Twin martial arts

Chapter 2539 Yu Tian

Falcon Department!

This is a ferocious army, one of the most powerful minions of the Celestial Clan, guarding many parts; it has eliminated countless hidden dangers of the Celestial Clan; It's all about this one.

This makes the Falcon tribe even more powerful. At least the three powerful tribes used to be famous all over the world. Few of them dared to quarrel with them, but this tribe suppressed them all.

Emperor Lin of the Celestial Race was invited down.

The reason why he didn't behead Lin Emperor directly was not because Lin Fan believed that the two countries were fighting nonsense and would not be beheaded to make this kind of nonsense, but because he needed him to bring a heavy gift to Tongtian.

60 years.

Sword Saint Mountain was destroyed.

Stealing the state is half disabled.

The Phoenix clan suffered over [-] casualties.

This is all big hatred.

"You are here, I will come as I go."

Lin Fan stood up and spoke to Xiao Nuo and others.

Xiao Nuo frowned: "Father, I will go with you."

"No need." Lin Fan shook his head and refused. Over the years, his only imaginary enemy was the Celestials, so he knew enough about the minions of the Celestials.

In the falcon tribe, there is only one master, and he will not take it seriously.

As for the existence of other realms, it is even more insignificant in front of him.

"Could it be that Master doesn't want to hide?" Xiao Wu asked with a puzzled frown.

Just because a few days ago, killing the four masters indiscriminately, at that time, it was possible to shirk and become other helpers. No matter whether others believe it or not, it is at least an excuse to shirk. This is also extremely beneficial to Lin Fan, and it can make many people misjudge his strength.

But if he went to the Falcon tribe this time, he would no longer be able to hide it.

"The wings are full. If you have the confidence to kill all enemies, you don't need to hide."

Lin Fan opened his mouth, but in fact, he still didn't say what he most wanted to say.

This family has ruled the world for thousands of years, and the fear of this family is embedded in the bones of every living being in this world. It is not because Lin Fan underestimates himself, but because he knows that it is impossible to overthrow this family overnight. It will take a long time. Things.

At least if they only rely on these few people, it is estimated that they will not be able to do it. They must take advantage of the general trend of the world to create a situation where there are many heroes, so that they can draw millet from the fire.

Therefore, he can't hide any cultivation, and must be more transcendent and powerful than ever before. He must start with him, and the world will be shaken by killing, and the heavens and humans will be frightened. The existence that is dissatisfied with the Celestials and Humans but has always dared to be angry and dare not speak up, only in this way can create the situation that Qingcheng, him and Chen Xuandong want.

In other words, the Mietian Human Race needs a big banner and a benchmark, and Lin Fan will do his part.

The night is dark and the wind kills the night.

The waning moon was shining alone, the wind was blowing, and the banners and flags of the military camp spread for hundreds of miles were unfurled, with tens of thousands of torches, the camp was ablaze.

In handsome account.

The head of the Falcon Department——Yu Tianzhu sat high on the main seat, his hands were holding at least five catties of dragon meat, and he was chewing.

This is raw food with a bloody mouth.

The rest are the other generals of the Falcon tribe, all of whom are extraordinary, at least at the level of emperors.

"Your Majesty, we will arrive at the border of Qingzhou tomorrow, should we push away in one go, or"

A general asked, this is an emperor, and he is also a confidant of the ruler of the rainy sky.

"Push it away." Yu Tian opened his mouth and gnawed down a large piece of meat. Scarlet rays of light flew up, filling the sky with evil spirits, as if a hundred thousand dragons and evil spirits were roaring.

Someone spoke; and frowned: "That night, the four masters of Haotian City were wiped out overnight. It is rumored that Lin Fan did it. Will your lord wait for this news to be confirmed?"


Yu Tian threw the dragon meat in his hand into the blood dish, and restrained it with Taoism to keep it fresh, then he said coldly: "Even if Lin Fan really has the ability to overwhelm the four masters, what would this deity be afraid of? Besides, if it wasn't for the four masters How can a waste of good background be put in the eyes of this deity?"

When the generals below heard their coach's strong words, they naturally flattered him.

"The so-called Lin Fanlang has gained a false name, there is really no need to worry."

"That should be the case. Under the leadership of your lord, our Falcon tribe has frightened the world. There are not a few masters who have been captured and killed over the years; how can he, Lin Fan, be an exception."

"That's right, Your Majesty made a move. The so-called Lin Fan and other local chickens and dogs just took this opportunity to push Qingzhou horizontally, behead Lin Fan, and made great achievements in the world."

Right now.

"Who dares to break into our camp?"

There was loud shouting from outside the camp, and the sound of thousands of crossbow strings, but it disappeared in an instant, drowned in the strong wind.

Yu Tian's pupils shrank, and two sharp lights shot out from his eyes, and a long crack was opened in the camp tent, and everything outside could be seen!

A young man in a war robe came against the dark night and the crescent moon, and walked in the army formation densely covered with soldiers of the Falcon tribe.

With his hands behind his back, he strolled leisurely in the garden, leisurely and carefree, as if admiring the moon, like a rich man mourning the moon in autumn. All the living beings withered one by one, and after him, blood flowed like a river, and more than ten thousand people were killed or injured.

"Lin Fan!"

Yu Tian's face was indifferent, and this call made the scalps of the generals in the same tent feel numb, and they felt chilly all over.

Of course it was Lin Fan who came, and he was still walking unhurriedly, but with a clear goal, pointing directly at the commander.

It has to be said that the Falcons are truly worthy of being one of the strongest minions of the Celestial Clan. Even though they knew they were invincible, someone still gave orders, and those terrifying arrows and crossbow arrows poured down on Lin Fan with a cry of killing. Arrows become rain, and crossbow arrows become forests.

"It seems that you are not hesitating the lives of your subordinates."

Lin Fan chuckled, and stepped forward with a terrifying momentum, sweeping away all creatures within a hundred feet, including of course the arrows that were shot down.

"Lin Fanxiu is presumptuous!"

"Lin Fan, hurry up and catch him!"

The generals in the camp finally woke up from the shock and fear, and at the same time sternly reprimanded them.

Only Yu Tian, ​​still sitting at the top seat, did not move, but his eyes were still staring at Lin Fan sharply. There was a terrifying beam of light in his eyes, as if gathering all the brilliance of two scorching suns. The space in front of him was scorched into nothingness. He wanted to see Clear Lin Fan's fiction and reality.

But it's impossible, under the eyes of Martial Daotian, who is the ruler of Yutian, Lin Fan is surrounded by a layer of thunder, and he can't see through it.

He couldn't see through Lin Fan's cultivation level, but Yu Tian didn't get nothing, at least he was sure that Lin Fan was really not afraid of death and committed the crime alone, so he smiled ferociously and piercingly: "I wanted to go to Qingzhou to kill you tomorrow. of."

"That's why I'm here today to let you kill."

With a smile, Lin Fan answered simply and directly.

"Jiejie Lin Fan, you are asking for your own death. Your lord is sitting here, you will definitely come and go today!"

Lin Fan glanced at the jubilant emperor, raised his eyebrows slightly, and flew down from the main seat as if facing an enemy in the sky, and slapped the emperor in front of him.

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