Twin martial arts

Chapter 2381 Despicable

Of course, the most important thing is that his small world is about to take shape completely, able to withstand the impact of quicksand in the starry sky, and the power of the world tree is infinite, it can easily suppress the quicksand directly, subdue it, even if another person comes It's useless to cultivate more advanced than Lin Fan, without targeted means, it's useless to come here.

Lin Fan resisted, all the repulsive force, all the expulsion, etc., were blocked by the mysterious yellow energy hanging from the God's Bell above Lin Fan's head, and he strode forward.

One by one the cultivators were rescued by him, but surprisingly, none of them thanked him, they were all silent, as if it was only natural for Lin Fan to save them.

Therefore, Lin Fan was also very rude, and threw them out of the starry sky like throwing garbage. Soon, Lin Fan broke into the very center!

At this moment, Bubai was being suppressed by a quicksand, and most of his body was crushed to pieces. Lin Fan approached, cut off all the body under his chest with a halberd, and twisted his head in his hands.

So far, all survivors have been rescued by Lin Fan. Of course, on the way Lin Fan came, some people died tragically, but that was beyond Lin Fan's ability, and there was no time to save them.

Bubai's eyes were gloomy.

It was so humiliating that Lin Fan grabbed his hair with one hand and held it in his hand, shaking with Lin Fan's steps.

The most important thing was that Lin Fan could keep him, at least without cutting off his body, but Lin Fan did it ruthlessly.

"Don't try to kill me, did you forget that I still hold you in my hand?"

Lin Fan sneered, and a golden light blade appeared on his fingertips, cutting gently, cutting off Bubai's ears.

He didn't have the slightest liking for Undefeated.

He had lobbied Lin Long more than once, proposing various cruel methods to kill him.

At this time, he was able to rescue him, which was completely incidental. Of course, this was also the reason why Lin Fan completely ignored Unbeaten. To cause trouble, just kill it directly.

Bubai snorted, but the murderous aura disappeared in an instant, Lin Fan said coldly: "Before showing murderous intentions and intentions next time, figure out your situation first, and don't force me to kill you."

Lin Fan opened his mouth, and at this moment, he kicked Bubai's head away with one kick, causing him to fly out of the quicksand, while his true self was standing there, looking brightly at the undefeated Put away the quicksand.

There are many more, estimated to be a hundred.

From the outside, these quicksands in the starry sky are only the size of a little finger, but after you break into them, each quicksand is like a real star, vast and boundless, heavy and majestic.

Lin Fan knew that this was a stroke of luck, that this was a great treasure, and that he had miscalculated earlier.

This is definitely not only able to refine heavy weapons for Nightmare, maybe a few women he loves can be shared equally, or sacrificed into beautiful armor, or smelted into soldiers.

There is no need to doubt, even if it is an ordinary soldier, if this starry sky quicksand is mixed into it, its quality will change drastically, and it will become a big killer against the sky. Attack with all your strength without damage.

"Lin Fan!"

At this moment, Bubai's roar shook the main Xingyu, and shattered hundreds of stars. At this time, he was not in the slightest embarrassment, and he had recovered his true self, with an emperor sword lying on Li Guang. On the neck, there is a sneer and cruelty.

Lin Fan looked back and glanced lightly: "Are you begging to die?"

"Jie Jie, it seems that the legend is wrong. The so-called incomparable benevolence and righteousness are all jokes. You don't care about your brother's life or death." Bubai grinned grimly.

Lin Fan turned his head and took off a star suspended above his head, and said indifferently: "You will die."

"Dead?" Bubai laughed loudly, as if he had heard the best joke in the world: "Look back, how many people are behind this emperor."

Lin Fan didn't need to look at him to know that all the people he had just rescued stood behind Bubai, all staring at him with murderous intent.

Seeing him picking off one star after another—the quicksand in the starry sky, the greedy light in his eyes was blooming, bright and compelling.


Lin Fan laughed jokingly, and looked back at the person he saved first: "Where's your promise? Where's your promise?"

"Promise? Promise?" Dijun sneered: "How old are you? Still believe in this thing? In front of treasures like quicksand in the starry sky, even father and son may turn against each other. What is the use of the so-called promise?"

"Understood." Lin Fan nodded.

"Hey, if you don't want your brother to die tragically before your eyes, quickly hand over the quicksand you collected from the starry sky. If not, kill your brother first, killing your body, and killing you all."

Bubai grinned again, too ferocious and cruel.

"Should I hand over the things to you now? But the problem is, the power will be greatly reduced before the collection is completed." Lin Fan smiled brightly.

"Don't talk nonsense, collect all the quicksand quickly, and roll over honestly and hand it over to the emperor. Otherwise, they will all be suppressed and killed." Bubai said.

He was urging Lin Fan to quickly collect all the quicksand in the starry sky, and threatened that if Lin Fan deliberately slowed down, he would not mind removing Li Guang's arms or thighs first.

The so-called despicable, but the case, ungrateful are not enough to describe the case.

But Lin Fan seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and he didn't show any anger or dissatisfaction at all, but the speed of picking the 'stars' became faster.

Soon, all the starry quicksands were put away.

"Aren't you coming here quickly?"

Bubai Cancan, he was impatient, and was urging Lin Fan to hand over the quicksand in the starry sky.

Lin Fan shrugged his shoulders innocently: "There are so many people, who do I hand over to?"

"Hey, sowing discord? Do you think it's useful?" Bubai grinned grinningly: "I've been guarding against your trick for a long time."

"Hehe, Lin Fan, don't waste your efforts. We have already discussed that after getting all the quicksands, ten emperors and six emperors will be distributed according to their cultivation, which is fair and just."

Some emperors are laughing.

"Okay, I understand." Lin Fan grinned: "But why do you think I will hand over the things? Save you chickens and dogs?"

"Jie Jie, I know you are strong, but what's the use? The son-in-law is already on his way, and it only takes a moment to arrive here. When that time comes, what are you?"

The son-in-law that Bubai spoke of was of course Lin Long.

This made Lin Fan raise his eyebrows slightly.

He hadn't even contacted Lin Long before, and the two separated intentionally when they disembarked. Unexpectedly, this Bubai actually had a way to contact Lin Long.


At this moment, a golden dragon came across the dark starry sky.

"My son-in-law, we are here!"

Bubai roared loudly, and his whole body glowed, illuminating the sky. He used himself as a guiding light to guide Lin Long's progress.

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