary people's homes, he is the one who inherits the family business.

Of course, Princess Qianmiao is not counted, after all, she is a daughter's family.

As the saying goes, the old son and grandson are the lifeblood of the old lady.

The empress is not old, but she has suffered from thinking about her son all these years, and she only has one son by her side. Now that she suddenly sees her only grandson, she is naturally overjoyed and doesn't know what to do.

Right now, she wanted to take her son, daughter-in-law and grandson back to Qianqiu Palace, so that she could take a look.

But he didn't want to, Yuechen held her back.

"Mother, don't worry, the son has brought some brothers with him, they are in the hall, and the son is here to introduce you."

After finishing speaking, Yuechen waved to Jin Ling and the others.

The empress glanced at Jin Ling and the others, and her expression froze.

Among these people, there are several Jinxians alone, and there is even a Taoist Lord of the Giant Race.

Immediately, the Empress Empress became solemn.

She went to Danchi, sat side by side with Emperor Zhou, and received her son's brothers and friends.

"Father, queen and mother, they are all son's life and death brothers, so there is no need to see outsiders."

After Yuechen said something, he began to introduce Jin Ling and the others.

The ministers in the hall did not leave at this time, and all of them opened their eyes wide, wanting to see who the First Prince had befriended after being away for many years.

"Father and queen mother, this is the Taoist Mumba of the giant clan. My son met him on the road when he came to Qingwei Great World this time. We hit it off right away and talked very happily."

Yuechen introduced Mumba first, not for other reasons, but because he has the highest cultivation.

"Hiss, giants, a group of lunatics!"

"I heard that giants are the best for friends!"

"Our eldest prince is on good terms with him, hehehe..."

The ministers looked at Mumba and whispered, their eyes were full of surprise and enthusiasm, which made Mumba's body tremble and his flesh tense.

A Daoist Daoist, a quasi-sage-level existence, is also a pivotal figure in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Even Emperor Zhou himself is currently in this state.

It's just that he is in the middle stage of Daojun, which is a little higher than Mumba's realm when he first entered Daojun.

At that moment, Emperor Zhou expressed his warm welcome to Mumba, and directly raised his voice to give him a seat.

The next one to introduce is Ling Ce, after all, he is also a guest.

"This is Prince Ling Ce of Yuheng Immortal Palace in Weilan Great World, and also his son's life and death brother."

Yue Chen introduced to Ling Ce: "Your Daoist Ling followed us through world wars. The war has lasted for 3000 years, and he and his son have long been in love with each other, regardless of each other."

Weilan Big World!

This is a big world with a ranking similar to that of Qingwei Great World.

"I heard that the ancestors of Yuheng Immortal Palace are very defensive."

"Is this kid the son of Linghua Fairy?"

"Then isn't he the only grandson of Yuheng Immortal Palace?"

They dare not directly call the name of Dao Zun, otherwise they will be sensed, so they only call the name of the fairy palace.

"Now we have become life and death brothers with our eldest prince, hehehe..."

After a wretched low laugh, following Mumba, Ling Ce also straightened his back and felt numb all over.

Zhou Huang laughed out loud, with a very happy expression on his face.

As a world with a similar ranking to Weilan Great World, there are battles between the two from time to time, and they are both enemies and friends.

Emperor Zhou was about to send people to Weilan World to lobby, so that he could bring reinforcements over.

Really sleepy came to send a pillow, this son came back in time.

The ministers naturally understood this, so they completely abandoned their previous suspicions and looked at Yuechen's eyes, not to mention how eager they were.

After Ling Ce stepped forward to pay respects and sat down, Yue Chen began to introduce Jin Ling and the others.

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