As time passed, night was naturally replaced by day.

However, when the full-time supply army for the Falcon Department, which supplies food and grass, etc., went to the Falcon Department, it was frightened by the terrifying scene in front of it and froze!

There are corpses everywhere; but the corpses are all separated, and the heads are piled up high, and the one placed on the top is naturally the Lord Yu Tian!

It turned out to be a pyramid of heads arranged according to the position of the falcon tribe.

And the 30 remains were neatly arranged according to their positions, still in a large pile, with countless flies whining about.

The supply military management itself is not bad; he has seen all kinds of tragic battles; but he has never seen such a scene.

First, his face was pale and his steps were staggering.

"My lord, whose handwriting is this?"

Behind him, someone is asking.

Whose handwriting.

In fact, there is no need to ask, because on the tall pile of heads, there is a golden thunder light that has not dissipated, showing the phantom of the murderer from time to time.

It's just that they were all terrified.

Why is Lin Fan so bold.

Why are you so strong!

Of the 30 falcons, none of them managed to escape, and all of them died in this extremely vast canyon.

The most important thing is that Yu Tian's wide eyes are full of self-mockery and unwillingness, as if he is describing how Lin Fan acted fiercely last night, from his underestimation at the beginning, his arrogance and self-confidence, to the end The despair after knowing Lin Fan's true strength and ridicule towards himself.

"This is a big deal!"

The baggage officer was trembling, he was trembling.

But soon, his face tightened: "Throw away all the supplies, food, grass, etc., and take away all the remains, and the Falcons will disappear from the world. Whether you want to be known to the world, at least wait for His Highness's order! "

This baggage officer is very good.

After seeing this kind of thing, he wanted to hide this fact immediately. After all, this matter was really too big. The Falcon tribe was wiped out overnight. This was Lin Fan's counterattack against Tongtian.

But this kind of counterattack is too sharp and ruthless. If it is spread, the world will be shaken and many things will be questioned.

Phoenix family.

"Lin Fan, the time is up, please follow me."

That Emperor Lin came again, his eyes were still high above, and he looked down upon him.

He was ridiculing and despising Lin Fan in his heart.

But if so!

Both clans have already torn their faces, but so what?

He is only Emperor Lin, but he came here with His Highness' will, and the entire Phoenix Clan dare not disrespect him.

During the few days of the Phoenix Clan, delicious food and drinks were offered.

This is the power of his family.

Lin Fan smiled, looked at Emperor Lin, and said, "Go back now, Tong Tian already knows what I have to say."

Emperor Lin frowned: "What do you mean? Are you playing with me?"

Lin Fan's eyes swept away, and the coercion that belonged exclusively to the ruler converged in the two eyes, suppressing forward, the contemptuous Emperor Lin was immediately paralyzed on the ground, almost urinating out of fear.

It was just a glance, Lin Fan got up again, and went deep into the palace. The Phoenix Lord was still not healed, and he needed his constant cooperation in pulling out poison and alchemy, and he was really in no mood to play tricks on such a small character.

"Lin Fan! You are such a brave dog! The face of His Highness represented by this deity"

It wasn't until Lin Fan disappeared that Emperor Lin came back to his senses, his face was full of shame, he was gnashing his teeth in anger, shouting and cursing angrily.

He was so frightened by a look that he almost lost control of his bladder and bowels, and even collapsed on the ground, how could he bear it?

"Teach him a lesson and let him go."

Xiao Wu's cold voice came from nowhere, followed by a scream, this Emperor Lin had his limbs chopped off, and all the Celestials and Humans who came with him were thrown out of the Field of Ten Thousand Monsters, very miserable, The lightest ones lost an arm.

This is Lin Fan's retaliation, and it is also the price Lin Fan gave. '

In fact, ever since Emperor Lin entered the Realm of Ten Thousand Monsters, the world has attracted attention!

Lin Fan slaughtered the royal lineage of the Heavenly Human Race overnight; this is a monstrous event; the Heavenly Human Race cannot fail to react, so everyone in the world is watching how Lin Fan will respond, and what price he will pay to calm down This time the anger of the Celestial Human Race.

No one thought, and no one dared to think, that Lin Fan would be so tough, directly throwing out all the 'imperial envoys' who entered the Field of Ten Thousand Monsters, and seriously injuring everyone.

This is courting death!

Deep in the palace.

The Phoenix Lord's complexion gradually became better, and there was naturally a Phoenix Lord with a look of empathy beside him, but the despair and dark clouds in his eyes finally dissipated a bit.

"It always feels like it's not the right time yet." Lord Feng sighed, "I originally wanted to wait for Xiao Nuo and Xiao Wu to grow to the level you and I are now, then the chances of winning will be much better."

"I can't wait." Lin Fan shook his head and said, "Besides, Xiao Wu is already capable of fighting the emperor, and Xiao Nuo is even more unfathomable. Even I dare not say that I will win."

Phoenix Lord looked back in an instant, his eyes were full of disbelief!

He didn't understand Xiao Nuo, and Lin Fan never mentioned it, and he didn't want to mention it at all.

Lin Fan continued: "Brothers Xiaonuo and Xiaowu are each in charge of the two legions I brought from the Seventh Realm. If we want to be able to reach a barely equal situation with the Celestial Army, of course we still need at least two masters to sit in command." , so father-in-law, you need to get better soon."

"The problem is that the Celestial Human Race is not just the Celestial God Army, but also patrols and other ministries." Lord Phoenix narrowed his eyes, "Eight Dragons."

"There are only seven parts left. I wiped out the Falcon part yesterday." Lin Fan smoothed out the crease on the Phoenix Lord's chest.


Lord Phoenix gasped: "Then there is no room for maneuver."

Lin Fan said: "They choose to hide, but I don't want to."

At the beginning, Lin Fan didn't think clearly why the Celestials would hide such a big event, but after thinking about it, he became clearer.

"Then do it." Phoenix Lord is not a person who cares about the past and the future, since there is no turning back, then go on.

Lin Fan nodded: "Actually, it was only during this trip to the sea of ​​suffering that I realized that before I only focused on this family, it was really too narrow."

"Oh? Could there be something bigger than exterminating this family?" Phoenix Lord asked.

Lin Fan said: "Three thousand worlds in ancient times."

Lord Feng's pupils shrank, and Lin Fan continued: "The ancient three thousand realms did not really disappear completely, annihilated in the dust of history, but were sealed forever by a terrifying god, but I want to come"

"Don't mention this matter in front of outsiders, it's too big." The Phoenix Lord urged and warned.

Lin Fan naturally understood.

The Falcon tribe was single-handedly killed by Lin Fan in the Dushan Canyon outside Qingzhou. The news started from the Phoenix Clan and swept the entire Celestial Realm like a gust of wind, until the Seventh Realm shook!

Knowing that this matter could no longer be concealed, Tong Tian killed all the 'imperial envoys' who entered the Field of Ten Thousand Monsters that day.

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