
Chapter 1034 The bowels are green with regret!

At this moment, Niu Kui's face was earthy, like a basin of cold water poured down, all the desires in his heart disappeared, as if the four elements were empty and the seven orifices were filled with smoke.

If time could be turned back, he would never think of any beauties again.

Do not!

He won't even enter this Heaven-confusing Spirit Formation again!

Niu Kui's bowels turned green with regret.

Fortunately, in order to protect Ao Qianmiao, she gave her the Qingping Sword, otherwise, if all this fell into the eyes of the master, he would be finished!

Taoist cultivators are no better than demonic cultivators, and the most important thing is ethics. If the master knows that his misconduct has come to Ao Lin's head, he may be unable to bear it and walk around.

"Hmph, do you still know me?"

Ao Lin sneered, with a strong mockery in her eyes.

She remembered very clearly that this old cow had a criminal record, if she hadn't held on to her sanity at the critical moment, she still didn't know what irreversible things would happen.

"Crack! Crack"

Niu Kui slapped himself hard several times, feeling extremely remorseful.

"Forgive me, the fourth princess. I, Lao Niu, have absolutely no intention of offending me. I blame those bastards from the Hehuan Sect for using the phantom array to confuse me. I will never dare again in the future! I beg the fourth princess to let me go!"

There was a lot of panic in his voice, and he completely lacked the demeanor that a quasi-sage king should have.

Ao Lin gave him a cold look, and was going to teach him some lessons, so as not to cause his daughter's reputation to be damaged by his misbehavior in the future.

But she didn't want to, a familiar feeling hit her again, which made her tremble all over.


She firmly suppressed the moan that was about to overflow, and turned her head with difficulty, so that Niu Kui would not see her distressed appearance.

"Go away, I have never seen you before."

She forced herself to remain calm, turned her back to Niu Kui, and pinched her fingertips fiercely.

Behind her, Niu Kui was lowering his head, his eyes rolling wildly, racking his brains to find a way to ask Ao Lin to forgive him.

Unexpectedly, Ao Lin asked him to go, and Niu Kui was stunned.

In his impression, Ao Lin, as the Empress of the Nine True Saints of the Chiming Great World, has her own majesty and dignity, how can she be desecrated by others?

How could it be so easy to forgive him today?

However, he wished to leave this place right away, and at this moment, with Ao Lin's permission, he wanted to leave as soon as he moved his body.

Suddenly, a strange fragrance wafted over, and Niu Kui stopped immediately.

He turned his head abruptly and looked at Ao Lin suspiciously.

But she saw that her body was motionless, only the flowers under her feet were constantly blooming.


Niu Kui turned his head, looked at the cluster of flowers for a moment, and finally shook his head slightly.

Judging from his rich experience, this smell is definitely not the fragrance of flowers.


He secretly glanced at Ao Lin, she smells like a woman!

However, given him some courage, he didn't dare to have any disrespectful thoughts anymore.

"Let's go quickly!"

Suddenly there was a soft shout, Ao Lin spoke harshly, and the aura in her body suddenly rose sharply.

Niu Kui was startled and waved his hands again and again: "I'm going, I'm going!"

He didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately escaped together and fled.

However, he had just escaped a hundred miles away when he suddenly reacted.

With his cultivation level at the early stage of the quasi-sage, he can be recruited, but Ao Lin only has the cultivation base of the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, so how can he not be recruited?

The light under his feet paused, and he took a hard look at the back.

Seeing this, his heart skipped a beat.

I saw that Ao Lin, who had her back to him, had turned around at this moment, and was staring at the direction he left with complicated eyes.

And her face was already flushed, like peach blossoms in March, bright red and tender.

Ao Lin like this, how could he dare to continue watching, he quickly recited the Infinite Heavenly Venerable, and ran away as if his ass was on fire!

On the other side, Fairy Huanxi pinched the mirage bead bitterly, her eyes wanting to breathe fire.

"Trash things, don't even want the benefits of being delivered to your door, I'm so mad!"

She yelled and cursed, her face was ferocious, she didn't look like she used to be cute.

"No, I have to find some more people, and I must speak out of anger."

She collected herself, gnashed her teeth and turned the mirage beads, looking for a suitable partner again.

However, the next moment, her expression changed dramatically.

"What's going on? This illusion has been broken?"

She stood up suddenly, her face full of astonishment.

This phantom formation was arranged by her own hands, and only she knew the secret of it. How did that woman know the flaws in the formation?

"damn it!"

She gritted her teeth, feeling extremely annoyed in her heart, and then thought about how to get back the Five Aggregates Extinguishing God Mask.

This is the supreme treasure of the sect, and it cannot fall into the hands of others no matter what.

At the same time, Yuechen, who was looking for the flaws in the illusion, was feeling upset, and when the heat rushed to his forehead, he suddenly heard a soft hum from behind.


Yuechen's body froze suddenly, and he turned around abruptly, and saw a pretty face blushing, and his eyes were moist, staring at him angrily.

This person is none other than Ao Lin!


Yuechen was startled, and subconsciously rushed towards Ao Lin.

Ao Lin frowned slightly, and stretched out her jade arms to block Yuechen.

"Stop, don't come near me."

Yuechen hurriedly stopped in his tracks, his heart raised his throat, and he asked puzzledly, "What's the matter, ma'am?"

Ao Lin glanced at him coldly, and a look of disgust flashed in her eyes: "Take off your robe first."

Yuechen froze for an instant, and then glanced at Ao Lin with a somewhat uncomfortable expression.

Based on his understanding of Ao Lin, what happened before must have fallen into her eyes.

He said embarrassingly: "It's not what Madam thinks."

"Take it off!"

Ao Lin raised her eyebrows, and her tone rose several times.

But if you listen carefully, you can hear the imperceptible grievance in her voice.

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