Twin martial arts

Chapter 2515 Suspected God

The coffin was blood-red, as if it had been soaked in the blood of the heavens, and was soaked in the blood and tears of more than one era. It leaned on the wall full of mysterious reliefs like this.

It was very strange that Lin Fan was crying, as if his relatives died a long time ago and were buried in these coffins.

Moreover, Lin Fan affirmed that those emotions that were lonely or murderous and wanted to destroy Jiu Tian came from these coffins.

But who was buried in these coffins?

Lin Fan was silent, and then offered his condolences here, very sad, it was a kind of hopeless air, as if there were millions of troops ahead, and he was the only one left on his side.


Suddenly, the first coffin split open, and a shocking glow of blood leaked out from the crack.

This made Lin Fan retreat violently, holding Tianzhu tightly in his hand, ready to send out a halberd with all his strength at any time, the gap in the coffin gradually opened wider, and through the crack, he could vaguely see the scene inside——

It was half of a pool of dark red blood, carried in this blood-colored coffin; the shocking blood light was born here.

The coffins were cracked one by one, but they were not the same.

After the first coffin was cracked, bloody rays of light rushed to the sky. Lin Fan didn't know it, but outside the alchemy hall, most of the sky on Bianhuangxing was red, as if blood was gushing in the sky.

After the second coffin was cracked, the breath of reincarnation shook the world. Some people were reciting the scriptures of saving people in a blur, and some people played the music of the past beside the bowl. In a trance, there was an unimaginable god reshaping reincarnation. A Bana flower blooms, blooming beside the reincarnation road.

After the third coffin was cracked, time and space were mixed, the void was unstable, everything seemed to be being reshaped, and the long river of time was flowing backwards.

Lin Fan was terrified!

Is this the burial place of those great gods?

Even after hundreds of millions of years of death, there is still such a terrifying divine power.

"Then what's in the ninth coffin? What could it be?" Lin Fan felt terrified. The first eight coffins were too terrifying. From the aura that emanated from them, he could accurately guess who was 'buried'. That great god.

"How is that so?"

Lin Fan screamed!

What he saw in the ninth coffin was himself; there was no difference from him!

Just lying in the coffin with his eyes closed like that, there is no bright red, and there is no terrifying momentum, as if he has been asleep for tens of millions of years, and Zhu Tian will sleep here with him.

Runes jumped out of his eyes; he had to see clearly how 'he' was lying in a coffin, it was too horrifying.

I don't know when these coffins were buried. How could he be inside?

Moreover, the first eight coffins are all kinds of great gods, how can he, Lin Fanhe De, be in the same coffin as the great gods?

The most important thing is that at this time, he discovered that there was an inexplicable order flowing from the first eight coffins like water, gathering in the coffin where 'he' was.

Is this nourishing 'him'?

Lin Fan was thinking, he didn't know how to explain this scene.

The most important thing is that under the inspection of the eyes of the runes, that 'he' has flesh and blood, and his soul is intact. He is clearly a complete life, which makes him have a strange intuition in his heart - this him will crawl out one day. This coffin roars between heaven and earth.

"Making reincarnation—"

Suddenly, Xiao Nuo's roar woke Lin Fan up from all kinds of speculation!

He turned his head to look, only to find that Xiao Nuo and others came here at some time.

At this time, Xiao Nuo closed his eyes tightly, but tears dripped out, which wet his clothes.

"Xiao Nuo." Lin Fan opened his mouth, but he couldn't wake up. At this time, Xiao Nuo's hand formed a certain hand, and one after another hazy path spread from those changing hand to everywhere.

Later, Xiao Nuo and the others seemed to be crying when they saw their own dead body in the coffin, so they let out all kinds of roars.

But Huo Ling is clearly not in this list; although his face is full of horror, his eyes are very clear, as if he can see through reality.

In the end, in the first eight coffins, all the visions disappeared, and those auras that shocked the past and the present disappeared and turned into nothingness, but something even more frightening happened, a piece of skin was lying in those coffins!

The first one is silvery, the second one glows with blood, and the third one is filled with five colors of light—but the ninth one remains unchanged, and another Lin Fan is still 'sleeping' in it.


Suddenly, the eight coffins trembled, because at this moment, Xiao Nuo's hand movements seemed to have reached an extreme point.

Those anti-corruption and bumpy sales channels have been unified, becoming a wide and boundless avenue, and the strange flowers of the other shore are still blooming on the side of the road. These coffins, as if they were guided, all flew up and merged into the road that should not have been. Go forward on the avenue of reincarnation of existence, and then disappear.

"This is..." Lin Fan's pupils shrank, and he looked back at Xiao Nuo, but Xiao Nuo was clearly in a state of chaos, and he didn't know anything about the outside world, and he didn't know what he was doing at all.

"My God, is this sending God to die?"

Yuzhu was terrified, and he also woke up, watching several huge coffins flying up in horror and disbelief, and flying into the avenue one by one in order.


Suddenly, a piece of ancient animal skin fell out of the coffin filled with time and air, as if the heaven and earth were condensed into black and yellow. When the animal skin fell out, time and space were frozen.

"call out."

Huo Ling was too fast, among all the people, he was the only one who was not affected in any way, so when the animal skin fell out, he quickly rushed forward, with a smile, he rushed to the animal skin to pick it up.


Yuzhu slashed out with a sword, crossing the way ahead, and stopped the rushing Huo Ling in an instant. He didn't have the courage to break through the sword-like ravine that was cut out.

Lin Fan smiled coldly. He moved forward and picked up the animal skin. There was no writing on the animal skin, but there were winding paths leading to a certain place, and the marked Among the destinations, there is a heart outlined in red!

"Is this the Heart of Time and Space?

Xiao Nuo didn't know when he woke up. He screamed when he saw the animal skin in Lin Fan's hand.

"Heart of Time and Space?" Lin Fan frowned.

"It should be." Xiao Nuo nodded, with a red glow in his eyes: "This is the ultimate weapon of the God of Time and Space."

"Shouldn't the ultimate weapon of the Great God of Time and Space be the Hammer of Time and the Cone of Space?" Lin Fan frowned because he had seen these two terrifying artifacts before.

Xiao Nuo shook his head: "The Hammer of Time and Cone of Space that my father mentioned are also the ultimate weapons of the God of Time and Space, but they are not the strongest. The Heart of Time and Space is his most heaven-defying weapon."

"Hand over the animal skin!"

The fire spirit roared.

The animal skin was optional, but after Xiao Nuo found out what it was, he couldn't sit still, and the big sword in his hand was burning, with extremely strong murderous aura.

Lin Fan glanced at him and didn't speak.

But Yuzhu smiled: "You are used to domineering, but sometimes people have to bow their heads under the eaves?"

"What do you mean? Do you want to suppress me with a high realm?" Huo Ling squinted at Yuzhu.

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