
Chapter 557

However, Kong Yu's sermons ushered in an unexpected joy, and the demon clan in Shangyang Mountain praised him as the Demon Emperor.

He accepted the title without blushing, and the emperor's self-proclaimed title was extraordinarily powerful!

Yue Chen stared dumbfounded at the matter rushing in an unpredictable direction, ten dragons couldn't pull back.


There was a faint thunderclap, but it was Dao that recognized Kong Yu's position as Demon Emperor.

"Congratulations to the Demon Emperor, congratulations to the Demon Emperor!"

The monsters cheered.


Two bright golden lights descended from the void and landed on Yue Chen and Kong Yu.

These two golden lights are about the same size, and they are the golden light of merit and virtue of the panacea oil.

It stands to reason that Kong Yu only taught some ways of cultivating monsters, without much merit.

However, he was regarded as the demon emperor by the living beings, and Dao recognized his status.

Therefore, a lot of merit has been conferred on him together.

Yuechen gathered all the golden light of merit in his body, intending to join together with Kaitian merit and cultivate a golden body of merit.

Kong Yu happily put away the golden light of merit.

He consciously became the demon emperor, so he should do something for the demon clan.

Therefore, he pondered for a while, and turned his mind on his old enemy.

"Xiaochenzi, what do you think about this emperor destroying the Jinpeng clan?"

Kong Yu sent a voice transmission to Yuechen, asking for his opinion.

It's not that Kong Yu is bloodthirsty.

First, the Jinpeng clan dominated the ancient imperial world, destroyed many races, and created countless injustices.

Secondly, whether it is Soul Rescue or Kong Yu himself, they all have karma with the Jinpeng clan.

If you don't take revenge, you will suffer catastrophe.

They are fine in the ancient imperial world, no one dares to overthrow the sky,

But they always have to leave this place, and the Jinpeng clan will be left alone, which will be another big disaster.

Therefore, it was rare for Kong Yu to have a murderous intent to destroy people and groups.

Yuechen thought for a moment, then sighed: "I didn't want to meddle too much in the affairs of this world, so I took five disciples and let them educate the world."

He shook his head slightly: "Since you intend to act like this, I have no choice but to accompany you through the journey."

Kong Yu suddenly laughed.

I just feel that the endless chaotic years have passed, and they are still unchanged, and they are still the same as when they first met.

However, when he thought about all the things in Little Chaos, Kong Yu couldn't help but asked with some doubts: "Why didn't I see that monkey?"

Yue Chen shook his head, guessing: "Perhaps he got a chance and went to another little Chaos, waiting for the birth of the Chaos Demon Ape?"

"If there is a destiny, we will meet each other in the future!"

Yue Chen said so.

Kong Yu nodded, and no longer entangled in this matter.

Now that a decision has been made, according to Kong Yu's temperament, it is natural to act vigorously and destroy the family as soon as possible.

According to the traction of cause and effect, Kong Yu quickly calculated the location of the ancestor of the Jinpeng clan.

Therefore, the creatures of Shangyang Mountain have just recovered from the envy of the merits and virtues from heaven.

Patriarch Xuanxiao and Yaodi got up directly, stretched out their hands to grab the empty baby, and the two gold-eating mice, and boarded a bronze treasure ship.

The brilliance of the bronze treasure ship flowed, started instantly, and disappeared within a few shocks.

Only Kong Yu's words came from the air: "This emperor will come back as soon as he goes!"

The remaining creatures all over the mountain caused all kinds of speculation about the whereabouts of the demon emperor and ancestor Xuanxiao.

Golden Feather Mountain, located in the southernmost part of the Ancient Emperor Realm, is the ancestral land of the Jinpeng clan.

On this day, Patriarch Jinpeng, who was in the cave on the top of Jinyu Mountain, suddenly felt his eyelids twitch, and his mind was in a trance for a moment.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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His complexion changed immediately, and he concentrated on calculating the secret.

However, he is now blindfolded and entangled in karma, but he has not figured out why.

Patriarch Jinpeng made a decisive decision, rushed out of the cave and was about to escape.

However, when he looked around, his face turned ashen instantly.

Although the surrounding environment has not changed, in his perception, the entire Golden Feather Mountain has been separated from the original world, and is in another strange world.

"Where is the master coming to Jinyu Mountain, why does he hide his head and tail, and dare not see people?"

Patriarch Jinpeng shouted sternly.

His movement immediately alarmed the entire Golden Feather Mountain.

"Shh, shh"

Thousands of golden lights shot up into the sky, and each golden light was a golden-winged roc.

The peng feathers covering the sky and the sun covered the entire sky, and the sky darkened in an instant.

King Jinpeng came to the side of Patriarch Jinpeng, looking around with a solemn expression.

It was as if he had seen such a situation before.

"Old Ancestor, what's going on?"

King Jinpeng asked.

Patriarch Jinpeng shook his head slowly, his expression extremely ugly.

"This emperor thought that Chiyu Tianpeng was still alive, but it turned out to be just a drop of its essence and blood. What a disappointment."

In the air, there was a lazy voice suddenly.

Hearing that the blue veins on the forehead of Patriarch Jinpeng popped up, he didn't dare to act rashly.

He will never forget this voice even when it is turned into ashes. This is a memory engraved in his blood.

"Five Elements Peacock!"

Patriarch Jinpeng gritted his teeth and broke Kong Yu's real body.

"You, really want to kill them all?"

Ever since he took shape, Patriarch Jinpeng has not revealed himself to anyone, the purpose is to prevent Kong Yu from discovering his real body.

However, due to the traction of karma, what should come will eventually come.

Patriarch Jinpeng looked around gloomyly, intending to find a loophole so that he could rush out of this weird space.

Suddenly, the void in front of him folded and trembled, and a bronze treasure ship slowly squeezed out of the void.

King Jinpeng suddenly seemed to have seen a ghost, showing a look of fear.

This bronze treasure ship instantly brought back his rare and bad memories.

"Old Ancestor, we are afraid that we are in danger."

King Jinpeng said anxiously.

He will never forget the scene where the blood rain fell that day, and even the consciousness of heaven was wiped out by a group of people including this bronze treasure ship.

Patriarch Jinpeng stared at the bronze treasure ship, and pushed King Jinpeng back.

The bronze treasure ship stopped still, and a figure dressed in colorful clothes stepped out slowly from inside.

Kong Yu raised his head and looked at the golden-winged rocs flying together in the sky like a canopy, his expression darkened.

"This emperor hates darkness the most!"

His white palm was raised, and the five-color divine light was faintly visible in his palm.

Patriarch Jinpeng's complexion changed instantly, and he roared, "Quick back!"

After roaring, his momentum surged, and he transformed into a golden roc with wings over a hundred feet and covered in golden light. His sharp claws were like cold iron, emitting a fierce light, and he rushed towards Kong Yu directly!

Kong Yu's eyes lit up, and he said with a chuckle, "No wonder the Jinpeng clan dares to harm all clans unscrupulously. It turns out that you, an old fellow, have cultivated to the stage of harmony again."

Immediately, he felt a little bit of interest, and with a sway, he also turned into a colorful peacock over a hundred feet long.

"Good come!"

Kong Yu yelled, the Five Elements Divine Light turned into a ray, and brushed towards the Jinpeng Dapeng!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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