Twin martial arts

Chapter 2537 1 Drunk Killing Heroes

Huang Feiyu was defeated and was eroded by the power of time. He was directly suppressed and killed from the shape of a blue dragon and turned into a human form.

But it was miserable, his whole body was wrinkled, like an eggplant that had been dried by the sun, and the power of time had deprived his body of its radiance. His brow pierced.

This shocked everyone!

He was just Lin Fan's apprentice, and he was able to kill the emperor.

But still no one thinks that Xiao Wu can really suppress and kill Huang Feiyu, this is unrealistic.

It should be noted that this is in Haotian City, the headquarters of Huang Feiyu's lineage, and with the master sitting in charge, such a thing will not be allowed to happen.

Sure enough, the big hand stretched across the sky, covered the sky and the sun, shattered many layers of clouds, and covered the stars and moonlight; this is the power of the ruler, which is unmatched.

"Old man, are you pretending that the deity does not exist?"

Lin Fan screamed wildly, he twisted his hands, and threw the flagon with half of the night left. The flagon turned into light spots and went away. The endless electric wires were golden and dazzling, and finally exploded under the crush of that big hand. Open, the wine in it poured out, turned into real stars and gathered into a galaxy, sweeping away.


The ruler snorted coldly, and he shook his big hand violently, intending to break the galaxy and shatter Fang Tianyu, but the result was that the galaxy turned into heaven and his five fingers were all cut off in one fell swoop. down.

Five fingers, as thick as a mountain, fell down like this, and the city where hundreds of millions of people lived was covered. It was already a dark night, but now it was even darker. There was no moonlight, etc., like a big black cloud from the sky. come down.


Huang Feiyu was pierced between the eyebrows by Xiao Wu, bringing out clusters of blood, the sea of ​​souls was pierced, like a river bursting its embankment, pieces of soul power sprayed out, annihilating hundreds of thousands of miles of sky.


The ruler was furious, and the mist like light and mist was lifted, revealing him a little majestic, like a star in the sky, he shot two beams of light from his eyes that seemed to be able to open the sky, and attacked Xiao Wu, but was caught in the middle of the journey. The big space-time crack that suddenly appeared swallowed it away, and Lin Fan reached out and rolled Xiao Wu back to protect him behind him.

This kind of fight was too hasty, it was only done in a split second, but it shocked the entire Haotian City, the big hand that was thrown into the sky made hundreds of millions of living beings despair, and the star river turning sky knife made hundreds of millions of living beings feel cold all over their bodies.

If there were no other masters sitting in Haotian City, the five severed fingers of this master would be enough to crush this huge city into ashes, and hundreds of millions of living beings would not survive.

"You are very strong." The master said, his eyes opened and closed like two rounds of scorching sun rising in the dark night: "But you can't keep him, hand him over, you can leave this city today."

Lin Fan was really slightly drunk.

It must be known that the gods have been drunk for a thousand years, and the normal master would be drunk after drinking three or five bottles, but Lin Fan tasted at least eight or nine bottles today, and he was not drunk, only slightly tipsy, which is already very serious.

At this time, Lin Fan got up and pointed at the ruler above the sky: "If you don't hand over, what about you?"

"Then you will die in this city." The ruler sneered, and at this time, from the three sides of this huge city, there were terrifying auras rising up, all of which were giants of the ruler level, emerging in the dark night, each Occupy one side of the sky.

With Punisher in his hand, Lin Fan rose into the sky, and the halberd was thrown out smoothly and directly. It was silent at first, but when the heavy halberd passed two meters, the whole space was distorted, and the light and other things were spinning and condensing. On the tip of the halberd.

"call out!"

The heavy halberd was shot out, and time and space trembled.


The master was killed by a halberd and exploded; his body was torn apart, only his soul trembled and ran to the other side, he was screaming and trembling in fear.

"Huh?" Lin Fan was startled, "You hid very deeply, and you actually took a few more steps in this realm. One halberd failed to kill you, but let you live for a few more days."

This kind of words, such contempt, made the master roar. He reorganized his body in an instant, and killed Lin Fan with a magic wand.

With the dancing of the magic wand in his hand, one after another of angry-eyed Vajras and Bodhisattvas appeared in the void. They were all terrifying, and the aura they emitted was too scary. Most importantly, there was an unpredictable power that shocked people's hearts; Rein in the cliff.

Lin Fan laughed wildly, he killed all the gods and Buddhas in the sky with his halberd, and suppressed them with both fists, like a golden meteor falling from outside the domain.

"Old four retreat quickly!"

The master in the north came galloping, his eyes were full of fear and anxiety, and the master seemed to be traveling along time and space.


He roared loudly, and directly punched Lin Fan's back, attacking the enemy must save him, only in this way can he save his younger brother!

This punch was too terrifying. The scorching sun blazed across the sky. From the scorching sun, a golden crow divine bird shot out a beak like a fairy blade and pecked at the back of Lin Fan's head. Under the beak, the space was worse than paper.

But it was useless, such a ferocious blow killed the empty space, Lin Fan was clearly less than an inch in front of the bird's beak, but it seemed that there was a galaxy of stars, and he would never be able to touch Lin Fan himself.


The Juggernaut was killed again, and at this time, a divine clock flew up, the mouth of the bell was like a black hole, and the Juggernaut's soul was taken in, the bell shook with faint waves, and pieces of ashes fell, the Juggernaut died!

"Ah fourth brother!"

The ruler was about to tear apart, and pieces of avenues of thunder and calamity fell down, all in the shape of dragons, and, at this moment, blood rained down on the sky, the three rulers were angry, and the world turned pale and the storm stirred!

"Lin Fan! Today you will die in this city!"

The master shouted, and they rushed to kill.

They are brothers, they were famous all over the world, they were once known as the four sons of the royal family, they have been together for 3 years and they are invincible in the world. , but today

Lin Fan glanced at the three people surrounding him, and grinned: "Your lineage attacked my relatives and wiped out more than one force related to me. Have you ever thought about today?"

"They are all like ants, and if they are exterminated, they will be exterminated."

"You are as weak as ants to me." Lin Fan's eyes flashed ferociously.


"Needless to say, I will kill you today, and I will go to the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters to completely eliminate everything related to you!"


Three halberd shadows came out, like a thousand swords from the sky, all the thunder dragons, all the blood rain disappeared in an instant, Lin Fan walked out of the three masters, and strode out of the city.

He walked a hundred feet, and the three masters fell headlong into the sky, and before they landed, they exploded into a rain of minced meat and blood all over the sky.

The ancestors of the Qing clan were trembling all over, and their souls were trembling!

He knew that he was wrong, it was ridiculously wrong, this Lin Fan is not only the ruler of the realm, but also should be able to dominate the world and be respected!

"Forget it, I have given you a lot of opportunities and hints, but you didn't fight for it, so let's go together."

Lin Fan, who had already walked a hundred feet away, seemed to sigh softly, causing the pupils of the ancestor of the Qing clan to dilate suddenly. He wanted to explain and beg for mercy, but it was too late. The look in his eyes dimmed in an instant. All the members of the Qing tribe who came here with him were turned into ashes.

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