Twin martial arts

Chapter 2588 Blossoms Everywhere

"Is this your choice? But, do you really feel good in your heart?" Lin Fan looked at the outstanding figure, sighed, pitifully, and smiled wryly: "You are worthy of all spirits in the world, but only you It's because of that woman."

Was it his responsibility or his fault?

Lin Fan really didn't know.

But at that time, he really just wanted to fulfill Lin Long and Tian Xin'er, he just thought that this brother who had two lives with him could be more like a real person, not his shadow of Lin Fan, but at that time, why did he ever think What happened today will happen later.

Loyalty and righteousness are in a dilemma, Lin Long chooses righteousness, whether it is right or wrong.

"Husband, don't think too much, the only way to go is to go on."

Wu Qingcheng's voice sounded, and she was in charge of the overall situation. Although all the strategies were brainstormed by everyone; but the specific arrangements and dispatches were all arranged by her alone.

She was also extremely tired, and her beautiful eyes were already bloodshot.

"What about them?" Lin Fan turned around and hugged Qingcheng tightly in his arms; his chin rested on the top of Qingcheng's head, sniffing deeply the fragrance of her hair.

"The army has been sneaked into the states according to the arrangement." Qingcheng embraced Lin Fan and said with a smile: "Don't worry about them, Xiao Nuo, Xiao Wu wanders outside the battlefield, and your third life monitors all directions, so there will be no accidents. "

"Hmm." Lin Fan let go of his embrace, and said in a low voice, "You must not have any accidents, otherwise I will go crazy."

"Don't worry." Qingcheng smiled like a flower: "You go, you charge outside, I will guard the land of ten thousand monsters for you, just like in the next session, you go to fight for this world, and I will guard this home for you."

"Your Highness, Lin Fan and the others have sinister intentions and pursue them relentlessly. They clearly want to kill us all."

While fleeing, Chen Xuandong was out of breath.

"What do you think according to Brother Chen's words?" The Ten Thousand Miles Cloud Beast riding on the sky, surrounded by flames on its four hooves, can travel millions of miles a day, but at this time it is still sweating like pulp, and it is blood red.

"Divide the troops!" Chen Xuandong's eyes were cold: "I think His Highness must have something to hide the aura, right?"

Tong Tian narrowed his eyes: "Really carry the hidden jade with you."

"Hidden jade?" Chen Xuandong's pupils shrank.

This thing is a treasure, it is a miniature pattern of bullying the sky, it is too transcendent.

"Then it's easy to handle. Divide this undead army into hundreds of ways and go deep into the state. You and I will escape alone." Chen Xuandong said: "Only in this way can we hope to get rid of the pursuers."

Moreover, Chen Xuandong smiled wryly: "This legion claims to be immortal, but you and I are definitely immortal."

It was this sentence that dispelled all the doubts of Tongtian, and immediately gave an order to divide the troops into thirty groups, each of which fled in different directions. Moreover, he also split his shirt into equal parts, so that these divided troops could not die. Army, each with a piece of shirt.

"Your Highness's plan is very clever!" Chen Xuandong praised: "Lin Fan must have people who are good at tracking, but His Highness not only has the hidden jade, but also splits the battle robe that offends His Highness, which will definitely cause great trouble to the opponent. , that way we'll be safer."

There was a flash of arrogance in Tongtian's eyes, but thinking of today's failure, it finally turned into embarrassment.

Of course, Tongtian did not really follow Chen Xuandong's words, but he and Chen Xuandong fled alone, and still chose a master and three emperors to go together.

Tong Tian would never have thought that he had high hopes, and in his opinion, Chen Xuandong, whose loyalty had been proven, was actually the most hidden knife.

And the so-called division of troops, etc., were all strategies achieved by Lin Fan and Chen Xuandong through various most secret channels.

Tongtian was defeated and returned. In this battle, at least 2000 million celestial-human armies were wiped out, and even the two legions that only existed in legends but were finally confirmed today were completely wiped out.

The most important thing is that Tong Tian's brother-in-law turned out to be just Lin Fan's hidden body, which is a big joke.

There have been rumors that Erlang of the Tianren clan has a good plan, lost his wife and lost his army.

When Tongtian, who was on the run, heard these words, he let out a scream and sprayed blood, and fell to the ground as soon as his eyes were dark. If there hadn't been a loyal master who saved him in time, he would have fallen headfirst from the Wanli Yanyun Beast , or at least a disgraceful end.

In the middle of the night, Tong Tian woke up leisurely, his face was sallow, and there was a strong rotten aura, as if he was about to rot.

"Your Highness needn't be like this. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. People in the world are ignorant, let them talk about it." Chen Xuandong comforted him, and when Tong Tian woke up, he said: "History is only written by the victors. When Wan Xiong's soldiers wiped out Lin Fan and others, who in the world would dare to speak nonsense?"

Tong Tian sighed: "I have always been conceited, overlooking all the enemies in the world from the clouds. In my opinion, everything in the world is just a plaything in my palm. Unexpectedly, in the end, I suddenly realized that I am the plaything."

Chen Xuandong didn't talk too much, and patted Tongtian on the shoulder: "Your Highness, please cheer up quickly, there are still a hundred thousand miles away from the Tianren Clan's base camp, and the ruler has sent a message back to the Tianren Clan for help, and His Highness's elder brother has already led the way." The army is coming to us, and only when we join forces can we be truly safe."

"Brother is here?" Tong Tian was startled: "Who told him to ask for help? Who told him to send the letter? How can the clan know about this defeat? In this way, is my succession still stable? Trash! Idiot !"

Here he scolded, mad, hysterical, his eyes were scarlet.

"Your Highness, do you think you can hide it?" Chen Xuandong glanced at Tong Tian.

Tong Tian laughed miserably: "It's true that you can't hide it."

It turned out to be disheartened.

"Don't think too much, Your Highness. Your Highness's succession is appointed by the gods. As long as the gods don't change their minds, who would dare to criticize them?" Chen Xuandong narrowed his eyes: "We really can't hide it from the celestial and human clan, but at this moment, the gods are doing something. During the retreat, as long as His Highness rushes to the clan to prevent others from reporting the news, the title of "Your Highness" can always be kept as a little god."

"Thank you sir for your suggestion." Tong Tian's expression tightened.

His address has been changing, from Xuandong at the beginning, expressing the close relationship between the two, to Brother Chen, who has completely believed in Chen Xuandong, and said that at this time, Mr. with a little respect, it proves that Tongtian has regarded Chen Xuandong as his own. to help.

In the same night, Tongtian sent his order to march again, rushing towards the Celestial Clan at high speed, but instead of joining forces as Chen Xuandong said, he chose the route that would cross with the army sent by his brother.

The world is in chaos!

In every state, there are bloody events happening!

Lin Fan's family slaughtered the world with blood; Lin Fan's woman, Lin Fan's son, Lin Fan's brother, and Lin Fan's apprentice all led their armies and slaughtered the hunters in one area after another and the garrisoners in each state. Blood flowed like a river!

The allied forces of dragon and phoenix are blooming everywhere.

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