
Chapter 823 Meeting Emperor Zhou

"I guess they were suppressed too hard. I heard that they have been hunted down a lot outside these years. Who else would have resorted to such means, except Mrs. Zhen Guogong?"

All of a sudden, all kinds of gossip about Zhen Guogong's mansion spread throughout the entire imperial city.

The general meaning is still the same, it's all about how Mrs. Zhen Guogong abused the original wife and how she chased and killed him.

Speaking of Li Mingyu as a yellow cabbage in the ground almost didn't piss off Mrs. Zhen Guogong who heard the news.

But these news are not as anxious as her precious son being taken away by the hidden guards.

Not to mention how Duke Zhen's wife gritted her teeth with hatred, and how she rushed to find Duke Zhen to save her son.

It only said that Yuechen and others followed Yueyin into the palace and went straight to Zhaoyuan Hall.

Princess Jinyang thought about it, then turned around and went to Qianqiu Palace to report to the queen's aunt.

In Zhaoyuan Hall, Emperor Zhou Yuemu had already received the letter. The morning court had ended, but he did not come down for a long time, only waiting for his son to come back.

But I don't want to wait and wait, the group of people always don't come.

And the ministers waiting in the Zhaoyuan Hall couldn't help but wonder in their hearts because they couldn't wait until they retired from the court.

Standing at the front, Lord Zhen Guo and Duke Hu Guo jumped at the same time, as if something was about to happen.

As dao lords of Da Luo, the two princes naturally knew that this was a warning from heaven.

But no matter how they figure it out, the secret is not clear when it comes to themselves.

The two dukes were a little anxious, but if the emperor didn't come down, even if something big happened, they could only endure it.

After a long wait, there was finally movement outside Zhaoyuan Hall.


A guard's report sounded outside the hall: "The eldest prince returned to Beijing, and caught the assassin who assassinated the prince of Zhen Guo on the way, and now he is waiting outside the hall to see him!"

One stone caused a thousand waves!


Zhen Guogong's complexion suddenly changed, and he exclaimed.

Zhou Huang's originally joyful expression immediately became serious.

All the officials in the hall also looked at each other with extremely ugly expressions.

Assassins appeared in the imperial city, that's okay, no one in the world knows that the Emperor of Great Zhou hates assassins the most.

If this one is not handled well, it will be a mess, and it will involve a lot of people.


After all, the joy of meeting his son had the upper hand, Zhou Huang said directly.

"Prince Xuanda and others are present!"

Layer after layer of shouting was transmitted outside the Zhaoyuan Hall and into the ears of Yuechen and the others.

This time it was Yuechen who took the lead.

He looked up at the majestic and towering Zhaoyuan Hall, then looked back at his friends, and found that they all had normal faces and were not intimidated by the coercion of the palace, so he was relieved.


He took a step forward, walked ahead, and walked towards the Zhaoyuan Hall.

Behind him, Ao Lin and Prince Qian Luo followed closely, and Jin Ling, Kong Yu and others also followed, meeting the Emperor of the Great Zhou together.

But Yue Yin was at the end, Li Ming was always held in his hands.

But now that he has not yet come to court, in order to avoid being asked by Zhen Guogong on the spot, after thinking about it, he brought Li Mingchang into the space again.

People who fell into the hands of the hidden guards, wanting to get out without being pulled off a layer of skin, that is a dream!

Inside Zhaoyuan Hall, it is majestic and solemn, and the decorations are black and gold everywhere. I think it was mainly black in the Zhou Dynasty.

Sure enough, Yuechen raised his head to look at his father who was sitting on the throne, wearing a black and gold-patterned crown, wearing a crown facing the sky, from behind the spirit beads, his father looked over with a smile in his eyes.

In an instant, the father and son looked at each other and smiled, and there was a kind of intimacy that surpassed the blood, passing between the two.

This is the attraction from the soul!

In an instant, Yue Chen knelt down.

He prostrated himself on the ground and bowed to pay his respects: "My son Yuechen pays respects to his father, may his life be immeasurable, and the great Zhou will be prosperous!"

Ao Lin and Prince Qian Luo, who were following behind him, also knelt down and paid homage.


On the throne, Emperor Zhou laughed out loud, extremely carefree.

"I've been looking forward to my father for many years, and finally I have you back. Get up quickly, get up."

Looking at the family of three kneeling below, Zhou Huang became more and more happy, and his joy was beyond words.

And the ministers waiting in the hall finally came to their senses at this moment, and instantly felt that something was wrong.

"My lord, I have a question!"

Duke Protector stepped forward, cupped his hands and said.


Zhou Huang was very happy, he just waved his hand.

"A few years ago, the emperor announced to the world that the eldest prince Yuehui has returned to the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the ministers have also met the eldest prince. Today, why does this person call himself the eldest prince?"

Speaking of this, Lord Hu Guo looked at Yue Chen with sharp eyes, as if he was a liar.

Yue Chen did not answer his question, but scanned around the hall.

There are not a few people who have this question, and many pairs of eyes are looking at him in surprise.

Yuechen couldn't help laughing in his heart, it's up to him how to explain what his father did back then.

"My dear dears, you don't know that the one standing in front of you is the real eldest prince, and Yue Hui is the younger brother of his mother."

Zhou Huang's words were astonishing, not only shocked the ministers, Yuechen and others were even more dumbfounded.

The Empress, who was about to come in from outside the hall, suddenly stopped in her footsteps.

This guy doesn't even discuss it in advance if he wants to lie. Fortunately, Ben Gong came quickly!

In the main hall, after being stunned, Yuechen also smiled and said, "I have seen my second younger brother a few times, but he is busy with work now, so he will have to wait some time before he can come to visit the emperor."

The ministers looked at each other, even if they still had doubts in their hearts, they didn't dare to ask any more.

The father and son have the same caliber, so it cannot be said that the empress really gave birth to twins.

After all, it is impossible for the emperor to create something out of nothing, so he forced himself to make up an extra son?

You must know that the empress is not a vegetarian.

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