
Chapter 1000 Great Freedom Demon King

In an instant, the color of the sky changed, and the storm suddenly fell, and the whole world seemed to have turned into chaos.

Silver snakes flickered, lightning radiated everywhere, thunder rolled, and in a trance, the sky was dim and the earth was dark, the immortals retreated, and the sun and the moon paled.

This scene made all the monks terrified and retreated one after another.

Daoist Tongtian of the Daluo Jinxian period held the Qingping sword in his hand, closed his eyes slightly, and said calmly: "Da Zizai Heavenly Demon King, if you don't retreat, don't blame the poor Daoist sword for being ruthless!"

The big Zizai Heavenly Demon raised his head, stared at Taoist Tongtian for a while, then suddenly laughed, and said for the first time: "Interesting! Really interesting!"

"Since that's the case, let's learn about Tianzun's brilliant move!"

As soon as the words fell, the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon suddenly jumped up, turned his palm over, and a jet-black spear unexpectedly condensed in his palm.


The next moment, a glaring black glow shot out from the tip of the spear, and shot straight at the leader of Tongtian!

"God-killing spear!"

"He is not the Dazizai Heavenly Demon, but the Dazizaitian Demon King!"

Niu Kui exclaimed in shock.

This time, even Ao Qianmiao, who had always been calm, changed greatly.

This black spear is the rumored magic weapon of the Heavenly Demon Emperor Luo Hou, the innate treasure of the God Killing Spear.

This god-killing gun is transformed from the stem of the chaotic green lotus that gathers the most ferocious energy in the chaos. It can kill saints, and because killing people does not touch karma, it is known as the number one killing treasure in the innate world. Even the four swords of Zhu Xian succumbed to it.

It's just that this Great Zizai Heavenly Demon did not transform into the Heavenly Demon Emperor Luohou, but only transformed into his magic weapon of fame, and it is not known how powerful it is.

The Lingbao Tianzun transformed by Yuechen was stunned for a moment, and then his fighting spirit was high.

His eyes were slightly opened, and a savage murderous aura came out of his body, and his thin lips parted slightly: "Come and fight!"

The next moment, Qingping sword slanted, and a sword slashed out, a dazzling sword light erupted, and blue sword lotuses fluttered down, with a unparalleled aura, as if it could split the sky in half.

Immediately afterwards, the two mighty forces collided fiercely, and there was an explosion like a sky-shattering earth-shattering explosion, which immediately smashed the black cloud of robbery in the sky.

And the God-killing Spear was crushed by streaks of gorgeous sword energy, and finally completely annihilated in the blue lotus that filled the sky.


Da Zizai Heavenly Demon King snorted, his face extremely pale.

"Worthy of being one of the Sanqing, come again!"

He was extremely unconvinced, and roared angrily to strike again.


Another long spear condensed out, judging by its momentum, it was three points more powerful than the previous one.


Lingbao Tianzun's eyes were fixed, and the Qingping sword in his hand slashed again.

A radiant sword light pierced through Changhong, and with a sharp and sharp aura, it cut the god-killing spear into two pieces.


With a crisp sound, the God Killing Spear was completely annihilated.

And Da Zi Zai Tian Demon King was also forced back a hundred feet by this sword, and the magic flames all over his body were dimmed. Obviously, this blow suffered a loss again.

But he didn't care, instead he turned his head to the sky and screamed: "Happy! Happy! It's been a long time since I've been so happy!"

"Come again!"


The two of you come and go, killing until the sky is dim, the sun and the moon are dark, the stars are shaking, and the universe is upside down.

The cultivators on both sides of the enemy and us were fascinated by this scene, and couldn't help admiring: "It's worthy of being one of the Sanqing, so amazing!"

"That's right, Lingbao Tianzun's magic weapon is really powerful, it can even block the God Killing Spear!"

"This is the top-level innate spiritual treasure transformed from the lotus leaves of the 24th-grade fortune-telling green lotus in the legend. It is the treasure of its enlightenment, and its natural power is infinite!"

"This kind of existence, how can it be compared with ordinary magic weapons?"

Taoist Hexuan listened to the discussions of the monks under his command, his expression was extremely gloomy.

These idiots, the more powerful Lingbao Tianzun is, the more likely it is that the prince of the Great Zhou will survive the thunder disaster. At that time, there will be time for you to cry!

On the other side, Niu Kui and others also dismissed their original worries and smiled broadly.

"This god-killing spear is not real after all. Compared with the master's Qingping sword, it is far from it."

Niu Kui said proudly.

Mumba also nodded, and talked about some secrets that ordinary people don't know: "The innate treasure is higher than the innate spirit treasure, so it is naturally difficult to turn it into a real thing. This god-killing gun is the magic weapon of the demon emperor, how can it be a mere heavenly treasure?" The devil can use it."

Innate treasure!

Heavenly Demon Emperor!

These are secrets that are difficult for ordinary monks to touch, and everyone listened with great interest.

"It's just that Tian Dao summoned the Da Zi Zai Tian Demon here, isn't he afraid of another calamity?"

Ling Ce, who had been listening for a long time, suddenly asked.

In recent days, he has been reticent.

The reason, of course, was that he hadn't spotted Jiang Hongxi when he was on the battlefield outside the territory, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Although he didn't intend to recognize Jiang Hongxi, he was his biological father after all, and he would naturally feel very uncomfortable if he died like this on a foreign battlefield.

Just like that, he had something in his heart and brought it out on his face.

Everyone vaguely knew what he was thinking, but they couldn't comfort him, so they could only pretend that they didn't know.

Listening to what he said now, Kong Yu snorted coldly: "The way of heaven is inhumane and treats everything as a dog. These words are not groundless!"

This sentence almost pointed at Tiandao's nose and cursed, and there was another thunder in the sky, and the dark clouds gathered again.

"Come on! I'm afraid you won't be able to be the emperor?"

Kong Yu flicked the Five Elements Flag, and almost rolled up his sleeves.


Hearing this, Jin Ling's head was full of black lines, and he shouted angrily, and a stern look appeared in his eyes.

Kong Yu immediately silenced his flag and drums, not daring to be presumptuous again.

The rest of the people held back their laughter and continued to watch the battle.

In the air, the battle continues.

In the end, Lingbao Tianzun took a blow from the God Killing Spear, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his face became more and more fierce.

And Dazizai Heavenly Demon King is also uncomfortable, his originally burly body is already mutilated, dripping with blood, and hideous scars are all over his body, which is shocking.

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