
Chapter 1020

At this time, Yuechen didn't know that these so-called top furnaces were all the fame passed down by Hehuanzong himself, just for the purpose of marrying with major forces.

In fact, these female cultivators are disciples of elders, and each of them has the opportunity to take the position of head teacher.

Yuechen's guess was a bit wrong, but he didn't care too much.

After all, it's just a cauldron, so it's not worth worrying about how powerful it can be.

Seeing his disapproval, Ao Lin was glad that he didn't pay attention to these vixens, but also worried that he would be careless and be entangled by these vixens, and was very entangled in her heart.

On the other hand, the female cultivators of the Hehuan Sect were a little impatient, and after several discussions, they decided to act first.

So, when Yuechen and the others were thinking about the battle across the water, there was a sudden commotion on the other side.

On the opposite side of the great lake, dozens of streams of smoke suddenly rose up, curling up and twisting into invisible silk screens, finally forming a large formation of billowing mist.

At this moment, Taoist Hexuan stood up, put his hands behind his back, and shouted loudly: "You people of the Great Zhou, don't be rampant. We will set up a big formation here, and you dare to break it?"

"The general of the defeated army, the tone is not small!"

Yue Chen sneered, and snorted: "It's just a formation, how can it stop my million-strong army!"

He pointed to the large formation in front of him, turned his head, and asked all the cultivators, "Do you know this formation?"

Hearing this, everyone stared at it one after another, only to see the big fan

There is a hazy atmosphere in the mist, like a cloud of smoke, you can't see clearly, but there is a coercion faintly, which makes people feel palpitating.

Everyone frowned and remained silent for a while, they really couldn't see what kind of formation it was.

"Looking at its momentum, it should be a phantom formation. As for what kind of phantom formation, I am not good at learning, but I can't see it."

After a while, Niu Kuiwen said in a low voice.

Kong Yu and others also shook their heads, expressing their incomprehension.

"Senior sister, can you see it?"

Niu Kui asked with his head sideways.


Ao Qianmiao murmured and shook her head slightly: "This formation looks ordinary, but it is actually extremely extraordinary. I have to enter the formation to know the specific situation."

Yue Chen was momentarily dumbfounded.

Niu Kui, whom he placed high hopes on, couldn't see the name of this formation, so it seemed that he could only enter the formation to explore.

But at this time, on the other side of the great lake, Taoist Hexuan couldn't help but feel a little proud when he saw that the Zhou Dynasty army hadn't moved, and felt that he could save some face by relying on this battle.

Although this formation had nothing to do with him, it didn't stop him from laughing at the opponent.

"Hahaha, aren't you conceited that the formation is unparalleled, why can't you even see this small formation?"

Taoist Hexuan raised his head and laughed wildly, and sneered loudly, "Still, your Great Zhou Dynasty is nothing more than a mediocre one, and your name is nothing more than nothing!"

Yue Chen's face was extremely gloomy, no one had ever laughed at him like this before, he had to be called this old man today, to see how powerful he is!

"Who said I can't recognize this formation!"

As soon as he lifted his footsteps, he was about to step across the lake.


Ao Lin immediately stopped him: "Don't act rashly!"

"We haven't figured out the details of the enemy army yet, so we acted rashly, I'm afraid we'll fall into the enemy's trap."

She frowned slightly, and always felt that the big formation was a little weird, which made her uneasy.

Yuechen took a deep breath, restrained his impulse, nodded and said: "You are right, let's stay on hold for the time being, and make plans after we find out the mystery of this formation!"

Then he ordered Zhang Wenyuan: "Order people to closely monitor the other side, and report any situation at any time!"

Zhang Wenyuan accepted the order solemnly.

Just as he was about to retreat, a light laugh suddenly sounded from the opposite side.

"Hehe, the eldest prince is indeed cautious. No wonder he was able to lead troops to conquer the wild tribes and rule the eastern border."

Yuechen's eyes tightened suddenly, and he gritted his teeth: "Shen Gongbao, it's you!"

Shen Gongbao smiled and cupped his hands, "It's the poor man."

Yuechen snorted coldly, "Shen Gongbao, you are really courageous! How dare you run out and jump!"

Shen Gongbao smiled lightly: "Why don't the poor do not dare?"

Yuechen snorted coldly: "Hmph! You betrayed my Great Zhou Dynasty, but you never thought that one day, this prince will definitely take your head!"


Shen Gongbao raised his head and laughed, with mockery in his voice.

"You are not benevolent, so don't blame the poor for being unrighteous. However, the top of the poor is not good enough in your realm!"


Yuechen couldn't help but get angry.

Although this guy spoke irritatingly, he was right in one thing. With his late stage state of Da Luo Jinxian, it was really difficult to beat that guy.

However, in front of the armies of the enemy and us, how could he admit cowardice!

"Shen Gongbao, don't be arrogant, this prince is here to kill you!"

Yuechen let out a roar, and rushed towards the opponent.

Ao Lin couldn't hold back behind him, stomping her feet angrily.

"It's just in time! Pindao just happened to see if the eldest prince has made any progress!"

Shen Gongbao's eyes flashed brightly, and he greeted him with a wave of his fly whisk.

In an instant, the great lake was full of wind and clouds, and murderous intent filled the air.

The two fought as soon as they said they wanted to, which made Taoist Hexuan and others dumbfounded, and they believed in Shen Gongbao's position even more firmly.


The huge waves rolled endlessly, and the two fought fiercely, with fierce and tricky moves.

The speed of their strikes was so fast that bystanders could only see the two groups of afterimages colliding and separating continuously, making a deafening noise, and the aftermath spread, rolling up layers of waves.

Yuechen shouted angrily: "Shen Gongbao, look at my prince's Chaos Fist!"

He shouted violently, and the energy of chaos burst out all over his body, and the muscles in his right arm instantly twisted, and he blasted forward suddenly.

In an instant, huge waves rose up from the lake like a tide, sweeping towards Shen Gongbao.

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