Twin martial arts

Chapter 2507 Horror Level 6

Others grit their teeth!

They all wanted to enter but dared not.

Needless to say, everyone knows that there will definitely be a big battle in this alchemy hall, and maybe the entire alchemy hall will collapse.

Moreover, they are not Lin Fan, they do not have the courage and strength to dare to confront Huo Ling.

After learning that no one is allowed to enter, and that it was Huo Ling who gave the order, they didn't dare to enter.

"Hmph, this Lin Fan really thought that after killing one or two masters, no one can cure him!"

"That is, I really think that I am invincible in ruling the territory; in my opinion, it is nothing more than being the king without tigers and monkeys in the mountains."

"Just wait, there will soon be blood splashing, dyeing the fifth layer red, and the ruler's blood will turn into a pool of blood and flood the vast land of ten thousand acres."

A group of people talked a lot, and of course they all sneered.

Of course Lin Fan didn't hear these words, even if he heard it, he couldn't care about it.

For people like this, it is often useless for you to refute ten thousand sentences, and it will lower your own grade. You only need to slap your face with the facts.

"So cruel."

Xiao Wu opened his mouth with cold eyes.

Xiao Nuo said coldly: "It's really too ruthless, all the pills were taken away by him, not a single one was left behind!"

"Damn it! He did it on purpose." Yuzhu's eyes were full of killing intent: "This is to disgust us."

"Indeed." Lin Fan nodded, and said: "Judging from the residual breath of these pills, although they can be called a treasure, for a person with his status and cultivation level, it would be unavoidable to take them all away." It seems too petty."

"Hehe, the reason for doing this is to mock us."

Yuzhu smiled, showing his white teeth: "I'll kill him later."

Lin Fan frowned: "It's okay, even though it was just a Taoist battle just now, but I already know his reality, it's not difficult to destroy him."

He knew Yuzhu was worried.

In the fifth floor, green smoke is lingering, and the remaining danxiang is mixed in the green smoke, which smells very good. It is like walking on the clouds, and the passage leading to the sixth floor is covered in these smoke.

Stepping up the ladder, Lin Fan was in front, followed by Xiao Nuo and others.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a long spear came from the slanting stab, the tip of the spear was stained with blood, simple and vicissitudes, filled with the breath of time.


Lin Fan shook his head, thinking it was the fire spirit, but when he punched the spear flying, he realized that it was just a dangerous obstacle leading to the sixth floor, a kind of prohibition, and would only step on it when the cultivator was approaching. arrive.

"Be careful." He warned, and walked up carefully.


It was as if there were [-] soldiers fighting at the same time, and the murderous aura was so intense that it made people get goosebumps.

The most important thing is that with Lin Fan's rune eyes, they all failed in a short period of time, and he couldn't accurately see where these soldiers were buried, and when they would suddenly appear.

The sword lights formed a net, and the sword intent was like frost, making people feel cold all over their bodies. They all enveloped Lin Fan, and all of them possessed the lethality of dominance at this level, making one's scalp tingle.

"Be careful." Lin Fan shouted, but he was astonished to see that these killing swords and long knives were only aimed at himself, and turned a blind eye to Xiao Nuo behind him.

Breaking through the killing formation, Lin Fan looked at Xiao Nuo and others from a higher place.

Xiao Nuo frowned forward, boom boom!

Murderous intentions arise again, but what makes Lin Fan feel relieved is that these murderous intentions are only at the level of the emperor, and it is not difficult for Xiao Nuo to go up.

He was relieved: "Pay attention, these killing formations who don't know when they started will attack and kill you according to your realm and combat power."

Everyone nodded.

Lin Fan walked up, without any danger, and finally reached the sixth floor.


But the moment he stepped onto the sixth floor from the stairs, a terrifying weight pressed against his shoulders, causing his knees to bend slightly and his back to bend for a moment.

It was too spacey, as if on the left and right shoulders, there were two big stars, which were so heavy that he was about to suffocate.

"Tsk tsk, you can actually go to this floor."

With a sneer, Lin Fan saw it. This is the real body of Huo Ling. He has long fiery red hair. He is wearing a golden battle robe, but a cluster of flames is outlined on the battle robe with the second-level mother gold, which is too extravagant.

"You can do it, why can't the deity?"

Lin Fan is very calm, this is a kind of self-confidence from the heart, not weaker than anyone in the world.

"Hmph! Are you worthy of being compared with me?"

Huo Ling sneered, he was dripping with sweat, the long hair between his eyebrows stuck to his forehead, white mist was steaming all over his body.

"I see."

Lin Fan opened his mouth.

This should be the fundamental reason why Huo Ling himself didn't go out to find him to fight after the Tao body was defeated. Just like him, he was shouldering a heavy burden like a star at this time.

"Hehe, there are still a group of ants following you?" Huo Ling smiled. He walked a hundred steps in front of Lin Fan, turned around and grinned grimly, but he was gasping for breath.

Lin Fan glanced at him and took a step forward.

With a stagger, Lin Fan almost fell, and at the same time, horror appeared in his eyes!

too scary!

Is this floor intended to make people feel the so-called exhaustion of power?

After taking one step, Lin Fan felt that the terrifying pressure on his shoulders had at least doubled.

"Hey, those ants can't get into this floor." Huo Ling sneered, and said: "Even if they enter this floor, they will be crushed into flesh."

Lin Fan was dignified, he measured the step difference with Huo Ling!

If each step is taken, it will double the previous step!

Then, his first step feels like carrying two stars on his shoulders, but after a hundred steps, isn't it like carrying a sea of ​​stars on his shoulders?

Of course, this made him feel the horror of the fire spirit even more. It is really difficult to describe in words how strong this fire spirit is in his physical body.

"Who said I can't get to this level? You?"

Xiao Nuo came, his clothes were not stained with blood, he was outstanding; he stood on the steps and looked down upon Huo Ling.

Huo Ling's face darkened.

"Hehe, I know there are things that I don't know about others." Xiao Wu also arrived, and patted side by side with Xiao Nuo, staring at Huo Ling playfully.

Huo Ling's face became even uglier, because the ants in his mouth bluntly said that it is impossible to overcome many difficulties and dangers, and everyone who has reached this level has all arrived!

"Be careful, this level of terror is supposed to test the limit of gravity that your body and soul can bear."

Lin Fan didn't look at Huo Ling's embarrassed face, but spoke to Xiao Nuo and others.

"Let me try." Xiao Nuo took a deep breath, took a step down, and with a click, his joints were cracking: "It's really terrifying. Although I didn't feel the power of the stars in my father's mouth, I feel that I am carrying Walk with one ruler."

Lin Fan frowned.

After stepping out of the footprints, Xiao Wu said solemnly: "I feel similar to Xiao Nuo, like a master who is blooming the law of gravity is suppressing on my shoulders, it is extremely heavy, as if it wants to crush me."

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