Twin martial arts

Chapter 2388 Each has its own way

The ancient beast was extremely strong, much stronger than the average emperor, but he met Lin Long who had just made great progress and gained the spirit of the demon.

It has to be said that the monster's nerves are amazing, it's just a method recorded in it, which makes Lin Long seem to be a different person, so powerful that he suppresses this ancient beast so that he has no power to fight back, so he can easily kill him. obliterate.

The ancient beast is too huge. Its head is like a crocodile, but its body is like a dragon. I don't know what kind of race it is. At this time, Lin Fan is peeling off his hideous shell that is as hard as fine gold, which is of no use to him. However, if you give it to the master of the caster, you can cast many talisman helmets.

"Damn! Is this dragon tendon?" Lin Fan looked at Lin Long, but he didn't see that Lin Long was trying his best to endure, and the corners of his eyes were twitching.

"They said that bows and arrows made of dragon tendons and bones are amazing, as are the materials used for many precious bows in legends." Lin Fan spoke again, excitedly.

"It's enough for you, it's almost no fun; don't you think that the mighty Dragon King is by your side?" Lin Long scolded angrily.

"Hey." Lin Fan smiled, "Look, how good it is."

Lin Long was startled.

Lin Fan said: "I've said it more than once, from the moment I separated you, you are an independent individual, so don't worry too much about many things."

"Understood." Lin Long just answered briefly.

"I'm really sorry. I know that during this period of time, the irritability and anger in your heart have not been vented much." Lin Fan apologized.

All of this, of course, originated from Tian Xin'er.

He blamed himself.

"The anger has not been vented, but the starry sky is vast, and those who seek death do not know who they are. They kill one by one, and there will be a day when the vent is over." Lin Long was cold, and there was an undisguised killing intent in his eyes.

"Okay, but we can't kill innocent people indiscriminately, this is our bottom line, otherwise how are we better than others?" Lin Fan warned.

Lin Long nodded, indicating that he knew it, and then said: "The demon nerves are indeed not suitable for you, but you can also practice some of them, such as the Dragon Capture Hand and the True Phoenix Thirty Thousand Slash."

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and shook his head after a while: "Forget it, I always have a feeling that the more great arts I get at this time, the more I will be imprisoned for my future development. All the things you have learned are integrated and integrated, and you don't need too many secret techniques, but you have to step out of your own way."

"It has always been you who led me forward and climbed to a higher place. I also really want to try if I can enter another realm before you." Lin Long said with a smile: "You have you I have my way, and I have my way, but the way leads to the same way.”

"The word Dao Going Together is very good. It is much better than walking alone on the road." Lin Fan and Lin Long went out of the Great Lakes: "The word walking alone on the road is too scary. If the road really needs to be walked alone, in the end it will be How lonely it must be to find that there are no relatives or relatives around me."

Breaking through the big lake and walking on the waves, Lin Fan took back the god-suppressing bell, and Li Guang's big mouth jumped up. He was not polite at all, and bluntly said that the so-called inheritance has a share for those who see it, and he must be divided.

Lin Fan rolled his eyes, but Lin Long was not stingy, and passed the dragon-capturing hand to Li Guang with the imprint of his soul: "You first master this skill. It is said that you can capture and kill Tianlong, and its power is infinite."

"Yo, catch the dragon's hand?" Li Guang raised his eyebrows, and squinted at Lin Long: "You did it on purpose? I hope that one day I will use this technique to suppress you?

Moreover, it is too difficult to practice the Dragon Capture Hand. It would be best if you have a real dragon to accompany you. Of course, you are the most suitable training partner. "

The corners of Lin Long's eyebrows jumped up: "I feel that in order to avoid being blocked by you in the future, I need to block you hundreds of times now."

"Stop, I'm just joking. My brother, the so-called suppression, etc. are all jokes." Li Guang looked serious, completely forgetting the provocation he had just leaned on.

In the end, no surprise, he was sealed by Lin Long, and he was frozen in Lan Youyou's ice marrow.

Li Guang is really a living treasure. He can use all kinds of unimaginable means and methods in every time period to make people forget their worries for a short time.

For example, at this time, he was sealed in the ice marrow, but his face was full of resentment, and his face was about to cry, like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

Lin Long released the seal, and Li Guang spat a few mouthfuls of icy foam: "You are really cruel, you have to remember, you are a training partner, you are training with me, not me. To figure out the priority."

"Okay, I see." Lin Long said, and then Li Guang was frozen again.

"You are too careless, you have the guts to wait for me for 1000 years, and when the time comes to fight, such a big thing like this one that is destined to become a god for a thousand years is just like a real dragon dormant; one day the dragon will come out of the shallows "Li Guang was a stubborn duck, and was blocked by Lin Long time and time again, but every time he unblocked, he would cross his hands and straighten his waist, making a gesture of pointing at Jiangshan.

"Forget it, I don't care about you, I'm so tired." Lin Long curled his lips, and at this moment, he looked at Lin Fan: "What's the next arrangement?"

Lin Fan frowned: "I'm going to find the ancient road in the mouth of the ancient beast. Of course, before that, I will go to the starry sky."

"I want to walk alone." Lin Long said: "After obtaining the Demon Emperor's Sutra, I urgently need an endless bloody battle, and need to linger in the great terror between life and death in order to master this sutra as soon as possible."

"I'm going to walk alone, too."

At this time, Li Guang also spoke, very serious and solemn.

Both Lin Fan and Lin Long changed their colors slightly.

Among the brothers, Li Guang was the weakest, so invisibly, Lin Fan and the others protected him very well, and subconsciously wanted to protect him behind them, and did not want him to experience any crisis.

"It's really safe to walk with you, you can rest assured, you can close your eyes, but what's the point to me?" Li Guang was laughing at this moment: "Wu Jian found his fortune, Lin Long also has the Demon Emperor's Scripture, what do you want?" Go find your own way, although Wuji has never seen it, but I always feel that this guy may be the same as before, he is studying in the unknown, so what about me?"

Lin Fan was silent for a long time.

He was thinking, did they protect Li Guang too well?

In fact, at this time, Li Guang put aside his cultivation, he is still the master of Qingzhou, without them, wouldn't Li Guang be alone?

Played the first piece of land exclusively for their brothers?

"Okay, you can go, but I need to leave a ray of thought on you." Lin Fan said, seeing Li Guang's self-deprecating expression, he quickly remedied: "It's not that I don't believe in your ability, but that I must If you want to do this, you and my brother still have important things to do. It would be too wasteful to just fall into the starry sky like this. Besides, I want you to promise that unless you are really about to die, my thoughts won't show up."

"Okay." Li Guang agreed.

The three of them parted on this planet, and all three of them walked in different directions randomly.

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