"court death!"

Huo Ling scolded!

It never occurred to him that this Lin Fan would be so presumptuous. He dared to attack him when he had made it clear that Lin Fan was qualified to go upstairs.

Who is he?

The young patriarch of the Vulcan Clan, who is less than [-] years old, dominates the living beings. Looking around the past and the present, he sees that there are not many statues in the past. He has killed three thousand worlds to shame, and he has to bow his head in front of him.

But at this time, he was bombarded to death with fists; he wanted to destroy his dao body.

In fact, everyone who knew the power of the fire spirit was taken aback by Lin Fan's actions.

It was so violent that he raised his fist and punched it out. The fist burned with golden flames, as if pushing a round of scorching sun.

"Even if it's just a strand of Dao body, I will kill you today!"

The spirit of fire roared, and he was not afraid that when he spread his palms, the palms were bright red; it was the law of fire burning, and the order of the avenue blooming.


The two collided, and the whole alchemy hall trembled. The alchemy hall left over from that era seemed to collapse and become a complete ruin.

The rules are chaotic like electric lights jumping around, constantly being broken, and there are shocking waves at the point of contact, which makes people unrealistic, like two powerful beings fighting and fighting in the chaos, covered by the surging chaos .


A roar like a god and demon resounded from Huo Ling's mouth. It can be seen that the palm he protruded was pierced by Lin Fan's invincible fist, and a huge hole appeared. Only a little flesh left the wrist and fingers. Connected, everything else is gone.

"How do you kill me?"

Lin Fan moved forward violently, the chaotic energy that covered the two battle bodies was scattered to both sides as if blown by a hurricane, and the golden order symbol spread forward, becoming a shackle on the road to kill the fire spirit.


Huo Ling waved his arms, and with a move, a big red sword was held in his hand, and there was an aura that made Lin Fan feel trembling.

what is this?

It has the charm of a god, like a warrior left by a god in the world, as long as it is unsheathed, it will be stained with the blood of all spirits.

"Vulcan sword?"

Some people were startled, and their whole body was icy, feeling that something big was going to happen today, and even the big killer of the Huo clan town—the Vulcan sword appeared.

"No, no! It only has that kind of charm, but it doesn't have the kind of domineering that makes all spirits surrender! It's an imitation!"

Soon, someone points out the difference.

Just because, if it is really an ultimate weapon being activated, it is definitely a god blocking and killing a god and a Buddha. Unless there are creatures or soldiers of a corresponding level to resist, otherwise no one can withstand the power of a sword.

"The spirit of fire is really amazing. According to rumors, when he was young, the divine sword leaped into his arms, nourishing his meridians and bones with sword intent, and did not leave until he proclaimed himself emperor. It was during this period of time that he felt a trace of the charm of the ultimate weapon, so he can use it at this time."

"That's right, and there are also rumors that Huo Ling, a peerless evildoer, once slayed thirty clans just to get the legendary mother gold, and finally succeeded. Based on the mother gold and based on that divine sword... , modeled on a fire spirit sword."

Huo Ling's reputation is too great, and his entire growth is legendary. For example, at this time, just a flaming long sword appeared in his hand, and everyone exclaimed and said all kinds of scalp-numbing things. event.

The ultimate weapon is the warrior of the gods. Even the world's most outstanding master metalsmith may not be able to imitate it successfully.

But he really forged such a big sword, which has the charm of the ultimate weapon, and the wisps of sword will bloom, making all the cultivators terrified.

"Hehe, this sword guzzles the blood of three thousand emperors, and you are three thousand and one."

Huo Ling laughed bloodily and cruelly, and the phantom became more and more solid, as if growing real flesh and blood, as if the real body had descended.

This sentence is terrifying!

Three thousand emperor blood!

Does it mean that this sword has killed three thousand emperors?

You can't think about it carefully, otherwise it will make people despair. Maybe many self-proclaimed evil cultivators will not be able to see so many emperor-level powerhouses in their lives.

"What kind of atmosphere is blowing?"

Lin Fan was fearless, and at this time, he actually took a step back. Of course, he was not avoiding the battle, but a ray of spirit overflowed from between his brows, turning into a golden figure, with one hand holding a golden The Thunder jumped into his hand and said the heavy halberd, holding the halberd and pointing at the body of the fire spirit.


Someone gasped.

Lin Fan is in the Three Thousand Realms, but he is also famous.

Indirectly or directly wiped out the master-level families, and there were four or five masters who died in his hands.

But in all fairness, everyone still doesn't think he is Huo Ling's opponent.

Most of them thought that he would retreat, or that he was forced to such a point that he had to fight Huo Ling's Dao body and then retreated after being defeated, which can be regarded as holding on.

The result is that he only drives a ray of Taoist body to face the fire spirit, not fighting with his own body. How confident is this?


The great battle has begun, but it has to be said that Lin Fan's Taoist body suffers too much. It is not the realm and combat power that suffer, but the soldiers!

It was because the long sword in Huo Ling's hand really possessed a terrifying power that did not belong to the level of domination, while Lin Fan's Taoist body randomly picked up thunder as a halberd, so it was split into light and dispersed many times.

"Destroying your dao body is killing your body."

The fire spirit became fierce and boundless, opening and closing, killing the surrounding fields roaring, the space exploded, and when the sword intent was in the air, it seemed to pierce through the nine heavens and kill the nine seclusions.

"Hehe, I'm looking forward to meeting your deity."

Lin Fan sneered.

He didn't put the body of Huo Ling in his eyes at all, and didn't answer the Huo Ling directly.

This makes people frown.

Of course, it also made some cultivators who worshiped the fire spirit snort coldly.

Is this so conceited that he puts himself on the same level as Huo Ling?

They almost didn't point to Lin Fan to say - please weigh yourself first.

After three hundred moves, the long sword in Huo Ling's hand pierced Lin Fandao's chest, but the heavy halberd in Lin Fandao's hand passed through the eyebrows of Huo Lingdao's body, bringing out a large cluster of fiery red beams.

"how come!"

"how so?"

"How could the invincible Young Master Huo Ling lose?"

A group of people were horrified and shouted in disbelief at the same time.

"By the way, the heavy halberd in Lin Fan's hand is relatively long, and the sword in Mr. Huo Ling's hand is too short, so he suffered a disadvantage in the final blow."

"It must be so, one inch is longer and one inch is stronger."

There are people who justify in this way, justifying the failure of the idol in their hearts.


Huo Ling's dao body collapsed and turned into golden light, and of course Lin Fan's dao body also disappeared shortly after.

"Very good! Really good Lin Fan, I'll be waiting for you on the sixth floor, waiting for you to come up and kill you."

The voice of Huo Ling's main body was gloomy, floating down from the sixth floor.

Lin Fan was indifferent, and led Xiao Wu and others into the alchemy hall.

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