Twin martial arts

Chapter 2533 The Heart of Time and Space Runs Through Ancient and Modern Times

Is he imprisoned in his soul sea?

This is disgusting and embarrassing.

This is his soul sea, which is one of the main characteristics that he is still alive, but at this moment, Lin Fan really has an intuition that he is under house arrest.

Moreover, even if he wanted to move forward, he was really shackled by two kinds of avenue runes. The runes were complicated and profound, like Sanskrit sounds bursting out, like Taoist sounds rumbling, expounding the truth of the two avenues.

This feeling was too greasy, it made Lin Fan gnash his teeth, it was too hateful, it was equivalent to being blocked in his own home.

But soon, Lin Fan was immersed in the two supreme mysteries and was attracted. He devoted himself to comprehend the two runes, and was intoxicated. From time to time, his hands drew mysterious tracks, thunder bursts, and time and space were overturned.

In the outside world, everyone looked at Lin Fan's direction quietly. He was shrouded in mist, and there was an order pouring down from the sky. It merged into the mist like a waterfall, and people didn't know what was going on in the chaotic, yellowish mist. what happened.

"Is this enlightenment?"

Yao Zu whispered, he had a vague guess.

"It won't be that simple." Lord Lei said solemnly, "I feel my Thunder Dao is roaring, and the supreme Thunder Mystery hidden in the heavens is releasing eternal brilliance."

"Look at Lin Tiandi crossing his legs, golden light blooms from his pores, tens of thousands of rays of light."

Someone exclaimed, and the mist was lifted a little, allowing people to see some of the truth.

At this time, Lin Fanbao looks solemn, golden lotuses are all over the avenue, taking root in the mist, spreading out from the cracks lifted up, golden lotus blooming, and accompanied by bursts of fairy clouds, flowing like water, mooring - ground springing sweet spring, There are arowanas that were extinct in prehistoric times cruising leisurely in the sweet spring.

But if you look closely, those golden lotuses actually have two colors, both very gorgeous.

"Sure enough," Master Lei sighed, "He is comprehending two great ways at the same time, which is amazing."

"Indeed." Yaozu also sighed: "This is a rare opportunity. It is equivalent to two gods preaching to him, and he has gained a lot. Moreover, if he ventures forward and does not want to consolidate the foundation of his cultivation step by step, he may be able to use this opportunity." Breakthrough to Emperor Heng, and officially enter the realm similar to the master."

The two of them cultivated the highest here, and they are also the two highest peaks in the three thousand realms; their words naturally have a high degree of credibility, which made Xiao Nuo and others feel relieved and no longer worried about Lin Fan. very happy.

"If there is something unfinished, you can do it quickly. Maybe this trip has reached the end, and it's time for us to return."

Lin Fan's words came from the mist, and told Xiao Nuo and others that if there are unfinished matters in the three thousand worlds or in the sea of ​​suffering, they should be done quickly. He has an intuition. When the shackles of success are broken, the road of return will open.

"Go ahead, I will guard here for you."

Yaozu and Leizhu spoke at the same time.

Xiao Wu, Xu Yang and Princess Jue have not gone far away, but the little princess, Xiao Nuo and Yu Zhu have left temporarily. They want to find the ancient road and return to the world on the other side.

It is necessary to say goodbye to Queen Yu, because Xiao Nuo will lead the little princess back to the world of heaven and man, and this trip may never be seen again in Tianya.

Of course, Xiao Nuo still has a mission to find Wu Jian and Li Guang and inform them that they will return to the world of heaven and man.

The heroes dispersed silently, but they still did not give up. They searched for opportunities in this still unknown tomb of God, and turned the nine-storey tomb upside down.

"Sister Le Yao has been here for 60 years, and her husband still hasn't returned."

Nightmare's tone was low, full of thoughts and worries.

Her husband, parents and children have all entered that sea, and for so many years, all kinds of bad news spread from all over the world from time to time on this day, some cultivators who entered the sea of ​​suffering died suddenly, and the soul lamp was extinguished.

Le Yao looked at Meng Meng: "Don't worry, they will be fine."

"But when will they return"

Qingluan also came, she was wearing a milky white cloak, but at this moment, the corner was stained red with blood, like plum blossoms blooming in the white snow.

"Is it difficult?" Lin Leyao looked at Qingluan.

Qingluan sighed: "Lin Long is not here, the veritable group of dragons has no leader, and they all look forward to the leaders of the Celestials and Humans. The suppression against us is getting more serious. Qingzhou is even hundreds of millions of miles away, bleeding and drifting, causing heavy casualties."

"Be patient, be patient" Lin Leyao said, but there was a deep killing intent in his eyes.

Over the past few decades, all old forces or families with Lin Fan have been brutally suppressed, and some weaker forces have even been bloodbathed.

At least at this time, in the palace of the Phoenix Clan, there are the Four Saints of the Seven Sacred Mountains, all of whom are not far from death.

"Qingcheng's suggestion" Qingluan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lin Leyao shook her head: "It's not yet time, some trump cards and tricks left behind by him can only be revealed at a certain stage."

"It's hateful." Qingluan's beautiful face was full of frost: "Even Xi'er, who doesn't like killing and loves to laugh, has participated in the battle more than once, and I haven't seen a smile on her face for many years."

"Be patient; be patient again"

Lin Leyao still only had this sentence, but in fact, she hated it more than anyone else. Over the past few decades, the Phoenix Clan suffered heavy casualties. Many uncles, many relatives and friends died directly or indirectly at the hands of that Clan.

"Aunt Le Yao! That person is here again!"

At this time, Xiaoxi entered the palace with a frosty face.

"He wants to die!"

Qingluan is fierce!

The "he" Xiaoxi said was Tongtian's cousin, who was at least a thousand years old, and his cultivation was in the realm of the emperor, but he dared to tell Lin Leyao that he wanted to marry Xiaoxi as his wife, and said wildly that if Xiaoxi married Give it to him, then the power of the Phoenix Clan at this time can be alleviated, if not, the Phoenix Clan will be at their own risk.

It was just this sentence that caused the hell army to raid hundreds of thousands of miles overnight and slaughtered a subordinate clan of the Celestial Human Race, but it was also because of this night that the faces of both sides were completely torn apart.

If Lord Phoenix hadn't exposed his ruler's cultivation, and crawled out of the Feng Tomb with several old-fashioned masters, perhaps the Phoenix Clan would have really been wiped out in that battle.

Li Guang returned, Wu Jian returned, Lin Long also came, and of course, Xiao Nuo and the little princess also arrived, all of them looked at the thinner mist, and Lin Fan's outline could be faintly seen.

It was too hasty. This time it took three months to realize the Tao. After three months, Lin Fan came out through the mist. The so-called walking like the wind is not enough to describe. At this moment, Lin Fan was clearly standing in front of Lei Zhu and others, but given Lei Zhu had an intuition that he was three thousand worlds away, as if there were various layers of time and space in front of Lin Fan.

"Thank you."

Lin Fan clasped his fists in salute, it was worth his salute to protect him for such a long time.

"Are you leaving?" Master Lei said with a smile.

Lin Fan nodded, "Everything started with him, and it should end with him. From now on, the sea of ​​suffering will no longer appear."

"Will it be indefinite after that?" Yaozu smiled wryly.

"No, we will meet in the future, and there will be a time later." Lin Fan comforted with a smile. At this time, in his heart, time and space condensed into a beam and shot out, running through the past, present and future, forming a wide corridor, which belongs to the future. The Qi machine is blooming.

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