
Chapter 1170 Silver Feather Heaven Sect

Now that the calamity has passed, the secret of Qingwei Great World has been revealed.

Not long after, many forces came to know that within the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there was a space secret realm opened, which contained a lot of natural treasures and various opportunities.

After hearing the news, all the forces were overjoyed and rushed over, fearing that it would be too late and others would catch up first.

As for the Great Zhou Dynasty, after Zhou Hou heard the news, he hurriedly asked Zhengqing Daozun for advice.

After learning that Yuechen was not in danger for the time being, he quickly dispatched many golden immortals to guard and closely monitor the situation in the secret space.

At the same time, she also sent the barbarian army, led by Mumba and Jin Ling, to enter the secret space to search for Yuechen's trace.

Ao Lin and Prince Qian Luo also wanted to come, but they were stopped by Zhou Hou.

"Now my Great Zhou royal family's contacts are withered, and your father and Chen'er have lost their traces. If you disappear again, Great Zhou will be in danger!"

Hearing this, Ao Lin looked into the distance and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, she pursed her lips, and the expression in her eyes gradually became firm.

"Mother, don't worry, even if there is only one person left in the Great Zhou royal family, they will never destroy the country!"

After that, she returned to Zichen Palace.

Not long after, Ao Lin, dressed as an imperial concubine, carried Prince Qianluo, stood in Zhaoyuan Hall, and faced the officials with a proud expression.

"Before the father and the regent return to the court, the political affairs will be handled by Prince Qianluo, and the palace and the queen mother will supervise. If anyone refuses to accept it, come to the palace!"

After all, the dragon power in her body suddenly exploded, and a huge silver dragon came out through her body, soaring directly into the sky!

"hold head high!"

"hold head high!"

Two different dragon chants sounded, and the Luck Golden Dragon cheered and roared suddenly, chasing and playing behind the Silver Dragon.


Ao Lin twitched the corner of her mouth, pretending she didn't see it.

Inside Qianqiu Palace, Zhou Hou nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Ma'am, are you relieved this time?"

Manager Anfu smiled and made fun of it.

Zhou Hou nodded, then turned her phoenix eyes to look at Jiao Zhengdian.

"I wonder what choice she will make?"


At this time, in the Jiaozheng Hall, the goddess Zishuang also looked into the distance and remained silent for a long time.

Seeing this, Fairy Qingli beside her raised her eyebrows, and she couldn't help persuading: "Now is a good time to leave Dazhou, can little junior sister go back with me?"

She paused, remembering the worries of her junior sister, and said: "You don't have to be afraid of that old ancestor, as long as you return to the Holy Sect, the Sect will definitely protect you!"

"It should be known that my Holy Sect has been established in this world for countless thousands of years, and it did not shake the world just because of the marriage of a full family of female cultivators. You, don't underestimate the Sect."

Fairy Qingli flicked her hair, her words were full of confidence.

Zishuang Celestial Girl moved her lips a few times, and finally shook her head silently, saying: "I have already promised him, and I will never go back on it!"

Fairy Qingli was stunned, looked at her suspiciously, and finally realized.

"It turns out that you really have affection for him, so Master should be able to feel a little bit relieved, and it won't be too embarrassing."

Fairy Qingli clapped her hands and smiled.

The Zishuang celestial girl lowered her head slightly, her usually cold face was stained with crimson.

However, the pair of teachers and sisters were completely unaware that their teacher, the Holy Mother of Yunying, was furious at this moment, wishing to kill the peacock who uttered wild words.

This has to start when the hired mission enters the northern continent.

The northern continent is the territory of the Tiannv Shengzong, but this continent is not limited to this sect, and there is another Tianzong located on it.

This Tianzong is the power of the Yaozu, named Yinyu Tianzong.

The apparent strength of these two sects is almost the same, and neither of them has Dao Zun.

The difference from the Heavenly Maiden Sect is that within the Silver Feather Heavenly Sect, there are all birds of the Yu family. His ancestor, the Great King Yin Yu, practiced the Myriad Demon Art and ruled all the demons in the northern continent, and his power was immeasurable for a while.

As the saying goes, there cannot be two tigers on one mountain, unless there is one male and one female.

However, the Feather Clan birds are an exception.

In their eyes, the appearance of any race is crooked, even if the Celestial Maiden Sect is all beautiful female cultivators, they don't fall into their eyes, and they are often sprayed as ugly by them.

It is conceivable that this is like stabbing a hornet's nest. Since then, the two sides have disliked each other, and there have been fights from time to time.

When the hired mission had just entered the northern continent, Uncle Seventh Emperor Yue Lian ordered it to go down. It is not easy for the mission to make a big publicity, so as not to be taken advantage of by those who are interested.

However, these words were completely ignored by Kong Yu.

In his eyes, getting married is a matter of splendor, and he wished that the world would know about it.

Not only that, but he also encouraged Yue Heng, saying that it was so hard to get the consent of the Empress Empress to come to hire him, and no matter what, he had to give Zishuang Tiannv a grand wedding.

This grand wedding should start from the scenery!

These words have reached Yue Heng's heart!

At that moment, he was fooled by Kong Yu so that he couldn't find the way, so he sat on the colorful phoenix chariot that Kong Yu brought out in a daze. The birds and birds sang all the way, and the rainbow light filled the sky, attracting countless curious eyes.

This battle made Kong Yu very happy.

"Look, isn't this Emperor's idea a good idea? If you go all the way like this, the entire northern continent will know that Zishuang Tiannu will marry you as his wife. What a beauty it is!"

Kong Yu could not help smiling triumphantly as he felt the scene that everyone was looking at in the colorful phoenix chariot.

Yue Heng touched his nose shyly, his ears were turning red.

"Tsk tsk, you're so shy that you've got all the brats!"

Kong Yu couldn't help laughing.

Niu Kui and Ling Ce, who were traveling together, looked at each other, feeling that the journey would not be peaceful if they were disturbed by this guy.

As for Seven Emperor Uncle Yue Lian, his complexion darkened when Kong Yu took out the colorful Luan and Phoenix chariot.

Don't blame him for his bad face, this colorful luan and phoenix chariot is pulled by seven monster beasts, regardless of whether these seven gods are willing or not, in this northern continent, it is like stabbing the lungs of Yinyu Tianzong .

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