
Chapter 1001 Robbery

Da Zi Zai Tian Demon King fought with Ling Bao Tian Zun for a long time, and was seriously injured.

But he still didn't retreat, but with a gloomy face, he snorted: "As expected of the Shangqing Tongtian who inherited the Pangu family's killing all over, it's a pity that there is no way to force this king to retreat!"

After all, he rushed forward again, swung his gun and stabbed!

In a blink of an eye, the two were fighting again inextricably, and they couldn't leave each other.

These two people, one is the Supreme Spiritual Treasure Tianzun transformed by Yuechen, and the other is the Tianmo clan outside the territory, the most powerful Dazizai Tianmowang under the Tianmohuang's command. To decide the winner, we still have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

Yue Chen was in a hurry.

He is in the midst of a catastrophe, if he spends a hundred or eighty years, won't he be struck by lightning?

So, when the two separated again, he swung his body again and recovered his real body.

But Da Zi Zai Tian Demon King lost his opponent, immediately sneered, and mocked: "Boy, are you afraid? If you are afraid, obediently open your soul, let me take your body, and go with me to enjoy happiness outside the territory!"

Hearing this, Yuechen's face twitched.

This damn extraterritorial celestial demon is simply too deceptive!

Gritting his teeth, he suddenly yelled, "Go to hell!"

In an instant, the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations flew across the sky, and it swelled against the wind, turning into a huge cauldron of hundreds of feet, facing the Dazizai Heavenly Demon King as a hood.

"Hmph, I don't know how to lift up!"

Seeing this, Da Zi Zai Tian Demon King sneered, his figure flickered, and he also turned into Yue Chen's appearance.

With a wave of his hand, the same Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations God quickly condensed out and rushed up to meet the cauldron!

For Dazizai Heavenly Demon King, using the appearance of a monk to deal with himself is his usual tactic, and it has been tried and tested.

Little did he know, Yuechen had been waiting for this moment.

He has been fighting this Great Freedom Demon King for a long time, and he has roughly figured out his details.

The best skill of this Dazizai Heavenly Demon King is that he can transform into a way of freedom, which can transform into creatures whose strength is lower than his, or whose realm is comparable to his.

As for the Dao Ancestor Realm higher than him, or the innate treasure, he couldn't transform it.

Except for this technique, the Dazizai Heavenly Demon King himself is not very powerful, even the Heavenly Cult Master can't beat him, and he can't even transform him.

It is difficult to say that it is difficult to break this method of otherness, but it is also easy to say, as long as you can defeat yourself, the Great Freedom Demon King will retreat.


There was a loud noise, two hundred-foot-high tripods collided, and the entire Yujiao Mountain almost collapsed, and the rocks kept falling.

Fortunately, everyone had already evacuated, otherwise they would have suffered heavy losses.

"Haha, this king has already said that you will definitely lose!"

Seeing that Yue Chen couldn't do anything to him, Da Zi Zai Tian Demon King laughed arrogantly: "How about it, you still refuse to submit to this king?"

"Surrender to your grandma's legs!"

Yuechen stared and cursed.

"court death!"

This humiliation made Da Zizai Heavenly Demon King extremely annoyed, he let out a loud roar, and the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulation God in his hand suddenly spewed out immeasurable tribulation energy, covering Yuechen in it.

"Right now!"

Yuechen's eyes lit up, and instead of retreating, he rushed straight into the calamity.

Da Zi Zai Tian Demon King was shocked: "This is..."

As soon as he spoke, he saw Yuechen's whole body glowing with gray light, absorbing all the tribulation energy in his body, and then, he pinched the sword formula with his hand, and unfolded the Great Five Elements Yin-Yang sword formula, a ray of black light burst out from the Tai'a sword, towards The Great Zizai Heavenly Demon King chopped off his head.

In an instant, the sword light shone through the void, piercing through the heavens.

"not good!"

The Demon King of Da Zi Zai showed fear on his face, and hurriedly backed away.

It's just that it's too late!


Almost instantly, Da Zi Zai Tian Demon King was cut in half, and blood spurted out, spraying Yue Chen all over.

"This is impossible!"

Da Zi Zai Tian Demon King exclaimed.

He was a majestic generation of demon kings, but he lost to a big Luo Jinxian, how could this be possible!

It's a shame!

Even if he only has the strength of Da Luo Jinxian due to the restriction of heaven, it cannot be the reason for his downfall!

It's just that he couldn't care less about anger.

Seeing the moment when his body collapsed, Yuechen continued to urge the Great Five Elements Yin-Yang Sword Art without hesitation, and slashed at his head.


Just one moment, Da Zi Zai Tian Demon King's head was split into pieces, a ray of light rushed out from inside, disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

Yuechen didn't pursue him.

In case of catching up and encountering the real body of Da Zi Zai Tian Demon King, it will be like a meat bun beating a dog, and there will be no return.

But at this time, holding Tai'a sword in his hand, he pointed at the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulation God. In an instant, the cauldron soared into the sky, sucking all the sky-filled clouds and thunder into the cauldron!

In an instant, the clouds dissipated and the thunder dispersed, revealing the originally clear sky.


Kong Yu and others cheered together.

"Good boy! From now on, Dao Zun can be expected!"

Niu Kui spoke in praise.

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Basically, in all the heavens and myriad worlds, as long as the monks who have survived the Great Freedom Heavenly Demon Tribulation, there is no one who cannot be blessed.

Of course, some Daoist priests did not survive this catastrophe, but also achieved good fortune.

It's just that there is a huge gap in strength between the Daoist who has crossed the catastrophe and the Taoist who has not crossed the catastrophe.

Yuechen has survived this catastrophe, as long as he does not become a demon in the future and practices step by step, he has a great possibility to achieve good fortune.

It can be said that he has been regarded by everyone as the future Daoist.

At the same time, in the Hehuan Sect's camp, all the cultivators were as silent as a quail, and Taoist Hexuan's face was also gloomy.

He had already evacuated from the foot of Yujiao Mountain and reunited with everyone. At this time, he was hesitating whether to go to Yujiao Mountain again to fight Zhou Jun to the death.

Originally, in his heart, as long as Daoist didn't intervene, Hehuan Sect had no hope of winning.

It's just that Yuechen's performance was astonishing, and he hesitated again.

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