
Chapter 546 I don't know if my master is green or not

When Master Taizhen was disappointed that he could not go to Luran Star, Master Taihe dropped a thunderbolt, which knocked everyone into a daze for an instant.

"You guys must be proficient in divination, so I don't say much, I just say that according to the hexagram, within 50 years at most, this green star will collide with my red star."

"As for the specific time, the poor are poor and have little knowledge, but they can't see the truth!"


Like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, it exploded above the heads of the chief seats, causing them to stand on the spot in a daze, speechless for a while.

Master Tailin came to his senses first, and hurriedly asked Master Miaoran for advice.

"Uncle Master, what Brother Taihe said, is it true?"

No wonder he is so eager, don't you see, the remaining few peaks, which one of them is not eager to look at the general, only hoping that the head teacher will say "no"!

You know, there is still a hundred years to go, and the world war is coming.

In the Chiming Realm at this time, a little turbulence may cause great changes and have a huge impact on the world war.

Previously, the two sects of the Immortal Sect were wiped out in succession, which was already the biggest change in the entire Chiming Realm.

Now that these two planets are colliding, if one is strong and the other is weak, then it is good to say that the stronger side will always survive.

If the two powers confront each other, they will definitely die together. If one fails, the two will die together.

Luckily, that Luran star happens to be one of the few first-class planets in the Chiming world, which is almost the same as the Chixing star.

In the past countless years, when the major planets competed for the control of the realm, the green star has been fighting against the red star, and each has its own winners and losers.

Until the last 3 years, the previous masters were so clever that the other sects in the suppressed Red Star couldn't hold their heads up, and they all bowed their heads and obeyed the order of Xianzong.

Therefore, the sects on the entire Red Star are uniquely united to firmly hold the control of the realm in their own hands.

However, at this juncture, such hexagrams actually appear, which really makes people feel a little numb.

As world-shattering sects, they could not abandon their families and careers, so they left Red Star alone and flew far away.

Two, you can't deviate from the weak and leave them on this red star to fend for themselves.

It is also impossible for San to relocate his family, leave this red star, find another planet, and live under the fence.

Now it seems that they have only one way to go.

"How to do it, please ask Daoist Master to give instructions, and I will do it immediately!"

All the heads expressed their opinions one after another, vowing to live and die with the red star.

Fortunately, since the disappearance of nephew Xuan Xiao, Master Zhang has acquired a good habit of divination every day, so that he can get a glimpse of the secret as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you wait until there is a change and find out, it may be too late.

Now the sentient beings on the Luran planet may not be aware of this matter. If they prepare early, they will have a better chance of winning.

Someone thought that, as expected of the son of luck, even if he left, he could affect the fate of everyone, which is really terrifying.

Just when everyone had different thoughts, Master Miaoran said: "One, only the suzerains of the sects should be notified about this matter. Be loose on the outside and tighten on the inside. Don't leak the news, so that Lu Ranxing can get the news."

"Second, call formation masters from all sects in the world, and set up a large defensive formation and an offensive formation outside the red star.

When someone asked about it, they said it was a resistance war, and they were not allowed to tell the truth. "

"Three, ancestors of this sect, go out and look for a suitable planet to settle down, just in case."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Master Miaoran finished speaking and asked, "Do you have anything to add?"

Everyone shook their heads and said in their hearts: "As expected of the headmaster, you have already considered everything in such a short period of time."

Master Miaoran thought for a while, and then said: "You have to think about this matter, don't spread it everywhere, just tell your confidant disciples."

Everyone said yes again and again, and they planned not to mention it since they went down.

But it is said that Master Tai Lin left the main teaching hall, and returned to God Leifeng worriedly.

Fairy Taiyue saw that he was frowning, and said with some distress: "What's wrong with my husband? But something happened to Xuanxiao?"

In her heart, her husband has nothing to worry about except this apprentice.

Unexpectedly, Daoist Tai Lin shook his head slightly, and sighed: "If it's about him, I don't worry about it. The boy's luck is against the sky, and it's rare for him to embarrass him."

"This time, something big happened!"

Daoist Tailin let out a long sigh, and told Fairy Taiyue all the ins and outs of the matter.

Fairy Taiyue immediately repeated the experience of the first seat on each peak, saying that it was a bolt from the blue.

After a long while, she finally said in relief: "The master teacher has already made a plan for this matter. We just need to obey orders. It's useless to think about it too much, so it's better to be relieved."

Afterwards, she paused for a moment, and said again: "I think Headmaster Yuexi will tell Sister Yaoguang about this, I'm afraid she won't be able to get away for a while."

These words were not false, but it made Master Tailin even more frustrated.

Fairy Yaoguang, as the master of Yaoguang Palace of Piaomiao Immortal Palace, must lead by example and protect the disciples in the palace at critical times.

However, he remembered the disciples who traveled abroad.

Therefore, Daoist Tai Lin held the tokens of his disciples and notified the other disciples of this matter, even Yue Chen and Kong Yu did not miss it.

However, at this time, Wang Ming, Yunqiang Yuejian and others were practicing in Xiaojietian, so they couldn't receive any news.

And Zhong Yuan soaked in the sea of ​​bitterness all day long, fighting with Yin corpses, and he couldn't come out for a while.

Only Ao Yue in Qingjiang Water Mansion, Ao Lin Yueke and others from Yuejia Village received the message.

Not to mention how worried Ao Lin and the others were when they received the message, they lamented that misfortunes never come singly.

But Yuechen, who was in the ancient imperial world, finally waited for the incarnation of Yuehui.

As soon as they met, the two choked silently for a long time, but Ling Xiao couldn't stand it anymore, coughed a few times, and then came back to his senses.

Going back, the villain complained first, and shouted: "You want to look like me, now it's over, the princess will not be able to tell who is who!"

Yue Chen's eyes froze, he glared at him, and warned: "Boy, don't act strange in front of the princess, otherwise, the poor will not give you good fruit to eat!"

The more he blatantly threatened here, Ling Xiao, who had been watching the excitement, thought secretly: "I don't know if the master's head is green or not. The two look exactly the same. I'm afraid it will be sooner or later." thing!"

"Ah yes! If the master is green, we will suffer, and we have to find a way to distinguish them."

Lingxiao rolled his eyes, and then stepped forward to offer advice: "Master, you are the patriarch of Hedao now, why bother to be as knowledgeable as him!"

He blinked at Yue Hui and continued to persuade: "Master, look, you are majoring in the Tao of Chaos now, how about we turn your hair gray to suit the occasion?"

"Puff cough"

Megatron couldn't hold back, spat out a mouthful of saliva, wanted to laugh, but choked himself.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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