Twin martial arts

Chapter 2534 Moon Lane Pavilion

Let's go, simply and neatly.

When stepping into the sea of ​​suffering, after many twists and turns, I don't know how many times I have experienced life and death before I reached the three thousand realms, set foot on the desolate star, and obtained the heart of time and space.

But when he went back, it was really fast. When he stepped into the corridor pierced by the heart of time and space, it seemed like one step at a time. In a very short period of time, Lin Fan smelled the familiar aura and felt a feeling stronger than three thousand. I don't know how much of the avenue environment has been incomplete.

"60 years!"

Lin Fan's pupils shrank!

Has it been that long?

When he was in the Three Thousand Realms, he thought it was only a few years at most.

"Xiao Nuo, you go to the Field of Ten Thousand Monsters first, I'll do something!" Lin Fan said, his eyes were cold and murderous.

"Master, I will go too." Xiao Wu said, and insisted: "I must go."

His murderous intent was stronger and colder.

In fact, similar to Lin Fan, he was not good at expressing his feelings, but at this time, he heard someone coveting Xiaoxi's beauty, threatening Xiaoxi with the life and death of the Phoenix clan, which made him murderous.

"Which realm are you still far away from, are you sure?" Lin Fan looked at Xiao Wu.

Naturally, he knew what Xiao Wu was going to do.

"It's just an emperor who only became an emperor in 2000 years." Xiao Wu said.

"Okay, let's go together."

Lin Fan nodded, and once again asked Xiao Nuo to let them go to the Phoenix Clan quickly, while he wrapped himself up, set off a space-time storm, and stepped into the void in one step. When he reappeared, he was less than a hundred thousand away from the God City. Haotian City!

Haotian City, located in the same domain as Tianshen City, is the territory of the Celestial Race.

The only difference is that only the Celestials live in the Celestial City, while the Haotian City is inhabited by the blood relatives of the Celestials, just a collateral line.

At this point, they arrived.

Haotian City is [-] miles away from east to west. It is a vast city, inhabited by hundreds of millions of creatures, and its barriers are fortified.

"Huang Feiyu"

Xiao Wu's eyes sparkled with murderous intent: "Master, you should find a place to rest first, and I'll go get his information."

Lin Fan nodded, randomly found a restaurant and chose a seat by the window, ordered a jug of good wine, and watched the rolling river below through the window while enjoying the wind and dust.

After a while, Xiao Wu came back. It was too easy to inquire about Huang Feiyu's news, because he was too famous in the past few decades. He was the leader of the conquest of the Phoenix Clan and the leader of suppressing Lin Fan's faction.

"Lanyue Pavilion." Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, and he withdrew his gaze from admiring the river, and glanced towards the East City. Lanyue Pavilion, the restaurant directly under the Celestial Clan, is also one of the most luxurious and top-notch restaurants in the Celestial Realm. Tonight; the main personnel of Huang Feiyu's family will be entertained by the Qing Clan in Lanyue Pavilion.

As night falls, thousands of houses are brightly lit, and the streets are extremely bustling.

It has to be said that this Haotian City is really peaceful, at least for hundreds of years there has not been any murder case in this city, the most important thing is that no one dares to make trouble here.

It should be noted that this is the place where the offshoots of the Celestial Human race live, and there are heavy soldiers guarding this place, who dares to make trouble here?

Lanyue Pavilion, eight hundred feet high and ten miles wide, is like a huge palace, with carved beams and painted pillars, magnificent and magnificent.

"That's right." Lin Fan looked up at the huge gilt plaque, and he quietly stepped inside in a black battle suit.

"Excuse me, where is the Qing Clan's banquet?" Xiao Wu asked aloud.

A servant narrowed his eyes. He glanced at Lin Fan and the two of them, but soon smiled again and again. Judging from his temperament, he had a vague judgment that both Lin Fan and Xiao Wu were very human. They were either aristocratic or reclusive the expert.

"Guests, please come with me." The boy said.

It is said that he is a servant, but in fact, this person already has the cultivation base of a king, but he is just a servant in Lanyue Pavilion.

"No, you can tell where it is."

The main reason Lin Fan spoke was that he didn't want to involve this young man in the future. Today, he was going to kill people. If this young man led the way, he would definitely be liquidated afterwards.

"Qinglongju." The servant pointed out the direction.

Lin Fan nodded, and Xiao Wu randomly threw out a top-quality primordial stone as a reward.

All the way through the pavilions and rain pavilions, through many lotus ponds, you can hear singing and dancing in the Qinlongju from a distance, pushing cups and changing cups.

Capture the dragon inside.

"My lord has been famous all over the world for decades. The illustrious and majestic Phoenix clan that has been around for thousands of years has been bowed in the hands of my lord. Let me admire you and give you a cup."

The ancestor of the Qing clan smiled, he was very respectful.

Huang Feiyu glanced at the ancestors of the Qing clan: "I know the reason for your visit, but I can't make decisions about this kind of thing, I can only advise."

The ancestors of the Qing clan showed joy at the moment!

The reason why they spent tens of millions of dollars to entertain Huang Feiyu's family, even the top three prostitutes in the world, was because of Huang Feiyu's words.

It's been too long to guard Zhentianguan, and enough people from the Qing clan have died, so it's time to return to the world of mortals.

"Thank you sir!"

All the people of the Qing clan who came here bowed down, very respectful.

"My lord, it is said that you are against Lin Fan's daughter"

Someone from the Qing clan spoke with ambiguous eyes.

"That woman is very nice. She has a rare female body and has a magical effect." Huang Feiyu's eyes glowed golden.

"Hmph! That Lin Fan doesn't know what to do. It's a blessing for his family to see his daughter with the appearance of a willow, so he should give it to him!"

"That's right, you should offer it with both hands, and announce it to the world with the sound of gongs and drums, and send that woman to your bed."

The people of the Qing Clan are all cold and cold, and the ancestor of the Qing Clan said: "My lord! Those people don't cry when they see the coffin, why not let me, the Qing Clan, sweep Qingzhou away for you, and threaten the current Princess of the Phoenix Clan, Don't worry if she doesn't agree"

"Hey brother, that Princess of the Phoenix Clan is known as the most beautiful woman in the world! Although she is already a wife, she still has the same charm, why not bring them into the room together, wouldn't it be beautiful."

Huang Feiyu's younger brother spoke with a flattering smile.

"Good idea! Simply"

Someone from the Qing clan was about to speak again, but there was a thunderous explosion, and the closed door was blasted.

"Who is looking for death, dare to disturb our elegant mood!"

There are young disciples from the imperial surname of the Tianren clan who are full of murderous intent.


He opened his mouth, but he died the fastest, his neck was slapped and turned many times, like a hemp rope.

The thunder dissipated, and Lin Fan appeared, with black hair dancing wildly and murderous.

"You are Lin Fan!"

The people of the Qing Clan screamed: "You're back?"

"Why is it so fast? Didn't it mean that those who took that road would not be able to return home within one or two hundred years?"

Everyone is exclaiming, and many people's scalps are numb!

Sensitively foreseeing that today's matter is big.

Lin Fan's eyes are like blades, it's not a description, but it's really a cold light beam that turns into two ruthless sharp swords, shuttling through the crowd. Or the big things in the emperor's realm, all were beheaded.

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