
Chapter 556 Greeting the Demon Emperor

Yuechen sat quietly in the void, looking at Shangyang Mountain below, which lost most of its lives, and remained silent.

Opening the sky is a catastrophe. This scene is so similar to the robbery at the beginning of the Long Han in the Great Desolate World.

The Great Dao has brought catastrophe, and he is powerless to change it.

What he can do now is to bring out a few disciples so that he can sit in this world and educate the world.

The entire Shangyang Mountain fell into silence, and the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

"Hey! Do you know that the emperor is coming, and you are waiting for the emperor?"

The wanton laughter broke the silence of Shangyang Mountain.

All living beings were startled, and hurriedly looked towards the place where the laughter came.

But I saw a man in ethereal colorful clothes, like a fairy coming to the dust, stepping from the void, and in a blink of an eye, he landed in front of the ancestor.

The creatures were shocked, not knowing whether the visitor was an enemy or a friend, they dared to face their ancestors.

"You are finally willing to show up."

Seeing his old friend, Yuechen finally smiled knowingly.

He stretched out his finger, and a futon appeared beside him, signaling Kong Yu to take a seat.

The peacock unceremoniously sat on the futon, looked down, and met a pair of big black eyes.

He took a careful look at the chubby little doll, and burst out laughing instantly.

"How come this dry air keeps living and going back, it's so ridiculous to die!"

Kong Yu didn't care about the gourd baby's darkened face, and laughed straight away.

When he had had enough of laughing, he rolled up his sleeves and waved the two gold-eating mice following him to Calabash Baby's side.

Yuechen raised his eyebrows in surprise, this guy, after being re-hatched, his temperament has changed a little.

He was thinking like this, when he heard Kong Yu's carefree urging: "Hurry up and give the sermon, we'll go back after we're done."

Ever since Kong Yu appeared, the creatures who had been staring at him in astonishment suddenly returned to their senses.

go back?Where are they going?

Is the grandfather leaving?

There was a burst of panic in their hearts.

How can Shangyang Mountain without the ancestor be called a safe place?

The nine-tailed civet looked at Yuechen sadly, and never regained its former innocence.

Kong Yu, who was looking around boredly, suddenly met the eyes of the nine-tailed civet.

He raised his brows instantly, and hummed to Yuechen: "Boy, you are very lucky!"

He said this, but he thought in his heart: "When we go back, let's see how this emperor will shake your old self in front of the fourth princess!"

Yue Chen shook his head slightly, and instead of answering, began to preach directly.

Because it was the last sermon, Yue Chen spoke more carefully.

However, he doesn't know much about the realm after joining the Tao.

Therefore, what he talks about most is the state before He Dao.

It's another hype, the sound of the sky, the golden lotus springing from the ground, not to mention.

Seeing Kong Yu staring blankly for a while, such a majesty made his eyes turn red with envy.

Waiting for Yuechen to talk about Qingyun Jiuxiaozhenlu, seeing Kong Yu's envious gaze from the corner of his eye, his heart suddenly moved.

He didn't go on, but said: "After all, as a human monk, Poor Dao has limited understanding of the cultivation methods of demon cultivators."

"Ancestral Mercy"

The creatures below woke up from their intoxication and shouted one after another.

They were anxious, for fear that Yuechen would not talk about the cultivation method of monsters.


Cucurbit Baby shouted crisply.

The creatures off the field suddenly shut their mouths, and only looked pitifully at Yuechen in the air.

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The corners of Yue Chen's eyes twitched, pointing at Kong Yu beside him and said: "This is the patriarch of the demon cultivator clan, let him explain the cultivation method of demon cultivators to you."



The creatures below were shocked, looking at Kong Yu who looked like a banished fairy, they couldn't believe it for a long time.

Their monster clan actually has Hedao ancestors, even if they are not from their own clan, they are very excited.

Kong Yu, on the other hand, immediately became excited after hearing Yuechen's words.

"Forget it, the emperor is in a good mood today, so I will explain to you the way of cultivating the monster race, so that you will not only know how to be aggressive and aggressive."

"It must be known that heaven has the virtue of good life, and the things you do, the cause and effect of merit, will be judged by the way of heaven."

Speaking here, Kong Yu coughed lightly: "Cough, of course, the Dao of Heaven in this world is dead, and it will be judged by Dao."

"Listen to this emperor's preaching, don't act recklessly and impose cause and effect on this emperor's body, otherwise, this emperor will definitely kill me!"

The creatures below shuddered in unison, as if seeing a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, a great terror was coming.

Regardless of what the creatures thought, Kong Yu spoke directly and talked about the way of demon cultivation.

In an instant, the Great Dao Tianyin roared down, and the golden lotus floated, which was sucked into the bodies of the creatures and turned into mana.

It was the first time for Kong Yu to do this kind of thing, but he was very serious, and he spoke in a detailed and easy-to-understand manner, and the monsters below were convinced and fascinated.

Even the Skyhorn Ant and the others were immersed in the Great Dao Tianyin and couldn't extricate themselves.

Yue Chen nodded repeatedly.

It can be seen that there is a specialization in the art industry, and there are many secrets and shortcuts that he does not know about the way of cultivation of the monster race.

Fortunately, it was Kong Yu who spoke, otherwise, these monsters would have to take a lot of detours.

This is also a good chance for the monsters present to meet Kong Yu leaving the customs, otherwise there would be no such good thing.

Kong Yu spoke for a whole ninety-nine and eighty-one days, and most of the monsters who listened to the sermon were directly promoted to one level.

After the sound of preaching stopped, they woke up from the intoxication, bowed to Kong Yu together, and shouted in their mouths:

"My ancestor is merciful, thank you for preaching for us, I would like to regard my ancestor as the emperor of my demon clan, welcome the demon emperor!"

The voice of the mountains all over the mountains broke through the sky and spread throughout the ancient imperial world.

Kong Yu was stunned.

He never expected that he just casually said that the way of cultivation that all the demon clans in the Chiming Realm knew, was actually regarded as the demon emperor by these demon clans!

This was his long-cherished wish. It was a surprise that these monsters accepted his position as Demon Emperor so easily.

The voices of the mountains all over the place made Kong Yu's blood boil, and he wanted to scream.

And he did.


The birds chirped for a long time, the sound shook the sky, broke through the sky directly, and shook the ancient imperial world, announcing the birth of the emperor among the demons.

Huge multicolored peacocks are flying in the air, dragging their long tail feathers, and the divine light of the five elements spreads all over the world.

"The emperor's real body turned out to be a colorful peacock!"

"A peacock in the Taoist period, could it be?"

There was an elderly person who suddenly remembered the terrifying innate peacock that killed Tianpeng when the world first opened.

At that time, they were just born, and they were shocked by the peacock that dominates the world.

No wonder I haven't seen that peacock for many years, so it was reborn just now?

At this moment, they understood something in a trance, and looked at Kong Yu with fanatical reverence in their eyes.

This is the emperor of their monster clan, what kind of thing is the Jinpeng clan!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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