Twin martial arts

Chapter 2536 Good Wine

What kind of contempt and humiliation is this?

It's hard to describe, but such an experience, anyone who experienced it would be furious and murderous, not to mention, it is the ancestor of the Qing clan who is experiencing such humiliation at this time?

It must be known that this ancestor of the Qing clan is very extraordinary, he is a first-class ruthless person, his bones are piled up in his hands, and his cultivation base is too high, only half a step away from the realm of dominance.

"Lin Fan! If you dare to insult me ​​like this, I will live with you forever."

The ancestor of the Qing clan had blood-red eyes and a ferocious face, and with a clang, the sword was already in his hand.

But Lin Fan still didn't move, he could only see the back figure in his eyes, like a mountain like a mountain, it turned out that his chest was oppressed and he was about to suffocate.


The patriarch of the Qing clan moved, and the sword in his hand slashed forward, cutting the sky with one sword. The surging and fierce sword energy split the universe, and many stars were cut to explode. This sword is too powerful and terrifying, it has already arrived The pinnacle of the Emperor Realm level even has a trace of dominance aura.

Lin Fan still refused to turn around, but raised his left hand and tapped it back gently—a ding!

The sword light that split the universe and shattered the stars could not be moved down even half a step. It was nailed to the sky with a finger. Chop down.

This sword is more terrifying and ruthless than the first sword. Many big stars outside the domain are all swept down by this sword, becoming particles in the sword light, and turning into a terrifying five-clawed dragon with deep scales, and slaying Xiang Lin. Where.

But it was still useless, the finger pointed upwards, and with a puff, the five-clawed dragon turned into ashes, and the sword glow exploded.

In the end, the big sword was hit by Lin Fan again, pinning him in the air, unable to move anymore.

The ancestors of the Qing clan were terrified and terrified!

This is too terrifying, beyond his cognition.

He felt that his sword was autonomously searching for the trajectory of Lin Fan's finger, moving along the path of the enemy's finger, so it was able to accurately lie in front of him every time, preventing him from moving.

But how is this possible?

"Dong dong."

Lin Fanzhen pointed out that he struck the sword of the ancestor of the Qing clan twice in a row, and suddenly there was a loud noise, and he himself felt as if he was struck by lightning, and he took several steps back again and again. Shaking, coughing up blood again and again.

"Give me death!"

At this moment, Xiao Wu shouted angrily. He was covered in blood. He was punched twice by Huang Feiyu's fist seal. A scorching sun floated above the sky, and the sky-shattering stern light frightened people to death.

This is the Heaven Killing Halberd, which was improved by Lin Fan and taught to him.

Lin Fan didn't take his eyes off it, but he was actually ready to kill Huang Feiyu at any time. With him around, Xiao Wu was not allowed to have any accidents.

"You are strong."

The patriarch of the Qing clan spoke, and he had retreated into the distance with his clansmen. At this moment, his eyes were cold and stern, and between opening and closing, icy light bloomed, and the void in front of him exploded inch by inch.

Lin Fan did not speak, still staring at the sky.

"But no matter how strong you are, if you dare to mess around in Haotian City, the ending is already doomed." The ancestor of the Qing clan spoke again, coldly.

He has great fear and great anger in his heart!

This junior, once upon a time, even his aura couldn't bear it, but now, although he didn't want to admit it, killing him was really like killing ants.

"No matter what happens to me, it's not up to you to decide."

Lin Fan finally answered, very indifferent and calm.

"Tsk tsk, indeed, maybe you have broken the mirror to dominate, I really can't do anything to you, I also say to you, you are really awesome." The ancestor of the Qing clan smiled, cruel and bloody: "But so what? In this city You are not the only ruler."

Lin Fan was indifferent.

The moment he entered the city, he had already sensed the aura of at least three or five masters, like a dragon diving into an abyss, distributed throughout Haotian City.

But what is he afraid of?

"What's even more ridiculous is that you actually allowed your apprentice to fight the emperor." The ancestor of the Qing clan showed sneer and mockery in his eyes: "It was you, the apprentice who betrayed you, and you didn't want to do it, so you sent him away by other means." Are you on your way?"

"You talk too much." Lin Fan whispered, "Don't let me kill you right now."

"Hehe." The ancestor of the Qing clan smiled: "I will first watch your apprentice be beheaded, and then watch you be hunted to death by the master of Haotian City."

"Then watch carefully." Lin Fan opened his mouth, and with his palm he pushed away a dead man, walked to the seat, and started to drink.

This wine is very good, intoxicating to the gods, and supplemented by various great medicines. If you taste it lightly, it will leave a fragrance on your lips and teeth, like a warm current pouring from your lips to nourish your limbs and bones.

"Good wine." Lin Fan praised, and said: "I think this is the thousand-year immortal drunkenness unique to the Celestial Race."

This kind of wine is indeed unique to the Celestials and Humans. It is said that it can make the gods drunk for thousands of years. Few people in the world are lucky enough to taste it.

Lin Fan drank a large pot of Millennium Immortal Drunk at an extremely fast speed, grinning, feeling as if a fire was burning in his chest, but it was definitely not hot, the beauty was indescribable.

"Are you sure you don't want to do it?" Lin Fan threw the empty gold wine bottle aside, brought a jug to his lips, and squinted towards the south.

With one word, the ancestors of the Qing clan and others were all terrified!

Because, after Lin Fan said a word, the empty sky in the south suddenly brightened up, and a humanoid creature was shrouded in endless light and mist. .

He is really strong, only the moment he appears, there will be visions, as if the Lord of God has come to this place.

"Don't worry, let's see your disciple die first, and this deity is going to send you on your way." The ruler hidden in the light and mist said, and swept down: "You are fine, kill 30 people from my clan, and I will go and kill you." 300 of your relatives died."

Lin Fan glanced at him, continued to drink, and drank six or seven pots in a row.


The sky exploded, Xiao Wu was killed to the point of madness, his whole body was glowing like glass, on the rotten war halberd, the mottled rust stains fell off even more, as if it was about to completely reveal its majesty.

"Time is gone forever!"

He used his trump card, which was a space-time connection realized on that dim path. As time passed, it was condensed into a long knife, and it suddenly slashed at the back of Huang Feiyu's head, who was coming to kill Huang Feiyu in the form of a blue dragon.

With a bang, a dragon claw that covered the entire hiding place protruded out, held the long knife of time and squeezed it into light and shadow, but the black dragon was shrinking, eroded by the power of time, and its scales were dimmed. Huang Feiyu screamed and howled.

"It seems that your heir is not good enough to kill my son-in-law." Lin Fan was slightly drunk, and threw away the tenth bottle of Millennium Immortal Drunk.


The master roared angrily, and stretched out a big hand directly, restraining Xiao Wu who was attacking and killing with a halberd.

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