Twin martial arts

Chapter 2574 Abyss Row

On the second day, a beautiful maid came to dress up Hongmei. In fact, this was how Hongmei had been treated for so many years, as if she was another master of this palace.

However, today is a little different.

"You girl, this is the right way." The queen smiled from ear to ear, and she was giving her son a thumbs up. She felt that her son was too capable, and she hadn't been able to persuade him for decades. It's easy for my son to handle the matter.

Hongmei blushed.

The family simply ate breakfast, and of course they enjoyed themselves more happily; even if they were as arrogant as Lin Tian, ​​they would honestly kowtow in front of Lin Fan and call him father.

This surprised Lin Fan, and after glancing at Xiao Nuo who was smiling, he felt warm in his heart, knowing that it must be the credit of his eldest son.

"I really want to see my other daughters-in-law, and my good granddaughter." The queen was dissatisfied again: "How did you do it? Why didn't you bring Xiaoxi and the others along."

Lin Fan is the first and the second eldest, and bluntly said that this time he just came to settle some old matters and discuss, not to find relatives, etc. It turned out that he was severely punished by the queen, and he said bluntly in front of Hongmei, if Lin Fan dared to bully Hongmei, she would stand up for her daughter-in-law.

After a while, Mozun and Lin Fan got together again, and the two father and son discussed various important matters in secret. Lin Fan used Mozun to deduce the strength of the Celestial Human Race, but in the end he was shocked.

The Seventh Realm and the Celestial Realm have had more than one or two battles; therefore, the Demon Lord knows the strength of the Celestial Human Race very well. As the leader of many world battles, General Zhantian should know better than Mozun.

Therefore, General Zhantian was also invited; with General Zhantian's narration and deduction, Lin Fan had a deeper and more thorough understanding of the strength of the Celestial Human Race.

"From this point of view, this family really hides its secrets, and what was exposed in the past is really just the tip of the iceberg." Lin Fan smiled wryly, and said: "Fortunately, I didn't rush into a full-scale war."

"That family" Zhantian General said in a distant tone, and then said: "During the second world war, we swept the eighteen regions. But I met an Emperor's Raider."

"The Emperor's Raiders?" Lin Fan frowned.

"Yes." There was a trace of fear in Zhan Tianjiang's eyes: "The army composed entirely of the emperor, there are thousands of people, that is, this strange army, which ruthlessly wiped out all my ambitions and pride."

"An army formed by thousands of emperors?" Lin Fan's voice changed.

"The Army"

Zhan Tianjiang will be completely immersed in that long-term memory that he doesn't want to recall: "They are not wrong at all. It should be said that they are not like a group of living creatures at all, braving black mist, from appearance to coming My invincible army was wiped out without making a sound; even if I was killed by my Zhantian Dao in dozens of sections, there was not even the slightest cry of pain."

"Patrolling?" Lin Fan's heart tightened, and he unconsciously made such an inference.


Unexpectedly, General Zhantian shook his head, and directly and affirmatively asserted that this thousand-man emperor's army could not be a hunting patrol at all.

"Son, there are two patrolling branches of the Celestial Human Race, one in the Ming Dynasty, which was composed of many wizards in the Celestial Human Realm, but there were no strict rules and other restrictions, and the other branch was the Celestial Human Race from ancient times to the present. ’” Mozun interjected at this time: “The patrol in the dark is also called the Undead Legion.”

Lin Fan became serious for a moment.

He suddenly recalled a past event. At that time, he directly crushed and killed a certain patroller. In the end, that person showed no fear, with sarcasm and ridicule, he said bluntly that he would not die, and in the end he tried everything he could, until he finally used the thunder pool. , before subduing it.

That should be the real hunting tour.

"My subordinate Erlang has never been afraid of death, but" Zhan Tianjiang smiled wryly: "Just imagine, if in a great war, he died by your hands yesterday, or died tragically in front of your eyes, he would have been dismembered, his flesh and blood would have been turned into ashes." My great enemy, appearing alive and well in the next battlefield to fight against you, that feeling"

Lin Fan shuddered Linglingly.

"The Celestial Army has never been the most terrifying legion of the Celestial Race; nor is it the fleet-like Emperor's Raiders. The most terrifying is the patrolling army that looks like the god of death."

General Zhantian sighed and said, "The most important thing is that no one knows how many people there are in that patrol."

Lin Fan was silent for a long time, then smiled wryly: "I used to be very confident, but now"

"Don't underestimate yourself, how can there be true immortality in this world?" Mozun comforted with a smile.

Lin Fan told the story that he had met a real hunter and died tragically in his hands, which made the eyes of Mozun and Zhantian Jiang light up.

General Zhantian said: "In this way, I am afraid that only the power of Zhiyang can kill them."

He opened his mouth, and then directly sent an order for Xu Yang to bring a hunting statue.

This patrolling is skinny, with hideous scars all over his body. He is obviously a prisoner, and he has been imprisoned by the General's Mansion for an unknown amount of time.

Zhan Tian will directly use this hunting patrol as an experimental object, and use the power of the sun to destroy it, but it cannot be wiped out at all. When its body is destroyed, there will be a strange force from the sky, shaping his true form.

"It's also the power of thunder, why?" General Zhantian was puzzled.

Lin Fan smiled wryly, how did he know about this?

"Forget it, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge, and that family must be exterminated. At worst, I will exterminate all patrolling hunters alone." Lin Fan said murderously.

Mozun smiled and didn't say much, but said: "I know you still have a legion that has not been named, nor has a suitable mount, go, go to the abyss, I have prepared a big gift for you; it is my Bit by bit compensation for an incompetent father."

Lin Fan smiled, and under the leadership of Zhan Tianjiang, Lin Fan, father and son went deep into the abyss, up to the seventeenth floor.

"Xiao Nuo, I prepared those two legions for you and Xiao Wu." Lin Fan looked at Xiao Nuo.

Xiao Nuo said: "Brother Xiao Wu has always been interested in the Hell Army, and he is very close to Anu, so the Hell Army should belong to Brother Xiao Wu."

"Okay, you two brothers can make arrangements by themselves." Lin Fan smiled, then turned to look at Lin Tian: "Do you want to follow me to the world of heaven and man, or stay here."

Lin Tian frowned: "Father, I am still in the Seventh Realm, and I am also trying to take charge of the Demon God Army. When the time comes, I will send out the army and kill it in the Heaven-Human Realm to help my father."

What Mo Zun prepared was indeed a generous gift, an extremely generous gift!

These are [-] Kui cattle that have been tamed by him!

When Lin Fan and the others entered the seventeenth floor, what they saw was black Kui cattle that crowded the space in front of them and were arranged extremely neatly.

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