
Chapter 1021 Kid, Your Blessings Are Here!

Seeing Yuechen attacking, Shen Gongbao let out a cold snort, swept the dust away, and immediately set off a huge hurricane, like a giant dragon roaring, blasting all the huge waves away and disappearing in the air.

"Chaos Fist!"

A gray fist suddenly appeared three feet away from Shen Gongbao!

Shen Gongbao's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately drew back to avoid it, and at the same time, he swung his backhand, and a bright white bead shot out, directly hitting Yuechen's face!

Yue Chen's expression changed drastically, he hurriedly turned his body to avoid it.

This is Kai Tianzhu, even though his physical body is strong, he has not cultivated to the point where he can use his face to forcefully overwhelm the Xiantian Lingbao.


A burst of severe pain came suddenly, but Shen Gongbao slapped him on the chest while he was dodging.


Yuechen was caught off guard, and received a blow, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He immediately retreated, cursing loudly: "Okay Shen Gongbao, don't be rampant, wait for the prince to rest and fight again!"

After finishing speaking, light escaped under his feet, like a dog chasing a rabbit, and he returned to the shore in an instant.


Shen Gongbao smiled smugly, feeling that all the arrogance he received from Emperor Zhou had been released, and he immediately felt refreshed.

"Eldest Prince, didn't you say you wanted to take the life of the poor Taoist? Why did the poor Taoist scare you away the moment we met?"

He chased after him meanly and shouted.

Hearing him bring up old grievances, Yue Chen's face turned ashen.

"You don't want to be complacent. When this prince is fully cultivated, he will definitely kill you by the sword!"

Shen Gongbao was not afraid in the slightest, instead he said with a smile: "Poverty Prince Jinghou is here!"

Yuechen snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and went straight into the tent.

Out of sight is pure!

Ao Lin and the others looked at each other and entered the tent together.


In Zhou Jun's large tent, Yuechen sat high as the commander, and was taking out a jade slip from his chest.

This object was stuffed into his lapel when Shen Gongbao slapped him just now.

After getting this thing, he stopped immediately, pretending to be defeated and fleeing back.

"The emperor said, with your kid's temper, why did you run away after being slapped? It turned out to be a good deal."

Kong Yu sneered as soon as he entered the account.

Yuechen rolled his eyes angrily, "If I don't pretend to retreat, how can I give him a chance to deliver a message, do you think the Taoist monarchs in the enemy camp are all vegetarians?"

"Don't look at him as the Taoist Lord, if there is a slight change, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape the eyes of the enemy."

Kong Yu nodded: "That's true, the main reason is that that guy is too evil, and people should guard against him wherever he goes."

There is no way to refute this statement.

After all, Shen Gongbao's methods are so weird and unpredictable that a sentence, friends of the Taoist priests, please stop, makes people run away upon hearing the news.

"Father, open it and see what that guy said."

Ao Qianmiao's pretty eyes fell on the jade slip, and she said curiously.

"it is good!"

Yuechen nodded, waved his sleeves, and a gray light spread out, directly covering the large tent of the Chinese army.

Then, he flicked his fingertips lightly, and the jade slip immediately floated up, turned into a stream of light, flew slowly into the void, and finally hovered in front of everyone.

The runes on the surface of the jade slip appeared faintly, rippling like water waves, and gradually changed into the appearance of Shen Gongbao.

"Hey, boy, your good luck is here!"

Shen Gongbao had a mean smile on his face, and Ao Lin's complexion changed drastically when he heard the first sentence.

"What did you say!"

She scolded coquettishly, her eyes opened angrily.

However, Shen Gongbao was ignorant, as if he hadn't heard Ao Lin's words, and said to himself: "The name of the big formation is the Fantastic Formation, and the specific function is unknown. I came here with a group of true disciples, and I want to accept you as a guest of honor, so that you can go back to the dynasty and harm your father, hahaha..."

After all, he laughed wildly a few times gloating at his misfortune, and suddenly his figure flickered, gradually disappearing into the void.

But it turned out that these were a few words he had already engraved with his spiritual thoughts. After someone opened the jade slip, his spiritual thoughts would disappear immediately, and he could not communicate with others.

Ao Lin was trembling with anger, "Acacia Sect!"

She clenched her fists resentfully, and slammed it hard on the table in front of her. Suddenly, the cups and dishes on the table fell down one after another and shattered into pieces.

Ao Lin's resentment was beyond words, and Yue Chen was also silent, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Everyone also had different expressions, obviously they didn't expect that the Hehuan Sect would come to this enemy.

"This trick is insidious and vicious, it is the consistent style of the Hehuan Sect, and this should be true."

As an aboriginal son of Yuanba, he affirmed the authenticity of the news without thinking.

Everyone understood after a little thought.

The lessons learned from the Great Cang Empire are right in front of us, and no one dares to underestimate the Hehuan Sect.

It's just that the same beauty trick was successful on the grandfather, but I don't know what it would be like to use it on the grandson.

For a moment, everyone in the tent looked at Yuechen and wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, it was really hard to hold back.


Only Kong Yu laughed wildly without any scruples, and gloated: "I heard that the servants under the skirts of the saintess of joy are like crucian carp crossing the river. The blue is better than the blue. Your beauty is indeed not shallow!"

Hearing this, Yuechen's face turned even darker.


If you want to seduce this prince, you have to have a few pure and clean people...


A strange sound came suddenly, Kong Yu laughed wildly, and everyone turned their heads to look.

Under him, Ao Lin was glaring at him with fiery eyes, her fists clenched tightly, and the table in front of her had been shattered into powder!

That posture was like a female Tyrannosaurus that was about to erupt, her eyes were scarlet, and she wanted to choose someone to devour, Yue Chen's heart sank when she saw it.


No matter how pure and pure he is, how can he compare with my wife!

Yuechen immediately straightened his expression and abandoned the distracting thoughts in his heart.

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