
Chapter 547 Want to open the channel of the 2 worlds


The more he laughed wildly, he patted Ling Xiao's shoulder while laughing, making him confused.

"What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

Ling Xiao looked at the people in the field with some puzzlement, not understanding what they were laughing at.

"Boy, shut up quickly, and be careful that your master throws you out!"

Megatron managed to hold back a smile and persuaded.

"Okay, if you don't want to, forget it."

Ling Xiao pursed her lips, and took a sneak peek at Yue Chen, seeing her master's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, looking at him with an unfriendly expression, and finally realized that she had said something wrong, and she dared not be wronged again.

Yue Chen took a deep breath, suppressed the thought of throwing this wicked boy back, and asked Yue Yue: "Tell me what happened after I left, in detail."


Going back to the end, he didn't dare to offend Yuechen, he coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and then recounted the ins and outs of the future.

Among them, it focuses on how Ao Lin suffered and how he made great achievements.

Not only did she ask for a panacea for Ao Lin, which solved Ao Lin's troubles, but also accompanied Ao Lin to be filial to her parents in Yuejia Village, which was really not easy.

Yue Chen frowned and said nothing, if it wasn't for his clenched fists that revealed his nervousness, no one would know what he was thinking.

"Okay, I was just trying to scare you. The princess is fine, so I just asked me to ask you, when will you go back?"

After all, I couldn't bear him to worry too much, and the more I changed the subject, I had to ask an accurate question.

Yuechen stared at him intently, until his heart felt a little trembling, so he couldn't hold back his voice.

"The passage of time here is completely different from that in Chiming Realm. After Kong Yu is born, I will find a way to open the world passage or leave the world coordinates before going back."

After thinking for a while, Yuechen finally told Yuehui what was in his heart.

Hearing this, Yue Hui opened his mouth wide in surprise, unable to close his mouth for a long time.

"Hit, open up the world channel? Are you not crazy? Is that something you fellow monks can do?"

Yue Hui asked incredulously.

The great emperor who was possessed by Yue Hui's incarnation divine thoughts, just turned his thoughts to his side at this moment, and happened to hear Yue Chen's wild words.

"This kid's chance is against the sky, and his thoughts are not small. If the treasure on his body can be used, it is not impossible to open the passage between the two worlds."

The idea of ​​the great emperor's incarnation just swept across Yuechen's body, without arousing his awareness at all.

Hearing Yuehui's doubts, Yuechen snorted coldly, put his hands behind his back, and said proudly: "There is nothing difficult in this world, as long as there is a heart! Try it then and you will know. If it doesn't work, don't force it."

"It's almost there."

Looking back at Yuechen a few times, he felt that the real deity who said this was in a lofty state of mind, which was very different from the past.

It's no wonder that anyone who stays in the chaos doesn't know the age, and is afraid that the changes will be even greater.

There are two cases of this kind of holding back for too long, either the six relatives do not recognize it and go crazy, or they miss their relatives doubly.

However, Yuechen is aware of the responsibility he bears, and always tries to add foundations to the Chiming Realm and find a way out.

For this reason, he had no choice but to suppress the thoughts in his heart, and did not turn around immediately, but tried his best to open up the ancient emperor's realm and the Chiming realm.

He had guessed earlier that since he fell into a crack in space, then the Ancient Emperor's Realm was certainly not far from the Chiming Realm.

Sure enough, he later discovered in the star map on the Lingxiao Treasure Ship that the Ancient Emperor Realm happened to be adjacent to the Chiming Realm.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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And now that the ancient imperial world is newly opened, the world film is at a time when it is fragile, and if you make an early move, you will have a great chance of success.

It's just that the peacock died somewhere. It's been many years, and it hasn't shown up yet. It's really worrying.

Yuechen paused for a moment, and then instructed: "If you have the opportunity to go to the Qingwei Great World, go and find out if there is a Great Zhou Dynasty."

"The Great Zhou Dynasty?"

Yue Hui was a little puzzled, and then his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said excitedly: "But there is news about father and mother?"

"Not bad!"

Yue Chen nodded, and told Yue Hui what Lin Ji had told him earlier.

I could only hear this guy furious, jumping three feet high, clamoring to avenge his parents.

Yuechen hurriedly held him down, and said: "Now our realm is not high, our power is not strong, and it is just when the world war is approaching, so don't act hastily. You should first inquire about their situation and report to me. It's time to make a decision!"

Hearing this, the more I realized that this was the case, if I made a rash move and attracted the attention of the Qingwei Great World, I was afraid that something else would happen in the world war, so I had no choice but to give up.

He kept this matter in his heart, and decided to use his status as an undercover agent to see if there was any loophole to take advantage of, so as to teach the Great Cang Empire some lessons.

And the more he said, the more he got the right words, and he went back to the land of Jiuyou, waiting to send a message to Ao Lin.

It was the idea of ​​the Great Emperor incarnate in him. Seeing that he was not doing his business and just being a microphone, he couldn't help thinking of finding something for him to do.

Yuehui didn't know that he was going to be busy, so he and Lidu Ghost King exchanged embarrassing conversations for a while, waiting for Ao Lin's arrival.

Fortunately, when Ao Lin was summoned this time, Mrs. Li happened to be taking Mrs. Yu to go shopping in Yong County. She and Jin Lingyueke hurried down to Jiuyou, but waited longer before they were called.

"Would you be punished by Hades for sending messages back and forth?"

Ao Lin was not in a hurry to hear the news this time, but she was concerned about Yue Yue and replied first.

"It's okay, just ask the Lord of Purgatory to help, and the business will not be delayed."

Going back to the way of indifference.

Ao Lin nodded: "That's good!"

Then, she asked with anticipation in her eyes: "Did he say when he will come back?"

Yue Hui shook his head, and first told Yue Chen's original words: "He said that he will not come back until Kong Yu tries to open the passage between the two worlds together."

After saying that, seeing Ao Lin's serious expression, he rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to hurt Yue Chen.

"That guy is too self-aware. Even if he is now in the same way and has a lot more skills, he is not very sure that he can open the world passage."

"Just know that you are thinking of others, tell me, what should you do if something bad happens to you? How sad your parents will be!"

Looking at Ao Lin's expression more carefully, he said cracklingly to Yuechen.

Hearing this, Li Du Ghost King's eyes were filled with shock, and he was no longer as careless as before.

He only felt that Yuechen was really whimsical, how could the barriers of the world be so easy to break, if it was so simple, there would be no cruel world wars.

Of course, there is still some hope in his heart, what if it will be done?

Jin Ling frowned, looked back at Yue Yue, and pinched his fingers a few times.

But Yue Ke clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could step forward and punch him to tell him to shut up.


Ao Lin gave a light drink, interrupting his eloquence.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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