Twin martial arts

Chapter 2575 Return to the Celestial Realm

The Kui ox has one leg and no horns. It roars like thunder and is accompanied by the light of the sun, moon and stars, so it is also called Thunder Beast.

Lin Fan smiled when he saw it. This is an excellent war beast. It is too difficult to tame. Lin Fan dare not imagine using this beast as a mount for an army, just because it is too unrealistic. There is no need to doubt it. With the help of this Kui Niu , the remaining unnamed legion; the combat power will definitely soar, not weaker than the hell army.

Bringing these Kui cattle out of the abyss caused quite a shock; it made the many corps stationed in the abyss envious, almost causing a commotion.

If it was not suppressed by Zhantian General, there would definitely be chaos.

Coming to the Seventh Realm this time, everything that needs to be done has been done, it is time to leave, Lin Fan went to the Demon Lord Palace, simply said goodbye to the Demon Lord and the Demon Queen, and then left, Hong Mei followed of course However, Lin Tian stayed in the seventh realm.

If it wasn't for Lin Fan's departure, there would probably be a full-scale war with the Celestials and Humans; Xiao Nuo might not be able to leave, and it is estimated that he would be forced to stay here by the Demon Lord and others.

There was also a small episode; Hongmei tried to leave Mozun Palace, but left without saying goodbye; but in the end she didn't succeed.

In fact, Lin Fan has been on guard for a long time, this girl is so well-behaved these days, he has long felt that there is something tricky, as expected, if it is not for the queen to stop her, she will really leave successfully.

This made the corners of Lin Fan's brows twitch violently, and he cleaned it up fiercely in no one's place, making his buttocks and breasts roll.

Once again in front of the Dragon Camp, Lin Fan looked back at Xu Yang: "Come on, you bastard, practice more, the next time you and my brother meet, it should be on the battlefield. I also hope that you, the world-famous major general, will be in charge of me." What about the army of the world?"

"Don't worry, I won't hold you back." Xu Yang smiled proudly and said, "I am in charge of the world's army. This is what you and my brothers have discussed long ago."

"Uncle, that's not necessarily the case. If I am after the war, you still only have the current cultivation level. The commander-in-chief of the three armies, my nephew, I'm not welcome." Xiao Nuo smiled, but Xu Yang's face turned bitter.

Of course, Xu Yang also knew that this was probably Lin Fan's bad idea, in order to flog him to move forward, to prevent him from being lazy, and to practice diligently.

"Brother, don't worry, I will urge him." Princess Jue said, with a worried expression on her face: "Going to fight for days, you must be careful, if you can't do anything, at worst, take your sister-in-law and nephew home. The Seven Realms are the foundation, forgive him for the Celestials and Humans, and they dare not be presumptuous."

Lin Fan smiled and didn't say much; he just kowtowed to his father again, and when he looked back, his eyes were full of determination.

Once this is gone, there may be a way back.

So many great vengeances are engraved in the heart; how dare you forget them for a moment; so many dead people who died in vain, probably haven't closed their eyes, are urging him to move forward, urging him to take revenge under the Jiuyou Difu.

However, after passing through that passage, Lin Fan's expression was a bit bitter, even with a little bit of apprehension and fear.

He was thinking about Hongmei in his own world, and about Le Yao, Qingcheng and other girls at home. This joy was a bit big

This trip to the Seventh Realm, and his daughter and daughter must be looking forward to his return, but he didn't expect that he would bring an extra daughter-in-law and a son. Thinking of this, his head is a little big.

For more than half a month, the world of heaven and man calmed down temporarily, and the war that everyone had speculated about did not really happen.

It's just that the news that Tongtian wiped out all the sinners in the lower realm, under the deliberate operation of the Celestials and Humans, made a commotion known to everyone, and everyone praised Tongtian as the Son of Heaven, exaggerating his achievements , The horror is boundless.

On the other side of the incident, the Phoenix Clan was silent, without any rumors, while the Dragon Clan on the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters was in full swing during this time, as if they were preparing for some terrible event.

This casts a cloud of instability over this world, and everyone knows that peace is only temporary.

Among the Phoenix family, Le Yao's daughters were all there, talking about Lin Fan's various affairs, discussing with each other about makeup experience, and various cosmetics that they made themselves, etc., enjoying themselves, and the girls were together, and no one else was around, joking and laughing from time to time Or crazy, the scenery is infinite.

"What's happy about Sister Le Yao, tell me and let me hear."

The sudden hug scared Lin Leyao's face to pale, and made her blush, and said angrily: "You are a disciple, get out of here."

He raised his catkin and patted Lin Fan's chest and ribs—"Oh, my waist was broken by you."

Lin Fan made a fuss, and following Le Yao's slap, he rushed towards Wu Qingcheng, just in time to throw her into his arms, and naturally he used his hands to mobilize her, causing Qingcheng to be in a mess.

"What nonsense?"

Wu Qingcheng angrily scolded.

"Tell me, what is it?"

After all, it was Lin Leyao who knew Lin Fan best, and stared at Lin Fan with a smirk on his face: "Tell me, what did you do to sorry our sisters?"

As soon as Lin Leyao made a sound, all the women stared at Lin Fan in unison, their beautiful eyes full of vigilance.

Could it be

Which Qingyue Fairy is it?

After thinking about it, it seems that there is only that woman.

"Hey, it's hard to describe."

Lin Fan sighed, with a sour face, lowered his head, dejected, very depressed, and acted like a sufferer.

"Say it quickly." Wu Qingcheng angrily reprimanded.

Lin Fan let out another long sigh, and then slowly explained the whole story clearly and clearly.

"I dare to swear, I am really a victim of this matter. I didn't know until this time that I went there and tortured my uncle." Lin Fan swore.

The girls are all staring at her, their big eyes are full of unkindness.

Only Meng Yan was the most nervous: "Is that younger sister here? Let her out quickly, but it's hard for her to raise our Lin family's children alone."

After a moment of silence, Wu Qingcheng also nodded: "Indeed, no matter what you say about this matter, you can't blame your husband. He was in a daze at that time. Besides, we should thank that younger sister who has never met, otherwise my husband might be wrong."

Lin Fan looked at Qingcheng and Nightmare gratefully.

In fact, how did he know that about this matter, the moment Lin Fan knew about it, on the night when he was trying to get Hong Mei to accept it, the Mozun had already come here with a ray of true spirit, and had a detailed discussion with Lin Leyao and others. said.

If it wasn't for the Mozun to come forward in person, how could it be so easy to get through this matter.

Afterwards, of course, Hongmei was invited out of her small world by Lin Fan, with a shy and timid expression on her face, like a frightened rabbit. The women in front of her.

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