
Chapter 1033 Dao Ancestor is here!

Yue Chen and Ao Lin fell into the illusion at the same time, and at the same time fell under the enchantment of the Happy Fairy, it became more and more difficult to control themselves.

This Happy Fairy has a vicious mind, knowing that she can't do anything to Yue Chen, she wants to harm Ao Lin, and put a green hat on Yue Chen, which can be regarded as revenge for herself.

She turned the mirage beads and looked around for a suitable adulterer.

After a while, her eyes lit up, and she showed a smile of success.

"Damn, it's said that there are beauties in this formation. I, Lao Niu, have been looking for it for a long time. Let alone beauties, I didn't even see me. That bastard is fooling me again!"

Niu Kui, who was holding a mixed iron rod, was wandering around aimlessly. His huge bull's eyes were full of longing for beauties.

Suddenly, a vague fragrance came, like the body fragrance of a beautiful woman, bewitching people's minds.


Niu Kui couldn't help but took a deep breath, and walked towards the source of the fragrance with bright eyes.

On the other side, Ao Lin was already dripping with sweat, very unbearable.

However, she has strong willpower, and even in this situation, she still tried her best to restrain herself, but the fine sweat on her forehead added a bit of charm.


A soft chant slowly escaped with a charming ending, Ao Lin's cheeks were flushed, and her eyes looked at Yuechen who seemed to be in another world.


She licked the corner of her mouth and pinched herself hard.

This charming poison is too domineering, she is going crazy!

No, she must find a way to get out of here, otherwise she will die!


She groaned again, her face flushed, as if she was enduring unspeakable torture.


Seeing this, Fairy Huanyu laughed triumphantly: "Dragon's nature is inherently obscene, and after falling in love with my charm, you still want to struggle. It's just a dream come true!"

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her finger and tapped lightly on the mirage bead, and Niu Kui, who was looking for the beauty, suddenly had a bright light in his eyes.

Indistinctly ahead, there seemed to be a graceful figure dancing in the wind.

And following the movement of the figure, a more intense fragrance floated between his nostrils.

"Hey, I finally found you!"

As he spoke, he walked over with rough steps, with greed shining in his eyes.

At the same time, Ao Lin is looking for a flaw in the illusion.

She waved her hands again and again, slashing with the Ice Soul Light Sword in all directions, imitating Yue Chen's appearance, destroying everything she saw.

"Boom boom boom!"

Soon, there was no complete thing around her, even the land was scratched three feet, and the rocks were all broken.

But still haven't found any flaws in the illusion.


No, there is also where she has been standing.

Ao Lin lowered her head abruptly, looking at the flowers that were still blooming.

Originally, she thought that these flowers were nourished by her blood, so they kept blooming.

But now her wounds have long since healed, no more bleeding, but these flowers are still blooming, showing their existence.

Ao Lin slapped her forehead and gave a wry smile.

She didn't find such an obvious flaw until now.

Is this the so-called black under the lights?

However, under such a pleasant surprise, her sanity became much clearer, and her self-control returned a little.

At this time, under the guidance of Meixiang, Niu Kui finally came to the illusion where Ao Lin was.

With his many years of experience in lingering in the flowers, the beauty in front of him definitely has the best posture.

"Wuliang, bah bah, the Dao ancestor is here, the disciple has no intention of offending. Cough, it must be the Dao ancestor who feels sorry for me and hasn't seen a beauty in many years, so he specially sent it to me."

Niu Kui thought proudly.

As for the beauty trick Shen Gongbao mentioned, he didn't take it to heart at all.

To him, as long as she is a beauty, no matter who she is, there is nothing he can't take down.

As long as it is the beauties he has slept with, there is no one who is not reluctant to part with him, and all of them are devoted to him.

Hey, it's a pity that there are so many beauties in the heavens and myriad worlds that Lao Niu's eyes are blurred, so he can't care about old love.

Although Niu Kui is lustful under the influence of Meidu, he still does not forget to be careful.

Seeing that the beauty was really the only one there, she was immediately overjoyed.

He put the iron rod back behind him, rubbed his hands, and the corners of his mouth smirked.

At the same time, he stomped on both feet, and his momentum soared to show his heroic appearance.

"Hey, little beauty, your brother Niu is here!"

On the other side, Ao Lin was studying the flowers under her feet, looking for a way out.

Suddenly, Niu Kui shouted loudly from behind.

She was overjoyed at first, then her face turned pale suddenly.

At this moment, Niu Kui actually appeared here, and even claimed to be a beauty. Don't think too much about it, he must have been hallucinated and poisoned.

"Oops, is this a trap set by the enemy?"

Ao Lin's heart sank suddenly, and a bad feeling surged up.

Sure enough, the next moment, Niu Kui rushed towards her like a mad bull.

"Niu Queer dare!"

Ao Lin turned her head abruptly, her eyes widened angrily, her face paled in shock.

Under this roar, she couldn't help using the power of the real dragon, which echoed in the illusion like a dragon's chant.


Rao Niu Kui was so obsessed, he was also a little sobered up by Ao Lin's voice at this time.

"how can that be?"

He rubbed his eyes, disbelieving what he saw.

There is no peerless beauty, in front of him, Ao Lin showed an angry face, gnashing her teeth and staring at him.

"Ancestor Dao is on top!"

Niu Kui screamed and nearly fell to his knees.


He obviously came to look for the little beauty of the Hehuan Sect, how did he find Ao Lin's head?

He lay prone on the ground, trembling with fear at the thought of what would happen if Senior Sister Gui Ling found out about this.

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