
Chapter 1171 Tell him to come without rules!

The Seven-Colored Luan and Phoenix Chariot is pulled by seven divine birds with different colors and extremely bright feathers. It is even more flamboyant than its owner.

Uncle Seventh Emperor felt that the chariot was too ostentatious, and pulling the chariot with divine birds might cause dissatisfaction from Yinyu Tianzong.

But who is Kong Yu?

The second child of the sky, he is the third child!

Don't say that the Silver Feather Heavenly Sect doesn't have a Daoist, even if there is a Daoist, uh, he might be more restrained.

But now Kong Yu didn't take Seventh Uncle's advice to heart. In his heart, the Yu Clan should be respected by the Feng Clan. Anyone who doesn't have long eyes dares to come here will definitely have to taste the power of the five-color divine light.

The colorful phoenix chariot streaked across the sky with colorful rays of light, bringing out patches of colorful auspicious clouds, leading the envoys to be mighty and mighty, setting off a storm wherever they passed, attracting countless creatures to stop and watch.

"Whose frame is this? How dare you use seven divine birds to pull the cart. Aren't you afraid that the Silver Feather Heavenly Sect will cause trouble?"

"It's really extravagant. Could it be that some important person from Tianzong is traveling?"

"It's very possible that in this realm, except Tianzong, who dares to use seven divine birds to pull chariots?"

"It's so beautiful!"

A sound of exclamation sounded, envious.

Kong Yu was sitting in the chariot, his chin almost went up to the sky, extremely proud.

"Hmph, a group of people who don't know much."

He snorted coldly and sneered at the outside discussion.


Suddenly, the seven-colored phoenix chariot trembled violently and stopped suddenly.

"Huh? What happened?"

Kong Yu frowned and asked.

"Report to the Great Emperor, we have encountered an interception." The divine bird pulling the chariot outside screamed.

"It's so courageous, who dares to stop this emperor?"

Kong Yu was furious, turned into a five-color divine light, and rushed out of the phoenix chariot.


The five-color divine light swept across like a horse, without looking at it, it swiped forward!


Immediately, several muffled voices came from ahead, followed by miserable cries.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa…”

In the next instant, several black lights came through the air, hitting the five-color divine light fiercely, and there was an ear-piercing sound of gold and iron.

"What is it, get out for this emperor!"

Kong Yu's angry roar came from within the five-color divine light. Immediately, he appeared, with two sharp brilliance shooting out of his eyes, scanning his surroundings.

I saw that in the void ahead, there were a few big black birds staring at them with cold eyes.

"Bold, the little Chiyan Black Eagle dares to attack this emperor, I'm afraid I'm too tired!"

Kong Yu's eyes turned cold, and he said in a cold tone.

He recognized the types of these black vultures, they were Chiyan Black Vultures.

This kind of monster bird is huge in size, powerful in strength, cruel and domineering in character, bloodthirsty and warlike, and very few people are willing to provoke it.

The Chiyan Black Eagles are monster birds that live alone and do not socialize with the same kind. Now here, there are six of them together. If there is no weirdness behind it, even if Kong Yu was killed, he would not believe it.

"Ji Jie Jie..."

A series of ear-piercing laughter sounded like sand rubbing against each other, and six big black eagles fluttered their wings high, looking down at them, their ferocious pupils full of jokes.

"Who are you, kid? Except for King Silver Feather, who dares to proclaim the emperor in front of us, and you will eat me if you don't know how to live or die!"


In an instant, the six black eagles moved, spread their wings and rushed towards Kong Yu, with flames burning on their pitch-black claws, horrifyingly ferocious.


Kong Yu snorted coldly, and the five-color divine light surged away like a waterfall, covering all six red-flamed black eagles.

In the next second, the Great Five Elements Annihilation Divine Light erupted loudly, and the void collapsed wherever it passed, and everything was wiped out.

Although the six red-flame black eagles are extremely powerful, they can't stop the power of the Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light.


In an instant, the six red-flame black eagles screamed, their bodies exploded, and were completely wiped out of the world by the light of the Great Five Elements Extinction God.

All this in the blink of an eye.


Seeing this scene, countless creatures gasped, secretly glad that they didn't provoke him.

The strength of this mysterious young man was too terrifying. With just a swipe of divine light, the six notorious red-flamed black eagles were wiped out, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"It's so powerful, can't even the Chiyan Black Eagle block his attack?"

Some people were so shocked that they couldn't extricate themselves, and their faces showed fear.

"This person is not from the Yinyu Tianzong, so who is he?"

"There's no need to guess, he is in the same group as the Zhenbei Army behind him, it seems that he is a member of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"Hiss! Zhenbei Hou Shi Jian, that lunatic is here too?"

Speaking of Zhenbei Hou, all the creatures in the northern continent changed their expressions.

"I see, these people are going to the Celestial Saint Sect to propose marriage!"

"Okay you Great Zhou Dynasty, I'll go back and tell the king right away, I want you to walk around if you can't eat!"

Immediately, several birds screamed and soared into the sky, and soon disappeared.

The rest of the people looked at each other, and a human monk stepped forward and kindly persuaded him: "Fellow Taoist is a little impulsive, those six red-flame black eagles are the six guardians sitting down by King Silver Feather, you killed them today, You have already offended the Silver Feather Heavenly Sect, so for the present plan, it is better to go to the Heavenly Maiden Sect to seek asylum as soon as possible."

Kong Yu was furious immediately, and cursed: "This Silver Feather Heavenly Sect is not a good thing, it's fine if you don't come to cause trouble for this Emperor, if you dare to come, it will never come back! Let's go!"

As he spoke, he transformed himself into a huge colorful peacock, flapping his wings and flying high, heading straight for the Heavenly Maiden Saint Sect.

The seven-headed divine bird pulled the colorful luan and phoenix chariot soaring through the clouds and fog, and followed closely behind.

The Zhenbei army also rose into the air one after another, and hurriedly chased after them.

"Peacock, this is a colorful peacock!"

Seeing Kong Yu's real body, many creatures exclaimed, and there was an uproar in the area.

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