Twin martial arts

Chapter 2587 Destruction of the Emperor Group

This sentence is actually nothing.

But if you think about it deeply, it is enough to make you vomit three liters of blood.

Just because the appearance of this sentence means that Lin Fan has calculated everything correctly. Is this a silent sarcasm?

She was laughing at him for being self-willed and committing a big taboo.

He is vomiting blood.

I feel that I am really self-inflicted, the so-called employing people is not suspicious, and doubting people is not necessary. If I firmly believe in Chen Xuandong, how can there be disasters at this time?

But it's too late to say anything.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now? Please quickly come up with a plan. If we are surrounded by the opponent, we will be in danger!"

When the emperor spoke at first, his tone was full of urgency and anxiety.

"What should I do? You ask me what to do? Then who am I to ask!" Chen Xuandong said viciously, "I said it a long time ago, the master must be surrounded, but you didn't listen to what I said a long time ago!"

"Brother Chen, all of this is my fault, but at this moment, the situation is critical, please come up with a plan to defeat the enemy, and allow me to apologize to you in the future." is confused.

"Hey" Chen Xuandong sighed deeply: "At this point, there is no other way but to abandon the car and save the handsome man."

Tong Tian's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously shouted: "No, the two legions are the strongest swordsmen of our clan, and they must not be lost, otherwise, I will be a sinner in the clan."

Chen Xuandong smiled wryly: "Then I really have no choice but to gather together and kill through this Dragon Cliff."

Kill through the Dragon Cliff.

Just five words.

But whether it was Tongtian or the emperor, they all smiled miserably.

Broken Dragon Cliff is thousands of feet high, with a cliff as smooth as a landscape, covered densely with iron thorns, shining a faint blue light, and even under the cliff, you can smell the fragrance.

It's fragrant, it's tempting, but it's the smell of hell.

That is absolutely poisonous.

The flesh of the dragon clan is extremely strong, and it is the best in the world, but no real dragon dares to climb this cliff. Thousands of real dragons have died tragically under this iron thorn.

Even if you can leap [-] zhang, but before the broken arm, the faint mist is also extremely poisonous, even if it is a big thing in the emperor's realm, you dare not break through it easily.

Even if you are lucky enough to reach the pass above the Broken Dragon Cliff, so what?

From the faint mist, there were millions of jet-black arrows, all of which were God-destroying crossbows. Millions of god-destroying crossbows shot in volley, so what if it was the emperor?

"Break out to the left!" the emperor said.

But soon, he smiled desperately.

Because, the left side was suddenly covered with smoke and clouds, traces of icy blades and sharp sword intent flashed in the smoke and clouds, and bunches of silvery white lightning fell down.

This is a killing spree.

"Your Highness, please break out to the right!" The emperor smiled bitterly: "This decision is a big mistake, it is my crime, and I should die to atone for it!"

"No." Tong Tian yelled, he still couldn't bear this kind of loss.

"Your Highness, it's not a woman's benevolence. If it's a little later, when the formation on the left rises again, we will wait," Chen Xuandong said in a low voice.

"Mr. Chen, Your Highness's life and death depend on you, please."

The emperor opened his mouth, and held up the butcher knife that had been aimed at Chen Xuandong again, and shouted: "Brothers, kill, we are all emperors, why don't you worry about killing this siege!"

Then, this Emperor's regiment was divided into three like this, one was to attack Duanlongya, the other was to attack the formation on the right, and the other was to charge to the left that hadn't been completely arranged yet. , These are the vanguard soldiers, who are going to use their flesh and blood to level the Nirvana army on the left, which has not yet been completed, but still has a lot of lethality.

Chen Xuandong's eyes were slightly cold!

This is what he wants.

This emperor regiment is too terrifying, there are thousands of them!

If they were to be killed without dividing them, let them gather in one place, this kind of lethality would make even Lin Fan feel terrified!

But now, they are divided into three groups, and their strength has plummeted. It is very simple, and they can be eliminated relatively simply and easily.

Lin Fan appeared, the deity was sitting on Duanlongya, the past body and Lin Long were standing in the killing formation on the left, and the future body and current body were guarding the still unfinished large formation on the left.

Divide and kill.

This is the strategy that Lin Fan made after he confirmed that the Celestial Human Race did have these two legions, and after careful deliberation with everyone, it was only being implemented at this time.

Moreover, Lin Fan had such confidence that he would completely wipe out the two legions of the Celestial Human Race before they returned to the Celestial Human Race.

But it is necessary to make a fuss, carry the prestige of great victory, chase and kill thousands of miles all the way, and thoroughly wake up those who want to rebel, but really dare not rebel.

Also take advantage of this opportunity to sweep away the so-called patrols in the states, as well as the leaders sent by the Celestials to guard the states.

This is an order made by Qingcheng. Only in this way, those who want to do the opposite will have no worries at all if the Celestials are completely wiped out and sent to the soul class of each state.

It's just because this family is really terrifying, and the background is too deep and late. Even until now, no one can really explain the strength of which family, and it needs all the power of the world to kill them.

The massacre began, and Duanlongya, guarded by Lin Fan, was the first to quell the fighting. A total of 970 emperors were killed or captured.

But Lin Fan was frowning.

It's just because these emperors are relatively too weak, and they always feel that they are too far away from ordinary emperors, as if they have forcibly raised their cultivation base through some strange means.

It was related to some kind of poisonous pill that he had used in the next session. The sequelae were huge, and there was a big gap in combat power between cultivators who improved through normal means.

Lin Fan realized it later, and then smiled wryly.

He knows this kind of cruel method of promotion, let alone the Celestial Human Race who has ruled the world for countless years, has an infinitely profound background, and has extremely mysterious origins and roots?

Of course, the so-called weak is relatively speaking. At this time, Lin Fan is invincible in ruling the territory, and the so-called emperor is like a child in his hands, so of course he feels extremely weak.

But compared to the world, a legion formed entirely by the emperor is an overwhelming victory, a force that can overwhelm everything.

The Emperor's Legion was wiped out, but Lin Fan couldn't be happy at all; he thought that this legion could not be regenerated, so he thought hard, and he was also happy because he decided to completely wipe it out.

But now, he knows that this legion can be online, as long as the Celestials still have that taboo medicine in their hands.

Looking at Tongtian who was rushing towards the distance, Lin Fan's eyes gradually became sharper!

This Emperor Legion can be regenerated, so what about the so-called Immortal Legion?

He doesn't believe it.

At this moment, Lin Long walked up to Lin Fan himself, his eyes were indifferent, but Lin Fan could read a suppressed madness in his eyes.

"Don't go after the chase." Lin Fan sighed.

Lin Long looked at Lin Fan, Lin Fan smiled wryly and said, "You have to comfort my sister-in-law, and try to keep your hands as little as possible from that clan's blood."

Lin Long didn't speak, and didn't even look at Lin Fan, holding his sword and ran into the distance again.

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