Twin martial arts

Chapter 2389 Tiancheng

In the starry sky, dead and silent, there is nothing but one's own breathing.

Lin Fan has stepped on dozens of stars, but he didn't see any living things, only some bloodshot bones still mixed in.

This is the tragic image of the cultivator who came before him was robbed and wiped out by something unknown.

It seems that those revolving stars are close at hand, but in fact, even with Lin Fan's ability, it takes at least half a month to rush from one star to another.

In his talisman ring, there is also a shuttle boat from the heavens, which was obtained by luck when he killed the heir of the desolate lord, but in most cases, Lin Fan never took the boat.

In this kind of absolute tranquility, one can get closer to the heaven and the earth, feel that the whole person is sublimated, and get closer to the Tao.

This was not an illusion of Lin Fan, but at the same time, his Taoism was really improving, although it was slow, it was enough to make him ecstatic.

After boarding a big star again, there was an uproar of people's voices, and there was obviously a newly built city, which was very rough, but Lin Fan could clearly see from a distance that the newly built city was very vast, at least able to It can accommodate 3 people.

Moreover, the buildings in these cities seem familiar, with a strong seventh world style.

This made Lin Fan's eyes show longing.

He was missing his own sister, his parents who had been holding back and never seeing each other, and of course, that boy Xu Yang.

His spirit explored away, he wanted to perceive whether Xuyang and Jue'er were in this city.

Lin Fan is sure that with Xu Yang's temperament, it is impossible to stay idle. After knowing the appearance of Kuhai, he will definitely come. Now that Xu Yang has come, his sister will definitely come too.

"What a dare! Who dares to explore Tiancheng?"

Lin Fan's spreading soul seemed to hit a hot iron, which made him feel pain, and the surging soul power suppressed him, wanting to find his true self.

Lin Fan's eyes were slightly cold, and he set up many void traps with his soul, luring the crushed soul power into each trap, and he took the opportunity to withdraw his own soul power.

"So powerful." Lin Fan commented, this person is amazing, in terms of the power of the soul alone, he is at the level of a master, but because the incident happened in a hurry, he did not find out what level this person's cultivation level is.

But either way, it's a scary overhauler.

You know, his soul power is far superior to those of the same realm. Over the years, he has seldom suffered from the soul, but today he was almost robbed by accident.

The soul net like a red-hot iron is clearly a large formation, the purpose of which is to prevent others from exploring.

But Lin Fan didn't get nothing, at least he affirmed Xu Yang and others, the acquaintance of the Seventh Realm is no longer in this city.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Fan changed his appearance, completely concealed his aura, and walked towards the city.

There is no way, he caused too much disturbance in the Seventh Realm, and the so-called reward orders have been announced by the uncle more than once.

At the same time, in the city.


An old man with gray hair had dark eyes.

"What's wrong? Elder Gui, didn't you catch that lunatic?" Someone asked.

"It's too cunning to arrange thousands of void traps in an instant." Old Gui's eyes became even more sinister.

"Haha, to be able to escape from your hands, this lunatic is quite impressive."

A man came, tall and straight, with a jade tree facing the wind.

"He can't escape, unless he doesn't enter this city." Gui Lao sneered: "As long as he dares to take a step closer to this city, this emperor can directly pick him out and kill him."

After Gui Lao finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and the soul power that made Lin Fan amazed poured out from between his brows, and there was a rushing sound like a long river rushing.

At this time, Lin Fan was at the entrance of the city. He wanted to step in directly, but he sensed the danger in an instant, as if he was being stared at by a hungry wolf, and he smelled the familiar Taste, a sneer twitched at the corner of his mouth, thunder pool shook in the sea of ​​souls, electric wires that no one could see covered his whole body.

At this point, after making sure that he would not be seen through by others, and that he would not be seen as his true self, he strode towards the city gate.

The soul power nailed to him seemed to hesitate for a moment, but finally left.


Lin Fan approached the city gate, but was stopped by a statue of Emperor Lin.

Lin Fan frowned and stopped, and Emperor Lin clicked his tongue and smiled: "A person from the world of heaven and man?"

"Is there something wrong?" Lin Fan asked.

"Yuan Shi." This Emperor Lin spoke directly, with a bright smile, and put his hand directly under Lin Fan's nose.

"Yuan Shi?" Lin Fan was really puzzled.

"Do you think this city came out of thin air?" Lindi said with his nostrils upturned, "That was funded and built by the nobles of the uncle's mansion, which consumed infinite manpower and material resources. What about stone?

Moreover, you are from the world of heaven and man. In theory, you are not allowed to enter the city. Look at this sign. "

This Lindi pointed to a city gate, and someone carved a line of words on the stone with his fingers-the theory of pigs and celestial beings is not allowed to enter.

Such words made Lin Fan's eyes turn cold.

"Of course, the so-called theory is just a theory. If you can pay 3 yuan stone, you can enter. The teacher told you that this city will soon prosper. The nobleman has sent many envoys out, and their footprints are all over the starry sky. Maybe In ten and a half months, cultivators from the entire starry sky will flow into this city, where they will exchange all kinds of treasures that they don't need."

This Lindi opened his mouth.

Lin Fan sneered: "Since the noble man you speak of has such vision and wants to gather cultivators from the entire starry sky to come to this city, why did you engrave this line of words? Why do you treat people from the Heaven and Human Realm differently?"

"Isn't it because a dog named Lin Fan appeared in your celestial world?" Lindi curled his lips: "Hmph, that guy is dead, this starry sky must be his burial place."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, but he didn't show any killing intent.

It's just because the spirit that just left him has come again and has been peeping in the dark.

Lin Fan didn't say much, and the left and right were only tens of thousands of stones, so he handed it over directly.

"Hey, those who know the current affairs are heroes, don't blame us, it's really because Lin Fan is angry and resentful, and half of the people in the seventh realm want to kill him." The Emperor Lin put the primordial stone given by Lin Fan into a box. , threw it in his hand, and said: "By the way, the nobleman has an order. If anyone can provide Lin Fan with a definite and useful hiding place, he can reward him with a lot of treasure."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes: "Okay, I will pay attention, if there is any news about Lin Fan, I will definitely come."

After Lin Fan entered the city, the spirit never left. Even though Lin Fan had been wandering in the city for at least half an hour, the power of the spirit never weakened at all.

It wasn't until Lin Fan rented a low-rise room at a high price, and seemingly unintentionally revealed the cultivation of the peak of the Holy King, and arranged the lower layers of large formations, that the spirit power of detection did not leave.

"A mere sage, you can slap him to death; if you show your true cultivation one step later, you will die. You are a waste of less than ants, and you are wasting my emperor's time!"

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