Twin martial arts

Chapter 2555 Lin Fan's Shot

The Lower Realm, seems to be a foregone conclusion, seems to have convinced everyone!

However, if we want to create a fait accompli, it may not be enough to only rely on the images transformed on the mirror.

Just thinking about it, Lin Fan had already decided that he had to make a move.

As long as he and Lin Long didn't take the initiative to break the connection with each other, they could both think through their minds, so Lin Long, who was fighting furiously in outer space, naturally knew what he was thinking.

As the fight continued, everyone below was looking forward to it, all looking up at the sky. Of course, people at the dominance level like Lin Fan had already piloted the Shenhong and flew into the battle site to get a closer look.

As for cultivators of other levels, it's not that they don't want to wait and see such a big battle.

If they can wait and see a battle at this level, they will definitely gain a lot, but they dare not.

Combat is terrifying. People who are not at this level will die if they touch it, and they will die if they touch it, and they can only sigh from across the sky.

Patriarch Jinshan is really terrifying, abandoning all kinds of avenues, only respecting the rules of metal, his whole body is as strong as a second-level mother gold, and he can resist Lin Long's green knife without getting hurt.

Moreover, his hands are too terrifying, if he presses a palm at will, everything will be eroded by the rules of metal sex and become unconscious metal.

Even Lin Long was forced to cut off an eroded arm. Of course, this was not the reason why Lin Long was invincible. It was because he could not use his skills and techniques, even the most commonly used Dragon King Sword reason for not being able to use.

"Criminals from the lower world, your blood will be splashed in the sky today!"

Patriarch Jinshan spoke gloomily, he was completely covered by the devastated golden armor, even his eyes were protected by dark gold film.


Lin Long laughed. He was very successful in his disguise. At least until now, he has not revealed the slightest trace of his original aura: "Dating back to before the epoch, you are the sinners, the ones who betrayed all spirits in the world."

Lin Fan clearly felt that when Lin Long's unsubstantiated and tentative words appeared, Patriarch Jinshan's aura fluctuated obviously.

It was this fluctuation that made Lin Fan's heart tighten suddenly!

Perhaps those speculations were indeed true.

Too many famous examples.

"Tsk tsk, descendants of false gods, your blood is full of crimes, and your life is original sin, and it is an honor for you to die at the hands of your own clan." Patriarch Jinshan said so unexpectedly.

At this time, Lin Fan used a lot of sharp weapons to suppress himself from getting violent, and directly captured the Jinshan Patriarch. It was obvious that this old man knew some secrets.

"The truth of God? Who decides?" Lin Long said coldly, and at this time, endless black mist surged from behind him, making him gloomy like a ghost. , using various yin methods to better hide one's own origin.

"Of course it's God's will." Patriarch Jinshan scolded angrily.

"Heaven?" Lin Long's eyes were far away. If he could see them, the eyes were exactly the same as Lin Fan's, there was no difference: "Heaven will also be killed and imprisoned."

Just as outsiders cannot see Lin Long's eyes, no one can see the eyes of Patriarch Jin Shan at this time.

Otherwise, you can see the fear and surprise in his eyes at this moment!

Who is this person?

Could it be that he is really the protector of the world who has survived until now under the protection of the God Lord?

Otherwise, how can we know these great mysteries?

Even with his status and being born in this kind of family, he was only able to barely understand some big mysteries when he was approaching his old age and after he was restrained in the sea of ​​souls.

But being sensitive, he knows that he must not talk too much with the person on the other side; he always has a bad feeling that the powerful enemy on the other side is spying on some secrets, and he doesn't know if it's an illusion, he always feels that this big enemy is Although it was full of decay, there was an extremely vigorous vitality hidden under this body that was about to completely rot.


The massacre continued, Lin Long was not afraid, and went up with the green knife, opening and closing.

"Can you see who this shooter is?"

There is a master who transmits voices in the dark.

They have reached this realm and stage, of course they can know many great mysteries that the world does not know.

I have many impressions of all kinds of extraordinary figures that have appeared in history.

But all the masters here can't find this 'murderer' in their memory.

"It's been too long." The master sighed: "He claims to have been sealed by the divine master and has survived until now, but how long has the divine master been away from us? It is impossible to verify."

Lin Fan listened quietly to everyone's remarks, and glanced lightly at Lin Long. Lin Long understood the meaning of this glance, and suddenly got angry!

He used the technique that he had only realized after stepping into the sea of ​​suffering. This was his hole card, and it was also a lore. The sudden attack made Jinshan Patriarch roar.

Because, at this time, Patriarch Jinshan suddenly realized that the enemy facing him had hidden his real strength, and his real combat power was even stronger than him!

"Not yet? Do you want to watch me fall?"

Patriarch Jinshan suddenly roared out a distress signal, which stunned everyone.

Really, no one would have thought that the domineering and powerful Patriarch Jinshan would ask for help. One can imagine how dangerous his situation is at this time!

"Have a frenzy!"

"Sinners from the lower world, the ancestor will destroy you!"

From the base camp where the Celestials and Humans were located, there were at least dozens of air mechanisms that belonged exclusively to the level of the ruler.

It's too terrifying, the blood energy is like a vast ocean, and the blood-colored air column breaks through the sky hundreds of thousands of feet high, covering the stars and overturning the galaxy.

Lin Fan frowned suddenly!

The Celestials really are unfathomable!

Dozens of exposed dominant auras are just the tip of the iceberg, and it is hard to imagine how many powerful people there will be in the dark.

Moreover, Lin Fan has always had certain doubts.

Is it true that there is only one god in this family from ancient times to the present?

But now is not the time to think about these things at all. The fingers behind his back moved slightly, and the golden thread that no one could detect spread away rapidly, but when it came into contact with the golden armor of Patriarch Jinshan, it suddenly exploded with full power. With his most powerful way of thunder, even though Jinshan Patriarch was as hard as a second-grade mother gold, he was still robbed, and his whole body was paralyzed for a moment.

It was this moment that decided his life and death!

So, he died.

It's a long story, but in fact, from Patriarch Jinshan's call for help, Dao Linfan's veiled help, to Lin Long's taking the opportunity to kill him directly, it was only in a blink of an eye.



The rulers of the Celestial and Human Race are all furiously scolding the mountains and seas with murderous aura!

Right in front of their eyes, right in the base camp of his celestial race, there were madmen beheading his celestial being in public!

They shot together, and the pillar of blood pressing on the sea of ​​stars turned into a dozen bright red divine chains, all locked on Lin Long in the middle, intending to capture him alive in the sky.

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