But how is it possible?

Lin Long had been on guard against this for a long time, and had already prepared a way to deal with it. It exploded with a bang, and rotten pieces of meat flew everywhere, smashing more than a few dead stars, and dimming the sea of ​​stars.

At the same time, it really shocked the masters.

This is the most powerful person who can behead the Patriarch Jinshan to death. At this time, his flesh and blood exploded, like the sun bursting, tearing the starry sky with terrifying beams of light, as if he was going to destroy the world.

All the masters screamed strangely, and they all shot forward, with gloomy expressions on their faces!

This monster is so hateful and abominable, does it even want to drag them along the road even to death?

They did guess so.

It's just because, if the ten or so masters attack together, even if Linshen comes here, they will probably think about whether they need to avoid the edge for a while, let alone that monster?

Therefore, everyone believed that he was using this vicious method; he was going to take a few more people on the road and walk along the reincarnation side by side.

"Want to die? How can it be so easy!"

An old man with white hair and beard and wearing an ancient Taoist robe made a gloomy voice. He flicked his big sleeves, and he actually took pieces of the starry sky under his palm. At this time, he chanted an ancient spell, countless ghosts and undead They were all summoned by him, very ghostly.

"Jie Jie, even if you die, I will gather your soul and kill you ten more times!"

When he spoke like this, his tone was gloomy and piercing, as if it came out from the crack of the Nine Netherworld, which made people feel chills all over their bodies.

It turned out that he was not even allowed to die, and he wanted to gather the "collapsed" dead souls to slaughter him dozens of times to vent his hatred.

"It should be like this, otherwise how can we declare the prestige of our clan?"

Someone hid in the god chain that the blood pillar turned into and said coldly, he is too scary, his body is very old, but in fact he is as vigorous as the sea, and his blood is as high as a man.

"He was too decisive to capture him alive, and he couldn't force him to find out his ten clans. It's a pity."

Someone made a cold voice again. This man was very young, with extremely flowing long hair, and it was silvery. When the hair fluttered, the starlight was gorgeous.


As soon as the young man opened his mouth, a big knife suddenly slashed at his neck. It was so abrupt that no one would have expected this scene to happen.

This saber is too familiar, it once beheaded and conquered the heroes of the lower realms, and it also made the famous Patriarch Jinshan drink hatred, now it is showing its sharpness, when Pu appeared, the blade pointed at the ruler's head.


The young ruler let out a strange howl, his hair stand on end, goose bumps all over his body.

This blade light is too terrifying, before it really touches him, it makes him feel his body is separated, as if he has witnessed the bloody scene of being beheaded, even his soul is trembling, and his heart is shaking.

He slapped back fiercely with both hands, hitting Lin Long's chest and abdomen, and the scorpion swung its tail, and the whole body bent into a half moon in an instant, and its heels slammed towards the back of Lin Long's head.

This kind of response is too quick and terrifying. This young master has too much combat experience, so he is definitely not as young as he looks.

He must save the enemy when he attacks, which made Lin Long sigh inwardly. It seems that he can no longer behead the Juggernaut, which is really a pity. Still not a problem.

Lin Long crossed his left arm against the heel that was attacking the back of his head with two stars smashed, and with his right hand holding the knife slightly, he used the handle of the knife to restrain the two bursting hands that were attacking him.

It seemed that the young master's response was really quick, but Lin Long was no worse than him, so the young master was still hit.

It's just that, as Lin Long expected, he didn't directly cut off the head of this ruler, smashed his soul and body with the light of the knife, etc., but he was still split into two halves, and he was attacked by Lin Long's rules. With Bao Dan's treatment, it would not take a hundred years of effort to recover to the current peak cultivation level.

Everything is too fast, between lightning and flint.

A moment ago, everyone was still angrily scolding, thinking that the monster in their eyes was too shameless and vicious, and would kill everyone even if they died.

It turned out that all that was just an illusion, it was just that the golden cicada had escaped its shell, fooled everyone, and almost killed the master of the celestial and human race again.


Lin Long spoke, of course, not with his own tone of voice, and he didn't even really speak, but the fluctuation of the divine sense after being covered up, vicissitudes and ancientness, making everyone frown, this place is the master, and it can indeed be captured That kind of divine sense fluctuated, but it was very weird, and it was indescribably uncomfortable.

"Who are you? Even in history, it is impossible to be an unknown person. Report your name."

The ruler who condensed the starry sky and wanted to 'get together' Lin Long's dead soul spoke, his expression was extremely dignified, he did not dare to underestimate him, and asked seriously and seriously.

"A nameless pawn who was sealed into the present world by the gods against the sky"

That ancient and old divine sense revived.

This kind of words made the face of the ruler of the Tianhuman race sombre!


Go cheat.

If he is really an unknown soldier, how can he kill one of the strongest of the Celestial Race?

How could he hide it from the masters and almost succeed in attacking and killing him?

"Hehe, no matter who you are, there are lonely ghosts on the left and right, sending you to reunite with the criminals in the dirty land."

It was clear that they wanted to do something, no matter what, they couldn't spare the life of this 'murderer', and he still kept silent, if he didn't kill him, why keep it?

"I want to leave, who can stop me?"

This divine sense fluctuates, full of soaring pride, that kind of arrogance that I am invincible and I am the only one, so that everyone's minds are captured in an instant.

Lin Long turned around and threw himself into the big crack that was about to heal completely.

"Want to escape?"

"Want to die in your homeland? In a dream, this deity will crush you to ashes!"

At least three big hands came down at the same time, and as a result, all three palms hit the empty space. At the same time, he laughed wildly and viciously: "Is this the hope of your family? I perceive all the causes and effects of the billions of compatriots in the lower world. Threads are all wrapped around him!"

All the Celestials are crazy!

Because, that person suddenly attacked Tongtian who was peeking at the sky with the magic mirror below!


"The lunatic cultivated recklessly!"

"Death to the deity."

Some people are yelling, some are roaring, and so on, but the entire Celestial-Human Race is really alarmed, and many mountains are rumbling, as if the most incredible existence is sleeping under these mountains, and it is about to break out of the ground at this time , Blood washed the world, the sky suddenly exploded into big cracks one after another, and scarlet thunder and lightning slammed down from the cracks.

"Accompany me to die!"

Laughing wildly and desperately, Lin Long forcibly received three palms and one sword, but he did hold Tongtian in his palm, and flew into the crack!


The ruler of the Celestial Race went crazy, his big eyes almost burst open, but at this moment, a flash of lightning flashed across his eyes, surpassing the speed of the world, this person opened the way with a halberd, cut through the crack that was about to heal, and frantically Into the lower realm.

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