
Chapter 1046

"Hey, you've caught a big guy!"

Yuechen beamed with joy, and happily dived into the water.

It was pitch black underwater and weeds grew wildly, but to Yue Chen, it was no different from daytime.

Ahead, water splashes surged, and a faint smell of blood suddenly wafted.


A deafening roar came from the bottom of the lake, the voice was full of anger and killing intent, like the cry of some kind of ferocious beast, it was creepy.

Immediately afterwards, Yuechen saw a huge head sticking out.

This monster was covered in dark green leather armor and was seven or eight meters long. It was as huge as a whale, with double fins on its back, and the tip of its tail was like a pair of sharp scissors. It was extremely ferocious.

"Blind Rock Whale Shark!"

Yuechen widened his eyes in surprise.

The Bilin Rock Whale Shark is a creature unique to the Qingwei Great World. It lives in the underground river. It is fierce and domineering. Its leather armor is like a rock.

Because they live underground all year round, their eyes cannot see strong light, so they are rarely seen.

How did this guy come to the surface?

Yuechen was a little puzzled.

But soon, he couldn't think about anything else.

The Jade Scale Whale Shark opened its jaws wide, and bit Yuechen in one bite, and the stench came over his face.

"Beast, courting death!"

Yuechen snorted coldly, and jumped up into the air, avoiding the bite of the blue scale rock whale shark.

Immediately afterwards, he punched the blue scale rock whale shark.

This punch was heavy and powerful, mixed with the power of thunder, and it hit the neck of the blue scale rock whale shark hard.

""Kacha Kacha"

The thunder wrapped around the body of the Bilin Rock Whale Shark, paralyzing its entire body, making it unable to move for an instant.


The Jade Scale Whale Shark struggled in pain, electric arcs shot out from its body, and the entire lake rolled.

"Haha, run away again!"

Yuechen laughed excitedly.


The Jade Scale Whale Shark howled miserably, rolled violently, turned around and fled.

"Where to run!"

A cold light flashed in Yuechen's eyes, and he quickly chased after him, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the side of the Bilin Rock Whale Shark.


A palm shot out, hitting its spine.


The Bluescale Rock Whale Shark twitched in pain, neighing in pain, and blood mixed with internal organs gushed out of its mouth, obviously seriously injured and dying.

But the Jade Scale Whale Shark has a strong desire to survive, even if it is seriously injured, it still swings its body desperately, trying to escape Yuechen's capture.

"Want to run?"

Yuechen let out a cold snort, his figure suddenly swelled several times, and he turned into a giant man with a height of three feet.

He raised his foot and stepped hard on the back of the blue scale rock whale shark. With all his strength, he stepped on it into the mud at the bottom of the lake.

Then, he spread his five fingers, like iron tongs, and suddenly firmly grasped the body of the blue scale rock whale shark.


With a forceful pull, he forcibly pulled off the spine of the Jade Scale Whale Shark, and the blood immediately sprayed several feet high!


The blue scale rock whale shark wailed, and finally completely lost the power to resist.

But it's not dead yet, it's still alive.

Its ferocious eyes stared at Yuechen with hatred and resentment.


It opened its mouth violently, spit out a foul-smelling sticky saliva, and sprayed it towards Yuechen.


Yuechen snorted coldly, slapped out his left palm, and a ball of chaotic air rushed towards the saliva in an instant.

"Zi La"

When the ball of saliva encountered the air of chaos, it was immediately assimilated and dissipated, turned into water droplets, and merged into the lake.

"call out!"

At this moment, a ray of golden light flew towards the mouth of the Jade Scale Whale Shark, piercing through its throat in an instant, strangling its spirit and killing it completely.


Yuechen's eyes flickered.

I saw that golden light was a thumb-sized bead, the whole body was golden yellow, with fine runes all over the surface, it was an innate spiritual treasure.


He looked stunned for a moment, and shouted angrily.

Which shameless fellow dared to pick peaches and snatch his spoils, he was really impatient to live!

Yue Chen raised his eyebrows upside down, lifted the Bilinyan Whale Shark to the surface of the water, and glanced fiercely around.

"I have never met fellow daoist, why did fellow daoist want to snatch my prey?"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice, with a hint of anger, came from a distance.


Yuechen was startled, then narrowed his eyes, and looked along the source of the sound.

I saw a white-clothed woman Xiu Xiu coming on the wind, with a white cloud under her feet, with a graceful figure, like a fairy coming to the world.

"Huh? Where did the nun come from?"

Yuechen was slightly taken aback.

This great lake is occupied by the Hehuan Sect and the Great Zhou Dynasty respectively, and there are still people who can break into it.

It seems that this person has some background.

He became a little wary.

The female cultivator has a beautiful appearance, beautiful eyebrows and starry eyes. She is wearing a white crescent moon skirt fluttering, which sets off her slender waist, and a black and blue silk shawl.

Yue Chen was slightly taken aback.

This is not quite the same as the Hehuan Sect nun he imagined.

Could it be that he guessed wrong?

The female cultivator in white came on the clouds, her steps were graceful, swaying like a lotus flower, her beauty took one's breath away.

But Yuechen was not confused by her expression, but looked at her seriously.

The female cultivator in white stood quietly not far from Yuechen, and said with a cold expression, "What? You don't want to admit that you are robbing my prey, fellow daoist?"

While speaking, her gaze moved down and landed on the Bilin Rock Whale Shark at Yuechen's feet.

"Who the hell are you? I killed this prey, so of course it's mine!"

Yuechen also raised his head and replied proudly.

"You! It's too deceiving!"

The female cultivator in white was so angry that her face was stained with a blush, her chest was constantly heaving, and there was a hint of charm out of thin air.

On the other hand, her back is straight, her expression is awe-inspiring, and she gives people a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away, which is quite a contrast.

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