
Chapter 1047 Xiao Xiang

"Heh, who are you and what is my business?" Yuechen glanced contemptuously at the nun in white, "Be sensible and leave quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!"

The nun in white blushed slightly, feeling annoyed in her heart.

This female cultivator is none other than the saint of love in disguise.

In order to deceive Yuechen, she directly pretended to be the goddess of Zishuang. Except for her face, her attire and temperament imitated [-]% of the charm.

This is also thanks to the fact that she has been against Zishuang Tiannv and knows her details like the back of her hand, so she can pretend to be so alike in temperament.

In order not to make Yuechen suspicious, she drilled into the ground veins, provoked the blue scale rock whale shark, drove it out of the underground river, chased it into the big lake, and went straight to Yuechen.

Originally, everything went smoothly, and it seems that the Prince of Great Zhou did not suspect her.

She was secretly happy in her heart, it seemed that this time she would surely make the eldest prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty surrender under her skirt.

But he didn't want to, Yuechen suddenly changed his face and opened his mouth to curse.

The Joyful Saintess blushed with anger, she wished she could slash this guy with a sword, she didn't have those beautiful thoughts before.


She gritted her teeth and stared at Yuechen.

The character and attitude of the Prince of the Great Zhou was completely beyond her expectations, and he did not give in at all just because she was a beauty.

This made her not know how to act in the next scene.

Seeing the extremely arrogant attitude of the man in front of her, the Holy Maiden of Love finally couldn't take it anymore: "What are you! How dare you talk to me like that! Believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

Yuechen sneered and said, "Only you?"

As soon as the words fell, he bullied himself.

Seeing this, the Holy Maiden of Huanqing beat the golden bead as soon as she sacrificed it, and the golden bead turned into a golden light and rushed towards her face. Before she got close, a strong coercion came over her, forcing Yuechen to retreat several feet.

"What a terrifying magic weapon!"

Yuechen's expression froze, he looked at the incoming golden bead, and took advantage of the opportunity to avoid the attack of the golden bead.

This golden bead is at least at the level of an intermediate innate spirit treasure, Yuechen dared not be careless and devoted himself to dealing with this treasure.

Seeing this, the Holy Maiden of Huanqing curled her lips proudly, fearing that Yuechen would find out, she quickly pressed down the corners of her mouth again.

This golden bead was bestowed by the sect as a self-defense item for the saintesses of the sect. It is not a middle-level innate spirit treasure, but a top-level innate spirit treasure. There are only two of them in the entire Hehuan sect.

One is in the hands of her master, and the other is her personal treasure.

This is also the reason why the Holy Maiden of Huanqing dared to go deep into the army camp of the Zhou Dynasty alone.

Without this treasure in hand, the Holy Maiden of Huanqing would never dare to be so arrogant and domineering on weekdays!

"Hmph, let's see where you are going this time!" The Holy Maiden of Huanqing sneered coldly, controlling Jin Zhu to call again.

The golden bead was extremely fast, even though Yuechen was so powerful, he was forced to dodge it.

Although his strength is high, but after all he has only practiced for a short time, facing Jin Zhu, he was confused for a while.

After all, this is the top-level innate spirit treasure that can kill Daojun and injure Daozun. He is just a big Luo Jinxian, and none of them were smashed to death face to face.

Seeing Yuechen evading in embarrassment, the Holy Maiden of Huanqing sneered in her heart, but at the same time she was full of anticipation.

If the prince of the Great Zhou could be seriously injured by this golden bead, then she would be able to take the opportunity to forcefully attack the overlord.

As long as she gets close to Yuechen's body, she has 1 confidences that she can make Yuechen submit, and she will be the only one to follow from now on.

Seeing Yuechen leap again and dodge the attack of the golden bead, the Holy Maiden of Love rolled her eyes, swayed her body, and flew towards Yuechen like a fluttering butterfly.

Before she got close, Yuechen suddenly moved his body and retreated quickly.

However, a charming fragrance suddenly came and floated towards the tip of his nose.

Yuechen's heart shuddered.

He was fooled once in the phantom array, how could he be fooled again!

Therefore, he hurriedly held his breath, and at the same time struck at the Holy Maiden of Love with one palm.

The Holy Maiden of Love seemed to have been prepared for a long time, she paused and retreated quickly.

But only for a short while, that Youxiang ignored Yuechen's held breath, and domineeringly burrowed into his body.

Yue Chen's shock was no small matter.

"What kind of poison is this? It's so overbearing!"

He frowned tightly, staring at the Holy Maiden of Love.

The Holy Maiden of Huanqing smiled triumphantly. At this time, she was completely charming, and she was no longer as cold as ice before.

"It seems that you have doubted Bengong's identity for a long time. No wonder you are so hard to talk about. However, after being hit by the special incense made by Bengong, you want to escape, but it is delusional!"

She twisted her delicate body, looking at Yuechen's exposed chest, she couldn't help licking the corner of her mouth.

She loves beautiful men the most, especially handsome, heroic and extraordinary men like Yue Chen.

This is the man she has been thinking about for a long time, if she can spend a good night with him, how happy it would be!

"Why don't you obediently just grab it? Ben Gong is standing in front of you with a lively face, are you really not tempted?"

While licking her red lips and whispering seductively, she slowly took off the white dress she was wearing

Yuechen's pupils shrank, and he kicked over abruptly.

The Holy Maiden of Love was caught off guard and fell onto the water all of a sudden.

"Ah! Damn you!"

The Holy Maiden of Love covered her apron on her chest and rubbed it vigorously.

Yue Chen's kick just hit her in the chest, if it wasn't for her, she would be a big Luo Jinxian anyway, and she would have been kicked into a big and a small by him!


It hurt her to death!

The bastard kicked her there, really didn't treat her like a woman!

This is a shame and humiliation to the female cultivators of the Hehuan Sect!

With monstrous rage burning in her eyes, she jumped out of the water, grabbed Yuechen's leg with both hands, and dragged her violently towards the shore.

Yuechen also reacted very quickly. The moment she grabbed her leg with both hands, his other leg swept across and kicked her hard on the head.

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