Twin martial arts

Chapter 2516 The Abandoned Promise

"That's what I thought."

Yuzhu sneered and said.

I was very upset to see this fire spirit.

But they didn't have a good chance to make a move, and they were all in danger. Moreover, at the beginning, Lin Fan was fighting against the fire spirit, and he was not easy to make a move.

But at this time, when Lin Fan glanced across the fire spirit, Yuzhu knew that Lin Fan would not care about this fire spirit, so he could make a move.

"Isn't it just a half-step? If you dare to move today, I, the God of the Fire Clan, will not bypass you." Huo Ling threatened viciously.


The little princess smiled, and said: "Your words remind me of when I was six years old, whenever I went outside, I would sue my dad and ask him to vent my anger on me."

Huo Ling's face turned red instantly.

Is this ridiculing him for being like a child, who will only move out adults after being wronged?

"Go away by yourself, or after the deity makes a move." Yuzhu was very cold, he raised his sword and forced forward.

The most important thing is that this fire spirit is too hateful.

All kinds of condescension, underestimating everyone, thinking that he is the most respected in the sky and the world, everyone is furious at him, wishing to deal with him severely.


Huo Ling smiled, but his expression was unnatural.

He had never been persecuted like this before, but at this time, he didn't dare to say more, because Yuzhu's murderous intention was not fake, if he still dared to be tough, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

"You wait, I, the God of the Fire Clan, will come soon, when the time comes"


Yuzhu scolded angrily, without waiting for Huo Ling to finish speaking.

Huo Ling uttered harsh words, and then really rolled away.

This drew ridicule from Princess Jue and the others.

"I really want to kill him."

Lin Fan was whispering.

"If he can really appear in the future, I will kill him." Xiao Wu said with a sneer, "Waiting for me for 10 years, does he think he is a god?"

Huo Ling walked out of the alchemy hall, causing a group of people to exclaim.

This Huo Ling is really the idol of many people, because he is really too strong. At this time, he walked out alone, and Lin Fan and others disappeared.

It seems to have corrected some of their guesses. Many people believed that Lin Fan and those people must have been dealt with by Huo Ling, they would never be able to get out, and were killed in a certain floor of the alchemy hall.

"Adults dare to ask"

"Go away."

Someone had a shy face and wanted to step forward to get closer, but Huo Ling scolded him directly with a cold face.

He was full of anger and murderous intent.

"Oh, so strong?"

After Lin Fan waited, Xu Yang squinted at Huo Ling, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Don't overdo it." Huo Ling scolded angrily.

"Get out." Yuzhu yelled again, and said: "If the three-breath time is still in front of my eyes, don't blame the deity for taking action."

"You wait."

The Fire Spirit was cold, but he didn't dare to stay there for a long time. He wrapped up the two members of the Fire Clan and headed towards the sixth floor.


Xiao Wu sneered.

At this time, they all knew that this fire spirit was like a spoiled child, whenever he encountered something or someone invincible, he would only move out the terrifying group behind him, and then say a few cruel words to make him full face.

Xiao Wu whispered, interested: "Master, I was wondering if I was wrong. Is this kind of character really worth worrying about?"

"Aside from his temperament, at least in terms of cultivation, he is really talented; he is a good target to pursue." Lin Fan looked at Xiao Wu: "Of course, 10 years is a lie, but If we meet him again someday in the future, there will definitely be a tragic battle."

Xiao Wu narrowed his eyes, nodded his head, and said, "Master, I understand."

Lin Fan nodded, but at this moment, he was thinking of a certain person, that was the enemy, the guy named Wuxiang who had briefly fought him with the Sky Peering Realm in his hand.

If he reappears one day in the future, how strong will he be?

"Let's go." Lin Fan said, and several people went to the sixth floor.

The sixth floor is a mess, and there are horrible battles taking place in it, but judging from the traces of these battles, it should start a long time ago.

"The aura of Wuji is very strong here." Lin Fan just opened his mouth after entering the sixth floor.

Because, in this sixth layer, the aura of Wuji is many times stronger than before, and the auras of the upper layers seem to come out from this layer.

"Brother Linlin"

Suddenly, there was a miserable laugh.

Lin Fan suddenly turned into lightning and ran forward. He swept away many bloody corpses with his heavy halberd. After flying many huge boulders weighing ten thousand catties, he saw Wuji in a pool of blood.

With his legs cut off and his arms broken, Wuji lay in the filthy blood.

"Who moved the hand? Fengdu?"

Lin Fan drank violently, and his murderous aura smashed the surrounding blood corpses and corpses into powder!

Just because, the Wuji at this time was really too miserable to describe in words, it made Lin Fan's eyes turn red.

"Uncle Wuji!"

Xiao Wu was also furious, he and Xiao Wu jumped down and lifted Wuji out carefully, not daring to be careless at all.

At this moment, Wuji is like a badly damaged porcelain doll; it seems that if it is not careful, it will be broken into many pieces.

"I'm fine, I can't die." Wuji smiled hard, but his face was very pale.

"Don't talk." Lin Fan said, he glanced at Wuji with his rune eyes, and he breathed a sigh of relief after a long while. Wuji was indeed seriously injured, but neither his soul nor Daoji was injured, as if he had been fighting for a long time. injuries below.

"What's going on?" Lin Fan asked. Of course, he was also urgently treating Wuji's wounds. All kinds of pill cloud-level pills that would definitely drive people crazy were directly crushed by him and used as external application.

"Don't waste it, my blood has been drained long ago." Wuji said.

"I asked you what's the matter."

Lin Fan suppressed the surging murderous intent in his heart.

This is his brother, who have experienced life and death with each other, and they have fallen to this point at this time.

Lin Fan was sure that if he met Wuji in the evening, it would be very difficult for him to heal completely even if he had the mysterious medicine book.

"Luck is bad." Wuji smiled wryly: "I met Fengdu, but I'm really not his match."

Wuji sighed and told the past.

When crossing the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, he met Fengdu unexpectedly, and a big battle broke out between the two, but he was defeated. If Wuji hadn't accidentally said that when Fengdu swung his butcher knife to kill him, Lin Fan would definitely avenge him in the future. .

He died.

That is to say, Feng Du grinned grimly. Instead of killing Wuji, he let him stay by his side. He didn't humiliate or deliberately bully him. On the contrary, he helped Wuji very much in many cases, at least according to Wuji's words. However, if there was no Fengdu, he would not have made it this far, and he might have died in the chaotic time and space long ago.

"Ma De, is he sick?" Xiao Wu cursed.

"He wants to kill me in front of Wuji." Lin Fan said after turning a treasure pill into essence and injecting it into Wuji's body.

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